Pelvic Heart Immersion: Breath, Bodywork & Transformation
naar 22 dec

Pelvic Heart Immersion: Breath, Bodywork & Transformation

Imagine how you life would be different, if all you know now about love, sexuality and relationships you would learn 10 years earlier?

Not from own trials and errors but in safe supported enviroment, with knowledge. How would it change you love life?

This Edition of Pelvic Heart Immersion is specially for people who wants to build a solide new foundation for relating, transform core beliefs and reset relationship patterns.

This Immersion is a 'deep dive' experience which will give you the opportunity and abilities to change and to rewrite the script of your early love imprints.
It can bring a new template into your love life and your relationship with yourself and the others.
You will reach the space of freedom and choices to create your new experience which will serve you to feel fully welcome in Life and Love.
Pelvic Heart Immersion will give you a deep and rich opportunity to explore, to embody and to express yourself, fully enjoying who you are:
- the tools to rewrite the script of the Love Story- the Alchemy of your Parental Triangle
- the insights in what was holding you back in love and life
- letting go of limitations in love you have got at your very early age
-getting the permissions to reclaim pleasure, without guilt and shame
-to unlock the natural source of ultimate joy and freedom- receiving life and love without limits

The all-inclusive program of this fully accommodated, intensive and deeply transforming four-days Intensive:
-Support before and after the Immersion.
- Personal introductory talks : Intake online, in preparation for the Immersion and individual contactmoment for the integration afterwards
- early morning program: yoga, movement, bare feet walks
- all workshops, individual sessions & practices
- accommodation based on single bedroom, two- or four-bed room, of your choice (as long as this option is available)
-organic vegetarian catering
-Staying in the nature environment with lots of walking possibilities
- house surrounded by nature: during the Immersion you have the space to integrate and to rest
-there are evening programs: with music, massage, connective community rituals and more.


-All-in, 850,- eu per person incl. retreat program, catering and accommodation based on 2-3 pers bedroom.

-Non residential, 750,- eu per person without accommodation, incl. full retreat program & catering.

Would you really like to participate in this Immersion, but you don't have enough financial space?
Send a motivation letter to Tanya and consult her about the possibilities to make a part of the contribution in a different way. A partially subsidised place has been made available.

Contact us for more information:

More explicit info about the method and the facilitators you will find on the website.


Voor wie?

Een 4-daagse retraite voor mensen die meer willen ontdekken over sexualiteit, relaties en liefdesenergie. Voor wie het verlangen heeft om steviger in relaties te staan. Patronen loslaten die je niet meer dienen, met erotische energie leren werken om meer te voelen en meer plezier te ervaren, in eigen lijf en contacten met anderen. Liefde, passie, spiritualiteit en seksualiteit als kernthema’s van ons menszijn komen uitvoerig aan bod in Pelvic Heart Immersion.

PHI als methode

PHI is een Whole brain methode en leerweg die ons ondersteunt om bekken en hart met elkaar te verbinden. Het biedt krachtige tools om jezelf als totaal mens meer in harmonie te brengen door middel van ademwerk, lichaamsoefeningen, tantrisch energiewerk, psychodrama en systemisch werk. Hierdoor kunnen diepe imprint en trauma's getransformeerd worden en belemmerende familiepatronen opgeschoond.

Wat kun je verwachten?

- intensieve vierdaagse in veilige setting
- diepgaande individuele - en groepsprocessen met potentie tot transformatie
- veel diversiteit in aangeboden werkvormen en oefeningen met het accent op lichaamswerk (voelen, ervaren en integreren).
-Pelvic Release sessies om spanningen en blokkades in het bekkengebied te releasen en te integreren door middel van ademwerk en lichaamswerk
-bij sommige processen werken wij met gedeeltelijke naaktheid. Je bepaalt altijd zelf hoeveel of hoe weinig kleding je draagt.
- momenten van sharing (delen van ervaringen in de groep)
-ruimte om jezelf te kunnen zijn, met respect voor ieders achtergrond en intentie
-voldoende tijd om te integreren en ruimte voor speelsere werkvormen (dans, massage, play) in de avond
- de Immersion wordt gegeven in het Nederlands
- besloten groep van maximaal 9 deelnemers, gesteund door ervaren begeleiders en assistentie in persoonlijke processen.

- dag programma
-inclusief avondprogramma met muziek, massage, Sacred Fire (ritueel buiten).
- overnachtingen op basis van 3- persoonskamer, met luxe badkamer
- biologisch vegetarische catering (ontbijt, lunch en diner)
- buitenactiviteiten
- Verblijf in landelijke omgeving met wandel- en relax mogelijkheden
- vrije tijd: tijdens de Immersion heb je de ruimte om te integreren of uit te rusten.


Facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal
Tanya is een somatisch seksuologe, intimiteitscoach, shamanic ritualist,  lichaamsgericht traumatherapeut en een medicijnvrouw.

Ze heeft achtergrond in muziekonderwijs en hulpverlening.

Sexological Body work, tantra, seksuele sjamanisme en Pelvic Heart Integration (zoals onderwezen door Deborah Taj Anapol) zijn haar werkgebieden.
In haar werk brengt Tanya helende tradities, kunst en wetenschap bij elkaar, met diepte en humor.
Tanya faciliteert retraites in Nederland en in het buitenland en begeleidt cliënten in haar praktijk in Amsterdam.

Begeleiding en ondersteuning:

Anina Storteboom

Anina is een gedreven en ervaren trainer en therapeut/coach en een “deep diver” die wijsheid en kennis combineert met speelsheid en lichtvoetige energie. Tantra heeft haar bevrijd van een boel overtollige bagage en haar hart geopend voor liefde.

In haar praktijk Hartenlust geeft ze lichaamsgerichte sessies, massages en verschillende massage-arrangementen en workshops voor stellen en vrouwen. Ze heeft de PHI practitioner opleiding afgerond en past dit nu toe in haar eigen praktijk. 

Het nog meer en dieper in je eigen bekken zakken en contact maken met wat er is, heeft haar veel gebracht. Het is de plek van creatie, van vrijheid en van overgave aan het leven, zoals het zich aandient. 


Residentieel all-in Incl. catering & accommodatie op basis van 3-persoonskamer: 850,- euro
Deelname retreat incl. catering zonder accommodatie: 750,- euro

Meer informatie?
Ben je enthousiast geworden en voel je dat dit voor jou is, of wil je er meer over weten? Stuur een mail aan Tanya Rozenthal via:
Aanmeldingen verlopen via Tanya. Meer uitgebreide informatie lees je op onze websites.

Evenement bekijken →

Erotic Death & Rebirth
3:00 p.m.15:00

Erotic Death & Rebirth

Erotic Death & Rebirth

A transformational ritual experience that guides you through energetic death portals, into deep states of release, liberating authenticity, and renewed aliveness!

Together, we will enter the gateway of the deep, darkening time of the year from Samhain (31st October) to Yule (22nd December), to receive it’s transformative gifts!

We will use the autumnal forces so potent at this time of year, to activate your body with the transformational letting go you long for.

? Are you ready to invite pleasure and deeply, delicious presence, in your process of inner emancipation?

? Are you ready to become all that you are?

? Are you willing to give up who you have been?

? Do you hear your soul calling to bring yourself home to the bigger mystery of life?

In this ritual workshop experience Tanya and Sadhu will guide and support you in embodying the eros of release.

You will be invited to surrender your self limiting strategies and small making of yourself, over to life’s big intelligence.

Using movement, breath, touch, sound, and other embodiment tools, you will be guided in empowering yourself to meet your fear, choose your courage, and emerge with greater openness to life!

? What will I gain from this ritual workshop experience?
-How to use the transformational power of death in everyday/moment to moment experiences.
-How to use the power of sacrifice to invest your energy in what you most want to create in your life.
-How to meet pleasure in dying, ending, and completion, experiences in life.

Join us in powerfully transitioning through energetic death portals to meet the eros of your power to choose life!

Tanya and Sadhu love to share their gifts as space holders and facilitators of deep process work. They bring a rich fusion of experience in s∈xual shamanic work, s∈xological bodywork, tantra, and embodiment practices, working with individuals, couples and groups.

They are playful love pirates riding the sea of transformation, each devoted to their own individual heart expanding journeys. They are grounded, creative and committed to authentic human expression.

You can read more about
Sadhu at
and Tanya at

This is a very LGBTQ+ Friendly event! All adults of all gender identities and s∈xual preferences are welcome.

You may experience the practices and processes in this ritual workshop as er0tic.

This event involves optional nudity and optional er0tic touch.
You are never required to touch or be touched by someone you don’t wish to share touch with, or to be touched in any way that is not of your choosing.

In this workshop we ask you to take full responsibility for the choices you make in how you participate.

You are always encouraged to stay and play within your own boundaries and create an experience that honours the boundaries of each person you work with. We also invite you to allow yourself to be surprised, and open to exploring the possibilities of experience you can create when you let go of preconceived ideas.

You’ll be encouraged to focus on your experience of your own aliveness & er0tic energy in your body, and to let go of any agenda for s∈xual interactions or fulfilment of attractions. This deep process work does not require participants to feel attracted to one another.

RSVP now! Spaces are limited.

Registration is complete once your payment is received.

No one is turned away for lack of funds. If the low income ticket is beyond your current financial means then please contact Sadhu to discuss further price reductions.


Cancellations and refunds
Cancellations made more than 28 days in advance of the event will receive a full refund minus a €25 administration fee. Cancellations made 28 days or less before the event will be charged in full. In unavoidable circumstances, Sadhu & Tanya may, at their own discretion, give a partial refund or transfer your payment to a future event (minus a €25 administration fee).

Please arrive at least 15minutes before start time to allow for set up
Doors open 30minutes before start time. If you know you tend to run late then aim to get here when the doors open, 30minutes before the start time.

Please bring a blanket, sheet, large towel, and water bottle.
Please wear stretchable, comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely - you may also want to wear clothing that makes you feel s∈xy.
Nudity is very welcome!

Food will be incorporated into the ritual experience.
- Please bring some food to share (preferably vegan and gluten free).

14:30 Doors Open
15:00 Start (prompt)
22:30 Finish

It is important that you stay to the end of this event. If you have plans afterwards, please make sure you allow yourself time to transition out of the experience.

Evenement bekijken →
Pelvic Heart Immersion: Re-writing your Love script. Next Generation Edition
naar 7 okt

Pelvic Heart Immersion: Re-writing your Love script. Next Generation Edition

Pelvic Heart Immersion: Re-writing your Love script

Next Generation Edition

(Dutch below)
In this 6 days journey we are going to explore, transform and experience the essential laws of the Life energy flow and the human nature of Love.
We will dive into the foundation of the Breath of Life and the polarity of the Masculine and the Feminine as an Alchemical process you were born from.
You will be able to see, to experience, to feel and to own the cell information you was born with and what you are carrying with you as a genetic Love Code.
In this structure you will find deep insights of what and how it effected you as a free s’xual human being.
We will discover how our characteristic breathing patterns, thoughts, emotions, and body armour block the free flow of our life force and inhibit our capacity for sensual pleasure and orgasmic energies. We use breath, movement and mindful touch to feel the unity of love and satisfaction.

Love, passion, spirituality and sexuality as core themes of being human are extensively discussed in the Pelvic Heart Immersion (PHI, pelvic-heart intensive).

PHI increases our awareness in the field of love, relationships and sexuality. It gives you powerful tools to harmonize yourself as a total being. Through depth bodywork, tantric energy work, breath work, psychodrama, transforming systemic traumas and hindering family patterns, you are invited to explore these themes.

Love and passion

For a child it is important to see that his or her mother and father feel love and passion for each other. It touches a deep level of self-esteem and self-love. If there are tensions between the parents, you can take over as a child. It is important as a child to have an example of flowing love between his or her parents. The child thus receives permission to be worthy of his or her (own) love.

Role model

If the child has missed this, the balance between allowing love and receiving can be disturbed. When the flow of receiving is blocked, this can be reflected in our adult (sexual) relationships. There is no role model for receiving, so we are going to fill in relationships with giving. When parents are not supportive of our sexuality, this can cause problems in inventing and integrating it.


During the workshop we explore deep processes in re-uniting sexuality and love. A flowing connection between your pelvis and your heart is essential. If you are not reachable in your pelvis, then you will experience love mainly from your heart. It can lead to you giving easily and that you are less aware of your limits. Intimacy When your energy flows mainly from your pelvis, but your heart is protecting itself because of the memories of old pain, you may be able to express yourself sexually, but the intimate deepening from your heart is less present. You may experience more flatness on an emotional level and miss intimacy in your relationships.

Healing your Inner Marriage

You will be guided in harmoniously connecting your inner masculine and feminine parts and in discovering how you can deepen and increase the flow of love for yourself and for others, through the connection of your pelvis with your heart. This inner integration gives a constant sensual dimension to your love. By opening yourself to spiritual energy flowing from the past, your parents and your ancestors, you will experience how your Sex, Heart and Spirit come to a wholeness, supporting your family's experiences, desires and blessings. It will give you the opportunity to experience your sexuality as a gift of a vital, greater flow of a life force that unites the past, present and future of your bloodline in a healing movement.

What can you expect?

-6 days Intensive, safe-setting-private group of up to sixteen participants, personally supported by experienced facilitator and PHI practitioners

- participants from all sexual orientations and expressions are welcome

- in-depth individual and group processes with the potential for transformation

- breath work, body work, family dynamics, patterns in generations

- we protect your safety and your limits with our lives and bodies

- in some processes we work with partial nudity. You always choose how much or how little clothing you wear

- if desired: intimate body work (pelvic release) to release and integrate tensions and blockages in the pelvic area

-personal guidance & assistance

- The Immersion is given in English (translated in Dutch when needed).

What do the others say about the Pelvic Heart Immersion?

Being able to show myself authetically and being received fully with my desires in a safe and extremely non-judgemental space was a game changer in my life. Finally I could express my needs in my relationships. This was extremely useful, especially when dating new potential partners or getting to know new friends.

Mr. W.F., 35 yr.

I feel a great shift in myself after the workshop. I feel my center, my core as my own truth. I experience more pleasure in my body, and feel more safety and freedom to express myself in my relationship. I care less about what others think of me and I can sink better into a relaxation.

Mrs. M.S., 41 years

The team

PHI facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal

PHI assistance & process support: PHI practitioners Anina Storteboom en Fabian Werner

This Immersion is a 'deep dive' experience which will give you the opportunity and abilities to change and to rewrite the script of your early love imprints.
It can bring a new template into your love life and your relationship with yourself and the others.

You will reach the space of freedom and choices to create your new experience which will serve you to feel fully welcome in Life and Love.

Pelvic Heart Immersion will give you a deep and rich opportunity to explore, to embody and to express yourself, fully enjoying who you are:

- the tools to rewrite the script of the Love Story- the Alchemy of your parental Triangle
- the insights in what was holding you back in love and life
- letting go of limitations in love you have got at your very early age
-getting the permissions to reclaim pleasure, without guilt and shame
-to unlock the natural source of ultimate joy and freedom- receiving life and love without the limits

No previous experience of this kind of work is required, though familiarity with the principles of neo-Reichian bodywork, emotional release, breathwork, the modern western approach to tantra and conscious relating are all helpful.

All inclusive

The all-inclusive program of this fully accommodated, intensive and deeply transforming six-days Intensive:

-Support before and after the Immersion.

Personal introductory talks : Intake via Skype, in preparation for the Immersion and individual session for the integration afterwards

- early morning program: yoga, movement, bare feet walks

- all workshops

- accommodation based on two- or four-bed room, of your choice (as long as this option is available)

-organic vegetarian catering


-Staying in the nature environment with lots of walking possibilities

- house surrounded by nature: during the Immersion you have the space to integrate and to rest

-there are evening programs: music, massage & relaxation, connective community rituals and more.


Social discount: we have two social subsidised spots with a discount in exchange for practical support.

Would you really like to participate in this Immersion, but you don't have enough financial space? Send a motivation letter to Tanya and consult her about the possibilities to make a part of the contribution in a different way.

A partially subsidized place has been made available. Contact us for more information:

After the booking confirmation you will receive invitation for get-to-know call.


Het Hof van Moeder Aarde, Neede, Achterhoek


PHI Immersion starts on 2.10.23 at 17.00 and ends on 7.10.23 at 16:00.

More information?

Have you become enthusiastic and do you feel that this is for you, or do you want to know more about it? Send an email to Tanya Rozenthal via

Please note: only after her confirmation you can be sure that you can count on a place.

NB. Due to the nature of a deep process, we have room for a maximum of 16 participants.

About Pelvic Heart Integration:

Pelvic Heart Integration is a unique and powerful synthesis of neo-Reichian breathwork, somatic release bodywork, psychodrama, trauma work, body reading, s'xual shamanism and Tantra for understanding and harmonizing the whole person particularly in the areas of relationship, love and sexuality.
This system was developed by Dr. Jack Painter and continued by Dr. Deborah Taj Anapol. It has been called “the most potent integration tool for s'xual harmony” by highly experienced sexuality trainers and workshop leaders.

The Pelvic Heart Integration system increases our awareness and gives us tools for healing developmental issues of childhood to the physical, emotional, interpersonal and s'xual issues confronting us as evolving humans including those beliefs and patterns from our ancestral lineage.

PHI facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal
Tanya loves to share her gifts as space holder and facilitator of deep process work, with wisdom and humor. She brings a rich fusion of experience in Sacred Eros, shamanism and Tantra, trauma and integration, somatic sexology and embodiment practices, working with both individuals and groups.
Tanya has a background in transpersonal and neuro-affective psychology, eastern healing traditions and mysticism and BodyMind therapeutic modalities.
Tanya is grounded, creative and committed to authentic human expression. More about Tanya:

PHI practitioner: Anina Storteboom

Anina is a passionate and experienced trainer, therapist and a "deep diver" who combines wisdom and knowledge with playfulness and light-hearted energy. Tantra freed her from a lot of baggage and opened her heart to love. Anina is the developer of the Temple of Delight tantra workshops, where many men received a warm, loving and dedicated welcome for years.

Anina has completed the PHI practitioner training with Tanya and now applies this in her own practice. Arriving even more and deeper into your own pelvis and making contact with what is there has brought her a lot. It is the place of creation, freedom and surrender to life as it presents itself. In her practice Hartenlust she gives body-oriented coaching sessions, tantric massages, various massage arrangements and workshops for couples and women.

PHI practitioner: Fabian Werner

Fabian is a passionate explorer of human nature with scientific background. As participant he joined the Pelvic Heart Integration retreat a few years ago. This process was so important for him that he definitely wanted to share it with the others. He is now a PHI trainer & practitioner. Fabian is dedicated to authentic truth and gifts of human imperfection. He provides intimacy coaching & PHI sessions and hosts tantric temples and connecting events in Mainz, Germany.


Pelvic Heart Immersion: Integrating Sex, Heart and Spirit

Een 6-daagse retraite voor mensen tussen 20 en 40+ jaar die meer willen ontdekken over hunzelf, relaties en liefdesenergie. Voor wie de verlangen heeft om steviger in relaties te staan. Loslaten patronen die je niet meer dienen, zintuigen wakker willen schudden, om meer te voelen en meer plezier te ervaren in eigen lijf en contacten met anderen. 

Liefde, passie, spiritualiteit en seksualiteit als kernthema’s van ons menszijn komen uitvoerig aan bod in Pelvic Heart Immersion. 

PHI als methode

PHI is een methode en leerweg die ons ondersteunt om bekken en hart met elkaar te verbinden. Het biedt krachtige tools om jezelf als totaal mens meer in harmonie te brengen door middel van ademwerk, lichaamsoefeningen, tantrisch energiewerk, psychodrama en systemisch werk. Hierdoor kunnen trauma’s of diepe imprints getransformeerd worden en belemmerende familiepatronen opgeschoond. 

Liefde en passie

Voor een kind is het belangrijk om te zien en ervaren dat zijn/haar ouders liefde en passie voelen voor elkaar. Het kind ontleent hier op een diep niveau de eigenwaarde en zelfliefde aan, een gevoel van thuiskomen, van veiligheid. Als er spanningen zijn tussen ouders of als het energetisch en seksueel niet stroomt tussen de ouders, geeft dat ook spanning bij het kind. Het voelt dan geen permissie om zelf de eigen liefde waard te zijn. 


Als er disbalans is in de relatie van de ouders, dan kan de balans tussen liefde toelaten en ontvangen verstoord raken. Iemand die niet heeft leren ontvangen kan problemen krijgen om dit wel te doen in latere volwassen (seksuele) relaties. Dit kan leiden tot gedrag waarin er vooral wordt gegeven, zonder het plezier van het ontvangen van liefde en seksualiteit in contact met de ander. Het ontbreken van een rolmodel bij een van de ouders kan je dan parten spelen. 

Dit is ook het geval wanneer er taboes of vooroordelen zijn over intimiteit en seksualiteit. Het kind voelt zich dan niet vrij om te exploreren en ontdekkingen te doen op dit gebied. Hierdoor kunnen er blokkades ontstaan, zowel in het bekkengebied als in het hart om voluit te kunnen liefhebben. 


In deze retraite doen we diep proceswerk om liefde en seksualiteit weer bij elkaar te brengen. Wanneer je energetisch niet aanwezig bent in je bekkengebied, dan ervaar je liefde vooral vanuit je hart. Dit kan ertoe leiden dat je jezelf gemakkelijk geeft, maar je minder bewust bent van je grenzen. Hierdoor verlies je jezelf in relaties met anderen. 

Wanneer je energie vooral stroomt vanuit je bekken, maar je hart zichzelf aan het beschermen is vanwege de herinneringen aan oude pijn, kun je je seksualiteit wel uiten, maar is de intieme verdieping vanuit je hart minder aanwezig. Je kunt dan meer vlakheid ervaren op emotioneel gebied en je mist intimiteit in je relaties.
Helen van de mannelijke en vrouwelijke aspecten in jezelf
Je zal begeleid worden in het harmonieus verbinden van je innerlijke mannelijke en vrouwelijke delen en in het ontdekken hoe je je liefdesstroom voor jezelf en voor de anderen kan verdiepen en vergroten, via de verbinding van je bekken met je hart.  Deze innerlijke integratie geeft een constante sensuele dimensie aan je liefde. Hierdoor kun je in liefdevolle verbinding met anderen zijn, zonder jezelf daarin te verliezen.
Helen van je bloedlijn
Door jezelf te openen voor spirituele energie die vanuit het verleden, vanuit je ouders en je voorouders stroomt, zal je ervaren hoe je seks, hart en spirit tot een eenheid komen, door de ondersteuning van de ervaringen, verlangens en zegeningen van je familie. Het zal je de mogelijkheid geven om je seksualiteit te ervaren als een kostbaar geschenk van een vitale, grotere stroom van levenskracht of levenslust die het verleden, het heden en de toekomst van je bloedlijn verenigt.
Wat kun je verwachten?
- intensieve zesdaagse in veilige setting
- diepgaande individuele - en groepsprocessen met potentie tot transformatie
- veel diversiteit in aangeboden werkvormen en oefeningen met het accent op lichaamswerk (voelen, ervaren en integreren). 
-Pelvic Release sessies om spanningen en blokkades in het bekkengebied te releasen en te integreren door middel van ademwerk en lichaamswerk

-bij sommige processen werken wij met gedeeltelijke naaktheid. Je bepaalt altijd zelf hoeveel of hoe weinig kleding je draagt.

- momenten van sharing (delen van ervaringen in de groep)

-ruimte om jezelf te kunnen zijn, met respect voor ieders achtergrond en intentie

-voldoende tijd om te integreren en ruimte voor speelsere werkvormen (dans, massage, play) in de avond

- de Immersion wordt gegeven in het Engels, met vertaling in het Nederlands naar behoefte.

- besloten groep van maximaal 16 deelnemers, gesteund door ervaren begeleiders en assistentie in persoonlijke processen.

Voor wie is het bedoeld?

  • mensen die verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor hun eigen groei en ontwikkeling op het vlak van liefde, intimiteit en seksualiteit 

  • Doelgroep van deze retraite zijn mensen tussen 20 en 40+ jaar

  • deelnemers van verschillende seksuele oriëntaties en expressies zijn welkom 

    Wat zeggen anderen over de Pelvic Heart Immersion?
    -Wauw wat een reis! Het heeft mij zo veel gebracht. Ik tril nog na van alles wat er in mij gebeurd is. Het bevroren stuk wat ontdooid is en de energie die vrijkwam. Ik voel het nog… De kracht in mij is overweldigend. Ik mag helemaal mijzelf zijn, en ik mag hiervan genieten, zoals ik het nog nooit heb kunnen ervaren. Dhr. H.P., 52 jr.
    -Ik voel een grote verschuiving in mijzelf na de workshop. Ik voel mijn centrum, mijn kern als mijn eigen waarheid. Ik ervaar meer plezier in mijn lijf, en voel meer veiligheid en vrijheid om mijzelf uit te drukken in mijn relatie. Ik trek me minder aan wat de anderen van mij vinden en kan beter zakken in de ontspanning. Mw. M.S., 41 jr.

Facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal
Tanya is een embodiment alchemiste, somatisch seksuologe, intimiteitscoach, shamanic ritualist, trauma-geïnformeerd lichaamsgericht therapeut en kruidenvrouw.
Ze heeft achtergrond in muziekonderwijs en hulpverlening.

Sexological Bodywork, seksuele sjamanisme, vrouwenwerk en Pelvic Heart Integration (zoals onderwezen door Deborah Taj Anapol) zijn haar werkgebieden.
In haar werk brengt Tanya kunst en wetenschap, diepte en humor bij elkaar.
Tanya faciliteert retraites in Nederland en in het buitenland en begeleidt cliënten in haar praktijk in Amsterdam.

Begeleiding en ondersteuning:

Anina Storteboom

Anina is een gedreven en ervaren trainer en therapeut/coach en een “deep diver” die wijsheid en kennis combineert met speelsheid en lichtvoetige energie. Tantra heeft haar bevrijd van een boel overtollige bagage en haar hart geopend voor liefde. Ze is de ontwikkelaar van de Temple of Delight tantra workshops, waar vele mannen jarenlang een warm, liefdevol en toegewijd onthaal kregen.

In haar praktijk Hartenlust geeft ze lichaamsgerichte sessies en massages en verschillende massage-arrangementen en workshops voor stellen en vrouwen. Ze heeft de PHI practitioner opleiding bij Tanya afgerond en past dit nu toe in haar eigen praktijk. 

Het nog meer en dieper in je eigen bekken zakken en contact maken met wat er is, heeft haar veel gebracht. Het is de plek van creatie, van vrijheid en van overgave aan het leven, zoals het zich aandient. 

Fabian Werner
Fabian is een gepassioneerde onderzoeker van de menselijke natuur met een wetenschappelijke achtergrond. Als deelnemer deed hij enkele jaren geleden mee aan de Pelvic Heart Integration retraite. Dit proces was zo belangrijk voor hem dat hij het zeker met de anderen wilde delen. Hij is nu een PHI trainer & beoefenaar. Fabian is toegewijd aan authentieke waarheid en geschenken van menselijke imperfecties. Hij geeft intimiteitscoaching, begeleidt PHI-sessies en organiseert tantrische tempels en verbindende evenementen in Mainz, Duitsland.
All inclusive:

Het all-inclusive programma van deze volledig verzorgde, intensieve en diep transformerende zesdaagse:
-Support vóór en na de Immersion. Persoonlijk kennismakingsgesprek-intake via skype, ter voorbereiding voor de Immersion en individuele sessie voor de integratie erna.
-  ochtend programma vóór het ontbijt
- dag programma
- overnachtingen op basis van 2- of 4-persoonskamer, naar keuze (mits beschikbaar)
- biologisch vegetarische catering (ontbijt, lunch en diner)
- buitenactiviteiten
- Het verblijf in de natuuromgeving met sauna en wandelmogelijkheden
- vrije tijd: tijdens de Immersion heb je de ruimte om te integreren of uit te rusten.

Er zijn minimaal twee avondprogramma’s:  met muziek, massage en Sacred Fire ritueel buiten.

P.S. Wil je heel graag deelnemen aan deze Immersion, maar heb je niet genoeg financiële ruimte? Stuur een motivatiebrief aan Tanya en raadpleeg haar over de mogelijkheden om op een andere manier een deel van de bijdrage te kunnen leveren.
Het Hof van Moeder Aarde, Neede Achterhoek
De PHI Immersion begint op 2.010.23 om 17:00 en eindigt 7.10.23 om 16:00.
Meer informatie?
Ben je enthousiast geworden en voel je dat dit voor jou is, of wil je hier meer over weten?
Stuur een mail aan Tanya Rozenthal via:
Let op: pas na haar bevestiging weet je zeker of je kunt rekenen op een plaats.
NB. Er is plek voor 16 deelnemers. 

Evenement bekijken →
Pelvic Heart Immersion: Re-Writing the Love Script, next generation edition, up to 40 y.o.
naar 7 jun

Pelvic Heart Immersion: Re-Writing the Love Script, next generation edition, up to 40 y.o.

Pelvic Heart Immersion: Re-writing your Love script

Next Generation Edition

up to 40 y.o.

(Dutch below)
In this 6 days journey we are going to explore, transform and experience the essential laws of the Life energy flow and the human nature of Love.
We will dive into the foundation of the Breath of Life and the polarity of the Masculine and the Feminine as an Alchemical process you were born from.
You will be able to see, to experience, to feel and to own the cell information you was born with and what you are carrying with you as a genetic Love Code.
In this structure you will find deep insights of what and how it effected you as a free s’xual human being.
We will discover how our characteristic breathing patterns, thoughts, emotions, and body armour block the free flow of our life force and inhibit our capacity for sensual pleasure and orgasmic energies. We use breath, movement and mindful touch to feel the unity of love and satisfaction.

Love, passion, spirituality and sexuality as core themes of being human are extensively discussed in the Pelvic Heart Immersion (PHI, pelvic-heart intensive).

PHI increases our awareness in the field of love, relationships and sexuality. It gives you powerful tools to harmonize yourself as a total being. Through depth bodywork, tantric energy work, breath work, psychodrama, transforming systemic traumas and hindering family patterns, you are invited to explore these themes.

Love and passion

For a child it is important to see that his or her mother and father feel love and passion for each other. It touches a deep level of self-esteem and self-love. If there are tensions between the parents, you can take over as a child. It is important as a child to have an example of flowing love between his or her parents. The child thus receives permission to be worthy of his or her (own) love.

Role model

If the child has missed this, the balance between allowing love and receiving can be disturbed. When the flow of receiving is blocked, this can be reflected in our adult (sexual) relationships. There is no role model for receiving, so we are going to fill in relationships with giving. When parents are not supportive of our sexuality, this can cause problems in inventing and integrating it.


During the workshop we explore deep processes in re-uniting sexuality and love. A flowing connection between your pelvis and your heart is essential. If you are not reachable in your pelvis, then you will experience love mainly from your heart. It can lead to you giving easily and that you are less aware of your limits. Intimacy When your energy flows mainly from your pelvis, but your heart is protecting itself because of the memories of old pain, you may be able to express yourself sexually, but the intimate deepening from your heart is less present. You may experience more flatness on an emotional level and miss intimacy in your relationships.

Healing your Inner Marriage

You will be guided in harmoniously connecting your inner masculine and feminine parts and in discovering how you can deepen and increase the flow of love for yourself and for others, through the connection of your pelvis with your heart. This inner integration gives a constant sensual dimension to your love. By opening yourself to spiritual energy flowing from the past, your parents and your ancestors, you will experience how your Sex, Heart and Spirit come to a wholeness, supporting your family's experiences, desires and blessings. It will give you the opportunity to experience your sexuality as a gift of a vital, greater flow of a life force that unites the past, present and future of your bloodline in a healing movement.

What can you expect?

-6 days Intensive, safe-setting-private group of up to sixteen participants, personally supported by experienced facilitator and PHI practitioners

- participants from all sexual orientations and expressions are welcome

- in-depth individual and group processes with the potential for transformation

- breath work, body work, family dynamics, patterns in generations

- we protect your safety and your limits with our lives and bodies

- in some processes we work with partial nudity. You always choose how much or how little clothing you wear

- if desired: intimate body work (pelvic release) to release and integrate tensions and blockages in the pelvic area

-personal guidance & assistance

- The Immersion is given in English (translated in Dutch when needed).

What do the others say about the Pelvic Heart Immersion?

Being able to show myself authetically and being received fully with my desires in a safe and extremely non-judgemental space was a game changer in my life. Finally I could express my needs in my relationships. This was extremely useful, especially when dating new potential partners or getting to know new friends.

Mr. W.F., 35 yr.

I feel a great shift in myself after the workshop. I feel my center, my core as my own truth. I experience more pleasure in my body, and feel more safety and freedom to express myself in my relationship. I care less about what others think of me and I can sink better into a relaxation.

Mrs. M.S., 41 years

The team

PHI facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal

Assistance: PHI practitioners Anina Storteboom en Fabian Werner

This Immersion is a 'deep dive' experience which will give you the opportunity and abilities to change and to rewrite the script of your early love imprints.
It can bring a new template into your love life and your relationship with yourself and the others.

You will reach the space of freedom and choices to create your new experience which will serve you to feel fully welcome in Life and Love.

Pelvic Heart Immersion will give you a deep and rich opportunity to explore, to embody and to express yourself, fully enjoying who you are:

- the tools to rewrite the script of the Love Story- the Alchemy of your parental Triangle
- the insights in what was holding you back in love and life
- letting go of limitations in love you have got at your very early age
-getting the permissions to reclaim pleasure, without guilt and shame
-to unlock the natural source of ultimate joy and freedom- receiving life and love without the limits

No previous experience of this kind of work is required, though familiarity with the principles of neo-Reichian bodywork, emotional release, breathwork, the modern western approach to tantra and conscious relating are all helpful.

All inclusive

The all-inclusive program of this fully accommodated, intensive and deeply transforming six-days Intensive:

-Support before and after the Immersion.

Personal introductory talks : Intake via Skype, in preparation for the Immersion and individual session for the integration afterwards

- early morning program: yoga, movement, bare feet walks

- all workshops

- accommodation based on two- or four-bed room, of your choice (as long as this option is available)

-organic vegetarian catering


-Staying in the nature environment with lots of walking possibilities

- house surrounded by nature: during the Immersion you have the space to integrate and to rest

-there are evening programs: with music, massage, connective community rituals and more.


950,- euro all-in, based on two beds bedroom

875,- euro all-in, based on 4 persons bedroom

Social discount: we have two social subsidised spots with a discount in exchange for practical support.

Would you really like to participate in this Immersion, but you don't have enough financial space? Send a motivation letter to Tanya and consult her about the possibilities to make a part of the contribution in a different way.

A partially subsidized place has been made available. Contact us for more information:


This is the link to reserve your spot:

After the booking confirmation you will receive invitation for get-to know call.


Het Hof van Moeder Aarde, Neede, Achterhoek


PHI Immersion starts on Friday 2.06.23 at 17.00 and ends on Wednesday 7.06.23 at 16:00.

More information?

Have you become enthusiastic and do you feel that this is for you, or do you want to know more about it? Send an email to Tanya Rozenthal via

Please note: only after her confirmation you can be sure that you can count on a place.

NB. Due to the nature of a deep process, we have room for a maximum of 16 participants.

About Pelvic Heart Integration:

Pelvic Heart Integration is a unique and powerful synthesis of neo-Reichian breathwork, somatic release bodywork, psychodrama, trauma work, body reading, s'xual shamanism and Tantra for understanding and harmonizing the whole person particularly in the areas of relationship, love and sexuality.
This system was developed by Dr. Jack Painter and continued by Dr. Deborah Taj Anapol. It has been called “the most potent integration tool for s'xual harmony” by highly experienced sexuality trainers and workshop leaders.

The Pelvic Heart Integration system increases our awareness and gives us tools for healing developmental issues of childhood to the physical, emotional, interpersonal and s'xual issues confronting us as evolving humans including those beliefs and patterns from our ancestral lineage.

PHI facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal
Tanya loves to share her gifts as space holder and facilitator of deep process work, with wisdom and humor. She brings a rich fusion of experience in Sacred Eros, shamanism and Tantra, trauma and integration, somatic sexology and embodiment practices, working with both individuals and groups.
Tanya has background in transpersonal and neuro-affective psychology, musicology, eastern mysticism and various BodyMind psychotherapeutic modalities.
Tanya is surfing the waves of consciousness in the sea of transformation, devoted to her own individual heart expanding journey. She is grounded, creative and committed to authentic human expression. More about Tanya:

PHI practitioner: Anina Storteboom

Anina is a passionate and experienced trainer, therapist and a "deep diver" who combines wisdom and knowledge with playfulness and light-hearted energy. Tantra freed her from a lot of baggage and opened her heart to love. Anina is the developer of the Temple of Delight tantra workshops, where many men received a warm, loving and dedicated welcome for years.

Anina has completed the PHI practitioner training with Tanya and now applies this in her own practice. Arriving even more and deeper into your own pelvis and making contact with what is there has brought her a lot. It is the place of creation, freedom and surrender to life as it presents itself. In her practice Hartenlust she gives body-oriented coaching sessions, tantric massages, various massage arrangements and workshops for couples and women.

PHI practitioner: Fabian Werner

Fabian is a passionate explorer of human nature with scientific background. As participant he joined the Pelvic Heart Integration retreat a few years ago. This process was so important for him that he definitely wanted to share it with the others. He is now a PHI trainer & practitioner. Fabian is dedicated to authentic truth and gifts of human imperfection. He provides intimacy coaching & PHI sessions and hosts tantric temples and connecting events in Mainz, Germany.


Pelvic Heart Immersion: Integrating Sex, Heart and Spirit

Een 6-daagse retraite voor mensen tussen 20 en 40 jaar die meer willen ontdekken over hunzelf, relaties en liefdesenergie. Voor wie de verlangen heeft om steviger in relaties te staan. Loslaten patronen die je niet meer dienen, zintuigen wakker willen schudden, om meer te voelen en meer plezier te ervaren in eigen lijf en contacten met anderen. 

Liefde, passie, spiritualiteit en seksualiteit als kernthema’s van ons menszijn komen uitvoerig aan bod in Pelvic Heart Immersion. 

PHI als methode

PHI is een methode en leerweg die ons ondersteunt om bekken en hart met elkaar te verbinden. Het biedt krachtige tools om jezelf als totaal mens meer in harmonie te brengen door middel van ademwerk, lichaamsoefeningen, tantrisch energiewerk, psychodrama en systemisch werk. Hierdoor kunnen trauma’s of diepe imprints getransformeerd worden en belemmerende familiepatronen opgeschoond. 

Liefde en passie

Voor een kind is het belangrijk om te zien en ervaren dat zijn/haar ouders liefde en passie voelen voor elkaar. Het kind ontleent hier op een diep niveau de eigenwaarde en zelfliefde aan, een gevoel van thuiskomen, van veiligheid. Als er spanningen zijn tussen ouders of als het energetisch en seksueel niet stroomt tussen de ouders, geeft dat ook spanning bij het kind. Het voelt dan geen permissie om zelf de eigen liefde waard te zijn. 


Als er disbalans is in de relatie van de ouders, dan kan de balans tussen liefde toelaten en ontvangen verstoord raken. Iemand die niet heeft leren ontvangen kan problemen krijgen om dit wel te doen in latere volwassen (seksuele) relaties. Dit kan leiden tot gedrag waarin er vooral wordt gegeven, zonder het plezier van het ontvangen van liefde en seksualiteit in contact met de ander. Het ontbreken van een rolmodel bij een van de ouders kan je dan parten spelen. 

Dit is ook het geval wanneer er taboes of vooroordelen zijn over intimiteit en seksualiteit. Het kind voelt zich dan niet vrij om te exploreren en ontdekkingen te doen op dit gebied. Hierdoor kunnen er blokkades ontstaan, zowel in het bekkengebied als in het hart om voluit te kunnen liefhebben. 


In deze retraite doen we diep proceswerk om liefde en seksualiteit weer bij elkaar te brengen. Wanneer je energetisch niet aanwezig bent in je bekkengebied, dan ervaar je liefde vooral vanuit je hart. Dit kan ertoe leiden dat je jezelf gemakkelijk geeft, maar je minder bewust bent van je grenzen. Hierdoor verlies je jezelf in relaties met anderen. 

Wanneer je energie vooral stroomt vanuit je bekken, maar je hart zichzelf aan het beschermen is vanwege de herinneringen aan oude pijn, kun je je seksualiteit wel uiten, maar is de intieme verdieping vanuit je hart minder aanwezig. Je kunt dan meer vlakheid ervaren op emotioneel gebied en je mist intimiteit in je relaties.
Helen van de mannelijke en vrouwelijke aspecten in jezelf
Je zal begeleid worden in het harmonieus verbinden van je innerlijke mannelijke en vrouwelijke delen en in het ontdekken hoe je je liefdesstroom voor jezelf en voor de anderen kan verdiepen en vergroten, via de verbinding van je bekken met je hart.  Deze innerlijke integratie geeft een constante sensuele dimensie aan je liefde. Hierdoor kun je in liefdevolle verbinding met anderen zijn, zonder jezelf daarin te verliezen.
Helen van je bloedlijn
Door jezelf te openen voor spirituele energie die vanuit het verleden, vanuit je ouders en je voorouders stroomt, zal je ervaren hoe je seks, hart en spirit tot een eenheid komen, door de ondersteuning van de ervaringen, verlangens en zegeningen van je familie. Het zal je de mogelijkheid geven om je seksualiteit te ervaren als een kostbaar geschenk van een vitale, grotere stroom van levenskracht of levenslust die het verleden, het heden en de toekomst van je bloedlijn verenigt.
Wat kun je verwachten?
- intensieve zesdaagse in veilige setting
- diepgaande individuele - en groepsprocessen met potentie tot transformatie
- veel diversiteit in aangeboden werkvormen en oefeningen met het accent op lichaamswerk (voelen, ervaren en integreren). 
-Pelvic Release sessies om spanningen en blokkades in het bekkengebied te releasen en te integreren door middel van ademwerk en lichaamswerk

-bij sommige processen werken wij met gedeeltelijke naaktheid. Je bepaalt altijd zelf hoeveel of hoe weinig kleding je draagt.

-   momenten van sharing (delen van ervaringen in de groep)

-Ruimte om jezelf te kunnen zijn, met respect voor ieders achtergrond en intentie

-Voldoende tijd om te integreren en ruimte voor speelsere werkvormen (dans, massage, play) in de avond

- De Immersion wordt gegeven in het Engels, met vertaling in het Nederlands naar behoefte.

- besloten groep van maximaal 16 deelnemers, gesteund door ervaren begeleiders en assistentie in persoonlijke processen.

Voor wie is het bedoeld?

  • mensen die verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor hun eigen groei en ontwikkeling op het vlak van liefde, intimiteit en seksualiteit 

  • Doelgroep van deze retraite zijn mensen tussen 20 en 40 jaar. -

  • deelnemers van verschillende seksuele oriëntaties en expressies zijn welkom 

    Wat zeggen anderen over de Pelvic Heart Immersion?
    -Wauw wat een reis! Het heeft mij zo veel gebracht. Ik tril nog na van alles wat er in mij gebeurd is. Het bevroren stuk wat ontdooid is en de energie die vrijkwam. Ik voel het nog… De kracht in mij is overweldigend. Ik mag helemaal mijzelf zijn, en ik mag hiervan genieten, zoals ik het nog nooit heb kunnen ervaren. Dhr. H.P., 52 jr.
    -Ik voel een grote verschuiving in mijzelf na de workshop. Ik voel mijn centrum, mijn kern als mijn eigen waarheid. Ik ervaar meer plezier in mijn lijf, en voel meer veiligheid en vrijheid om mijzelf uit te drukken in mijn relatie. Ik trek me minder aan wat de anderen van mij vinden en kan beter zakken in de ontspanning. Mw. M.S., 41 jr.

Facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal
Tanya is een embodiment alchemiste, somatisch seksuologe, intimiteitscoach, shamanic ritualist, trauma-geïnformeerd lichaamsgericht therapeut en kruidenvrouw.
Ze heeft achtergrond in muziekonderwijs en hulpverlening.

Sexological Bodywork, seksuele sjamanisme, vrouwenwerk en Pelvic Heart Integration (zoals onderwezen door Deborah Taj Anapol) zijn haar werkgebieden.
In haar werk brengt Tanya kunst en wetenschap, diepte en humor bij elkaar.
Tanya faciliteert retraites in Nederland en in het buitenland en begeleidt cliënten in haar praktijk in Amsterdam.

Begeleiding en ondersteuning:

Anina Storteboom

Anina is een gedreven en ervaren trainer en therapeut/coach en een “deep diver” die wijsheid en kennis combineert met speelsheid en lichtvoetige energie. Tantra heeft haar bevrijd van een boel overtollige bagage en haar hart geopend voor liefde. Ze is de ontwikkelaar van de Temple of Delight tantra workshops, waar vele mannen jarenlang een warm, liefdevol en toegewijd onthaal kregen.

In haar praktijk Hartenlust geeft ze lichaamsgerichte sessies en massages en verschillende massage-arrangementen en workshops voor stellen en vrouwen. Ze heeft de PHI practitioner opleiding bij Tanya afgerond en past dit nu toe in haar eigen praktijk. 

Het nog meer en dieper in je eigen bekken zakken en contact maken met wat er is, heeft haar veel gebracht. Het is de plek van creatie, van vrijheid en van overgave aan het leven, zoals het zich aandient. 

Fabian Werner

All inclusive:

Het all-inclusive programma van deze volledig verzorgde, intensieve en diep transformerende zesdaagse:
-Support vóór en na de Immersion. Persoonlijk kennismakingsgesprek-intake via skype, ter voorbereiding voor de Immersion en individuele sessie voor de integratie erna.
-  ochtend programma vóór het ontbijt
- dag programma
- overnachtingen op basis van 2- of 4-persoonskamer, naar keuze (mits beschikbaar)
- biologisch vegetarische catering (ontbijt, lunch en diner)
- buitenactiviteiten
- Het verblijf in de natuuromgeving met sauna en wandelmogelijkheden
- vrije tijd: tijdens de Immersion heb je de ruimte om te integreren of uit te rusten.

Er zijn minimaal twee avondprogramma’s:  met muziek, massage en Sacred Fire ritueel buiten.

P.S. Wil je heel graag deelnemen aan deze Immersion, maar heb je niet genoeg financiële ruimte? Stuur een motivatiebrief aan Tanya en raadpleeg haar over de mogelijkheden om op een andere manier een deel van de bijdrage te kunnen leveren.
Het Hof van Moeder Aarde, Neede Achterhoek
De PHI Immersion begint op vrijdag 2.06.23 om 17:00 en eindigt op woensdag 7.06.23 om 16:00.
Meer informatie?
Ben je enthousiast geworden en voel je dat dit voor jou is, of wil je hier meer over weten?
Stuur een mail aan Tanya Rozenthal via:
Let op: pas na haar bevestiging weet je zeker of je kunt rekenen op een plaats.
NB. Er is plek voor 16 deelnemers. 

Evenement bekijken →
Pelvic Heart Immersion: Integrating Heart, Sex & Spirit
naar 29 okt

Pelvic Heart Immersion: Integrating Heart, Sex & Spirit

Pelvic Heart: Somatic Sexual Integration

March 2023-November 2023

A year long PHI Practitioner Training for professionals


General information about PHI Practitioners training:

A year long program includes 4 of one-week residential modules

non-residential: two study weekends

online mentoring

coaching and community of support

video and audio library

listing as a practitioner on official PHI website


The new Pelvic Heart: Somatic Sexual Integration. Practitioners’ Training will begin 28 of February 2022.
Requirement: Applicants must complete at least one 5 day immersion retreat, to have personal experience with PHI work or to have a “green light” invitation from the teacher-facilitator (T. Rozenthal) to be considered for the practitioners training.

2023 year program PHI Practitioner Training includes:

-Modules 1-3 each are one-week experiential process education.

-Module 4 is offering mentorship and coaching for students who as a team will be assisting 5 days PHI group Immersion.

- monthly group coaching calls,

-Q and A calls and case conferences,

-downloads/recordings of all webinars and teleseminars,

-guest teachers,

-additional video, audio and print materials for download,

-reading list,

-listing on the practitioners website upon successful completion of the course.

Module 4 PHI Practitioner Training: 13.11-19.11.23 NL

( assisting Pelvic Heart Immersion Group)

More information? Ask Tanya

Evenement bekijken →
PHI: Somatic Sexual Integration. Practitioner training 2022 module 3 France
naar 4 sep

PHI: Somatic Sexual Integration. Practitioner training 2022 module 3 France

Pelvic Heart: Somatic Sexual Integration

February 2022 - October 2022

A year long PHI Practitioner Training for professionals

Module 3 PHI Practitioner Training: 28.08.22- 4.09.22 France

General information about PHI Practitioners training:

A year long program includes 4 of one-week residential modules

non-residential: two study weekends

online mentoring

coaching and community of support

video and audio library

listing as a practitioner on official PHI website


The new Pelvic Heart: Somatic Sexual Integration. Practitioners’ Training will begin 28 of February 2022.
Requirement: Applicants must complete at least one 5 day immersion retreat, to have personal experience with PHI work or to have a “green light” invitation from the teacher-facilitator (T. Rozenthal) to be considered for the practitioners training.

2022 year program PHI Practitioner Training includes:

-Modules 1-3 each are one-week experiential process education.

-Module 4 is offering mentorship and coaching for students who as a team will be assisting 5 days PHI group Immersion.

- monthly group coaching calls,

-Q and A calls and case conferences,

-downloads/recordings of all webinars and teleseminars,

-guest teachers,

-additional video, audio and print materials for download,

-reading list,

-listing on the practitioners website upon successful completion of the course.

Module 1 PHI Practitioner Training 28.02.22 - 6.03.22 Netherlands

study weekend. 02.04.22 -3.04.22

study weekend 21.05.22-22.05.22

Module 2 PHI Practitioner Training: 3.06-18.06 Netherlands

Module 3 PHI Practitioner Training: 28.08.22- 4.09.22 France

Module 4 PHI Practitioner Training: 24.10.22-30.10.22 Netherlands

A Certificate of Completion will be given upon satisfactory completion of the Training, after the 4 training modules. Co-leading your own event is optional, if you wish a mentor support in facilitating PHI event.


The intention of the Pelvic Heart Integration (PHI) Practitioner Training is to support you in becoming the best practitioner of the healing arts that you can be through the mastery of this powerful System of Whole Person, Hands On healing developed by Dr. Jack Painter and taught by my teacher Deborah Taj Anapol.

After Jack Painter developed his world famous integrated system for general bodywork, called Postural Integration, he realized that there is so much sexual energy locked in the pelvis that it deserves more

focus to liberate this potent life force.

Unlike most transformational modalities which involve either bodywork or mental/emotional work, PHI approaches body, mind, and spirit in an integrated way.

It addresses the physical, sexual, and energetic obstacles to health and harmony along with the psychological and the spiritual.

While this approach demands a lot of the practitioner, it also delivers a lot to the client!

Training Modules

All four Training Modules should be attended in person.

All theory, presentations and some sessions will be recorded so that you can listen at your leisure or review them as often as you wish.

We will cover the following topics in the four Training Modules. Some topics will be taught teacher facilitator and some by guest teachers who are specialists in these areas.

Participants who have no prior exposure to some of these areas and desire a deeper course of instruction are encouraged to pursue additional coursework or mentorship in the area of the interest.

NB: training does not include camping accommodation costs for module 3 in France and travelling costs.

Venue: Sadhaka France

- early morning program: yoga, movement, bare feet walks

- all workshops

- NB! accommodation camping & organic vegetarian catering is not included. You have to arrange it with

-outside activities

-Staying in the nature environment with lots of walking possibilities

-Sauna is available

- a naturists beach

-there are evening programs: music, massage, community rituals and more.

Questions? More information? How to apply for the training?

For additional information and for the application, please send request via email:

Join us! And learn how to share the gifts of this powerful work with people - for their greater sense of Love, choice, pleasure, empowerment and fulfillment.

With love,

Tanya Rozenthal

Evenement bekijken →
Deep Love- Erotic Immersion for couples
naar 28 aug

Deep Love- Erotic Immersion for couples

Eros, Love and Belonging

Infuse the vital power of your sexual energy into your intimate relationship in day-to-day life. This training will elevate your love life to become the place where you are nourished, uplifted and transformed.
Dive deep with your partner, without distractions, and form new beliefs and habits. When these new behaviors are fully embodied you will implement them easily into your daily routine.

The ancient art of slow lovemaking

Step into the sanctuary of Karezza.
Erotic immersion for lovers is truly a deep dive in a soul blending journey which will move your mind, heart and body.
You’ll enjoy the sexual education we all ought to have received, yoga, meditation and of course, scheduled sex dates, with yourself and your partner. And just what happens, when you devote a few hours a day to erotic yoga practices? You’ll find out!
You’ll have my intuition, wisdom + personal attention. We’ll expand your erotic imagination with new skills, techniques and practices. Your questions will be answered. Your life force will be stoked. You’ll find the place where Love meets spirit. And you will stay there.


You won’t know what’s next. But you’ll love every moment. You go home and step into your life with unbridled energy, charisma, and magnetism. That’s the power of sexual energy, unleashed. Just get ready. (And warn your partner.)
This practice and experience of Karezza changed the lives of many couples.
It brings you as a lover deeper into your heart, into your body and helps you reconnect with You.
Which makes it all the more easy to connect with another person.

You’ll experience how to expand your orgasmic and creative potential, by accessing your sexual energy—and using it like sensual rocket-fuel for your life and relationships.


What will you experience together during this week?

  • Tantric and Taoist techniques to harmonize and connect with your partner.

  • How to create and rebuild chemistry in your relationship.

  • Simple steps to bring up difficult issues in intimacy with grace and have your partner love you for it.

  • How to use your sexual energy to rejuvenate your entire being: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

  • How to have various orgasms: expanded, multiple & full-body orgasms.

  • Steps for building stamina in men.

  • Sensual and therapeutic massage techniques

  • Why fantasy play is therapeutic and how to integrate it into your relationship.

What will she learn?

  • We’ll explore precisely why sexually-satisfied women radiate beauty, confidence and irresistablle femininity.

  • How to ignite female desire: emotionally and physically.

  • Practices and techniques to allow your female partner to fully surrender to pleasure and joy.

  • How to clear the major blocks women have to claiming their sexuality.

  • Vaginal yoga and practices to reconnect to sensual self.

What will he learn?

  • New ways to build his confidence as a lover.

  • How to control his ejaculatory response, so you can enjoy the ride…longer.

  • Techniques to open his mind, body and soul.

  • How to stimulate the male G-Spot (he has one too!).

  • Pelvic strengthening and energy practices to increase the strength of erections, control and orgasmic pleasure.

Soul blending in timeless lovemaking…

Two souls and bodies seem as one, supported and floating on some divine stream in Paradise.…
This is the real ideal and end of Karezza. You will  enter into such unity that in your fullest embrace. You will feel a physical unity as if her blood flowed in your veins, as his flesh were yours.

Who is it for

This week is for couples, lovers, friends who loves to explore erotic realms together.


Tanya brings a rich fusion of experience in Sacred Eros, shamanism, trauma-informed somatic sexology, Kundalini Awakening, Tantra, shadow work and embodiment practices. She has a background in trans-personal and neuro-affective psychology, BodyMind psychotherapeutic modalities, musicology and eastern mysticism.

Book the week at

Impression from a Tantra training with Tanya

Evenement bekijken →
PHI: Somatic Sexual Integration. Practitioner training 2022 Module 2
naar 18 jun

PHI: Somatic Sexual Integration. Practitioner training 2022 Module 2

  • Neede Gelderland Nederland (kaart)
  • Google Agenda ICS

Pelvic Heart: Somatic Sexual Integration

February 2022 - October 2022

A year long PHI Practitioner Training for professionals

Module 2



See program of the module ll below.

General information about PHI Practitioners training:

A year long program includes 4 of one-week residential modules

non-residential: two study weekends

online mentoring

coaching and community of support

video and audio library

listing as a practitioner on official PHI website

Module 2 PHI Practitioner Training

June 13.06-18.06 Netherlands

This module focuses on working with blocks in all four phases of the Breath Cycle, identifying related sexual and relational issues, and understanding and transforming the ancestral roots of these dysfunctions. We will also address the fundamentals of somatic psychotherapy: how to identify core issues and choosing a focus for a session using body reading and/or Gestalt dialogue. Finally we will look at essential parameters such as pacing, boundaries, ethics, transference, countertransference, dealing with resistance, group facilitation skills, and using the tools of PHI to work with interpersonal issues within the group. It includes:

Blocks to the Breath Cycle

Group Work

Group facilitation skills

Working with a co-facilitator

Holding space

Psychodrama basics

Ancestor work, clearing the maternal and paternal lineage in a tribal context

Working with couples and relationship issues using the whole group

Somatic Psychotherapeutic Basics

The intention of the Pelvic Heart Integration (PHI) Practitioner Training is to support you in becoming the best practitioner of the healing arts that you can be through the mastery of this powerful System of Whole Person, Hands On healing developed by Dr. Jack Painter and taught by my teacher Deborah Taj Anapol.

After Jack Painter developed his world famous integrated system for general bodywork, called Postural Integration, he realized that there is so much sexual energy locked in the pelvis that it deserves more

focus to liberate this potent life force.

Unlike most transformational modalities which involve either bodywork or mental/emotional work, PHI approaches body, mind, and spirit in an integrated way.

It addresses the physical, sexual, and energetic obstacles to health and harmony along with the psychological and the spiritual.

While this approach demands a lot of the practitioner, it also delivers a lot to the client!

Training Modules

All four Training Modules should be attended in person.

All theory, presentations and some sessions will be recorded so that you can listen at your leisure or review them as often as you wish.

We will cover the following topics in the four Training Modules. Some topics will be taught teacher facilitator and some by guest teachers who are specialists in these areas.

Participants who have no prior exposure to some of these areas and desire a deeper course of instruction are encouraged to pursue additional coursework or mentorship in the area of the interest.

Venue: all inclusive

The all-inclusive program of this fully accommodated, intensive and deeply transforming training

- early morning program: yoga, movement, bare feet walks

- all workshops

- accommodation based on two or three persons bedroom

-organic vegetarian catering

-outside activities

-Staying in the nature environment with lots of walking possibilities

-Sauna is available for a small fee.

- house surrounded by nature: during this week you will have the space to integrate

-there are evening programs: with music, massage, community rituals and more.

Questions? More information? When is the next PHI training for practitioners? How to apply for the training?

For additional information and for the application, please send request via email:

Join us ! And learn how to share the gifts of this powerful work with people , - for their greater sense of Love, choice, pleasure, empowerment and fulfillment.

With love,

Tanya Rozenthal

Evenement bekijken →
Pelvic Heart: Somatic Sexual Integration. Practitioner training 2022 module 1
naar 6 mrt

Pelvic Heart: Somatic Sexual Integration. Practitioner training 2022 module 1

  • Neede Gelderland Nederland (kaart)
  • Google Agenda ICS

Pelvic Heart: Somatic Sexual Integration

February 2022 - October 2022

A year long PHI Practitioner Training for professionals

Module 1



General information about PHI Practitioners training:

A year long program includes 4 of one-week residential modules

non-residential: two study weekends

online mentoring

coaching and community of support

video and audio library

listing as a practitioner on official PHI website


The new Pelvic Heart: Somatic Sexual Integration. Practitioners’ Training will begin 28 of February 2022.
Requirement: Applicants must complete at least one 5 day immersion retreat, to have personal experience with PHI work or to have a “green light” invitation from the teacher-facilitator (T. Rozenthal) to be considered for the practitioners training.

2022 year program PHI Practitioner Training includes:

-Modules 1-3 each are one-week experiential process education.

-Module 4 is offering mentorship and coaching for students who as a team will be assisting 5 days PHI group Immersion.

- monthly group coaching calls,

-Q and A calls and case conferences,

-downloads/recordings of all webinars and teleseminars,

-guest teachers,

-additional video, audio and print materials for download,

-reading list,

-listing on the practitioners website upon successful completion of the course.

Module 1 PHI Practitioner Training

28.02.22 - 6.03.22


study weekend. 02.04.22 -3.04.22

study weekend 21.05.22-22.05.22

Module 2 PHI Practitioner Training: 13.06-18.06 Location TBA

Module 3 PHI Practitioner Training: 28.08.22- 4.09.22 France

Module 4 PHI Practitioner Training: 24.10.22-30.10.22 Location TBA

learning to assist with Pelvic Heart Immersion Group

A Certificate of Completion will be given upon satisfactory completion of the Training, after the 4 training modules. Co-leading your own event is optional, if you wish a mentor support in facilitating PHI event.


The intention of the Pelvic Heart Integration (PHI) Practitioner Training is to support you in becoming the best practitioner of the healing arts that you can be through the mastery of this powerful System of Whole Person, Hands On healing developed by Dr. Jack Painter and taught by my teacher Deborah Taj Anapol.

After Jack Painter developed his world famous integrated system for general bodywork, called Postural Integration, he realized that there is so much sexual energy locked in the pelvis that it deserves more

focus to liberate this potent life force.

Unlike most transformational modalities which involve either bodywork or mental/emotional work, PHI approaches body, mind, and spirit in an integrated way.

It addresses the physical, sexual, and energetic obstacles to health and harmony along with the psychological and the spiritual.

While this approach demands a lot of the practitioner, it also delivers a lot to the client!

Training Modules

All four Training Modules should be attended in person.

All theory, presentations and some sessions will be recorded so that you can listen at your leisure or review them as often as you wish.

We will cover the following topics in the four Training Modules. Some topics will be taught teacher facilitator and some by guest teachers who are specialists in these areas.

Participants who have no prior exposure to some of these areas and desire a deeper course of instruction are encouraged to pursue additional coursework or mentorship in the area of the interest.


The cost for the entire program is including 4 weeks face to face trainings (3 as a participant and 1 as an assistant), two non-residential study weekends, all webinars, group mentoring, one individual mentoring session, audio and video downloads, instructions for all exercises and processes, reading list and film list.

NB: training does not include camping accommodation costs for module 3 in France and travelling costs.

The value:

Cost 3600,- euro if paid in full or wire transfer prior to the enrollment deadline of Februari 24.

Option for payment in 4-5 installments is possible:

3900,- euro with the first deposit of 1500,- euro according to personal agreements with administration

How to apply:

to receive an application, please send request via email:

Refund Policy & disclaimers:

There will be no refunds given once the course has begun. If you are unable to complete the training, due to circumstances beyond your control, you may be able to arrange to continue at a later date.

Cancellations made in writing before the start of the course will be refunded the full amount less a 150,- euro processing fee.

If you register for the Yearlong Practitioner Training and after reviewing your application we find that this program is not appropriate for you, we will refund your entire payment.

if you are unable to complete the training, due to circumstances beyond your control, you may be able to arrange to continue at a later date. Cancellations made in writing before the start of Module 1 will be refunded the full amount less a 150,- euro processing fee.

28.02-6.03 Module 1 Program:

focuses on supporting a deeper understanding of the Breath Cycle and the way it relates to Reichian based character and bodytypes, gender roles, family influences, and developmental stages. More specifically it includes:

Overview: Reichian Theory and Inner Marriage

The four genders – human potential vs medical model of personality

Body types and personality types

Sexual issues related to types

Relationship issues related to types

Postural issues related to types

Breath issues related to types

Jack Painter’s Breath Cycle – Four parts repeating to peak (climax) and gradual return to resting state


Movement – undulation and subtleties of muscles involved in pelvic movement

Energetic flow and streaming

Images and intentions

The function and purpose of breath and movement

Harmonizing with a partner

Stages 5-9 (which are not addressed in the 5 day Immersion course)

Parental Triangle - Our Model for God and Goddess

need for support from both same sex and opposite sex

Holy Trinity and Holy Square

Sexual guilt and sexual shame

Identifying the program and creating the upgrade

Linking the program with armor and releasing of armor

Internalizing the support we need

Facilitating triangle work – timing, resistance, closure

Venue: all inclusive

The all-inclusive program of this fully accommodated, intensive and deeply transforming training

- early morning program: yoga, movement, bare feet walks

- all workshops

- accommodation based on two or three persons bedroom

-organic vegetarian catering

-outside activities

-Staying in the nature environment with lots of walking possibilities

-Sauna is available for a small fee.

- house surrounded by nature: during this week you will have the space to integrate

-there are evening programs: with music, massage, community rituals and more.

Questions? More information? How to apply for the training?

For additional information and for the application, please send request via email:

Join us ! And learn how to share the gifts of this powerful work with people , - for their greater sense of Love, choice, pleasure, empowerment and fulfillment.

With love,

Tanya Rozenthal

Evenement bekijken →
Pelvic Heart Immersion: Integrating Sex, Heart & Spirit
naar 24 nov

Pelvic Heart Immersion: Integrating Sex, Heart & Spirit


Pelvic Heart Immersion:
Integrating Sex, Heart & Spirit

Pelvic Heart Integration, what is it about?
(Dutch below)
In this 6 days journey we are going to explore, transform and experience the essential laws of the Life energy flow and the human nature of Love.
We will dive into the foundation of the Breath of Life and the polarity of the Masculine and the Feminine as an Alchemical process you were born from.
You will be able to see, to experience, to feel and to own the cell information you was born with and what you are carrying with you as a genetic Love Code.
In this structure you will find deep insights of what and how it effected you as a free s’xual human being.
We will discover how our characteristic breathing patterns, thoughts, emotions, and body armour block the free flow of our life force and inhibit our capacity for sensual pleasure and orgasmic energies. We use breath, movement and mindful touch to feel the unity of love and satisfaction.

Love, passion, spirituality and sexuality as core themes of being human are extensively discussed in the Pelvic Heart Immersion (PHI, pelvic-heart intensive).

PHI increases our awareness in the field of love, relationships and sexuality. It gives you powerful tools to harmonize yourself as a total being. Through depth bodywork, tantric energy work, breath work, psychodrama, transforming systemic traumas and hindering family patterns, you are invited to explore these themes.

Love and passion

For a child it is important to see that his or her mother and father feel love and passion for each other. It touches a deep level of self-esteem and self-love. If there are tensions between the parents, you can take over as a child. It is important as a child to have an example of flowing love between his or her parents. The child thus receives permission to be worthy of his or her (own) love.

Role model

If the child has missed this, the balance between allowing love and receiving can be disturbed. When the flow of receiving is blocked, this can be reflected in our adult (sexual) relationships. There is no role model for receiving, so we are going to fill in relationships with giving. When parents are not supportive of our sexuality, this can cause problems in inventing and integrating it.


During the workshop we explore deep processes in re-uniting sexuality and love. A flowing connection between your pelvis and your heart is essential. If you are not reachable in your pelvis, then you will experience love mainly from your heart. It can lead to you giving easily and that you are less aware of your limits. Intimacy When your energy flows mainly from your pelvis, but your heart is protecting itself because of the memories of old pain, you may be able to express yourself sexually, but the intimate deepening from your heart is less present. You may experience more flatness on an emotional level and miss intimacy in your relationships.

Healing your Inner Marriage

You will be guided in harmoniously connecting your inner masculine and feminine parts and in discovering how you can deepen and increase the flow of love for yourself and for others, through the connection of your pelvis with your heart. This inner integration gives a constant sensual dimension to your love. By opening yourself to spiritual energy flowing from the past, your parents and your ancestors, you will experience how your Sex, Heart and Spirit come to a wholeness, supporting your family's experiences, desires and blessings. It will give you the opportunity to experience your sexuality as a gift of a vital, greater flow of a life force that unites the past, present and future of your bloodline in a healing movement.

What can you expect?

-6 days Intensive, safe-setting-private group of up to twelve participants with three highly experienced facilitators

- participants from all sexual orientations and expressions are welcome

- in-depth individual and group processes with the potential for transformation

- breath work, body work, family dynamics, patterns in generations- we guard your safety and your limits with our bodies and lives

- in some processes we work with partial nudity. You always decide how much or how little clothing you wear

- if desired: intimate body work (pelvic heart release) to release and integrate tensions and blockages in the pelvic area

- The Immersion is given in English (translated in Dutch when needed).

What do the others say about the Pelvic Heart Immersion?

Wow what a journey! It has brought me so much. I still vibrate after everything that has happened in me. The frozen piece that has been thawed and the energy that was released. I still feel it... The power within me is overwhelming. I can be completely myself, and I can enjoy this, as I have never been able to experience it before.

Mr. H.P., 52 yr.

I feel a great shift in myself after the workshop. I feel my center, my core as my own truth. I experience more pleasure in my body, and feel more safety and freedom to express myself in my relationship. I care less about what others think of me and I can sink better into a relaxation.

Mrs. M.S., 41 years

The team

Facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal

Space Holding & Assistance: Davinia Heuft -Wesdorp

Practical and social support: PHI team

This workshop is a 'deep dive' experience which will give you the opportunity and abilities to change and to rewrite the script of your early love imprints.
It can bring a new template into your love life and your relationship with yourself and the others.

You will reach the space of freedom and choices to create your new experience which will serve you to feel fully welcome in Life and Love.

Pelvic Heart Immersion will give you a deep and rich opportunity to explore, to embody and to express yourself, fully enjoying who you are:

- the tools to rewrite the script of the Love Story- the Alchemy of your parental Triangle
- the insights in what was holding you back in love and life
- letting go of limitations in love you have got at your very early age
-getting the permissions to have pleasure, without guilt and shame
-to unlock the natural source of ultimate joy and freedom- receiving life and love without the limits

No previous experience of this kind of work is required, though familiarity with the principles of neo-Reichian bodywork, Gestalt therapy and the modern western approach to Tantra are all helpful.

All inclusive

The all-inclusive program of this fully accommodated, intensive and deeply transforming six-day Intensive:

-Support before and after the Immersion.

Personal introductory talks : Intake via Skype, in preparation for the Immersion and individual session for the integration afterwards

- early morning program: yoga, movement, bare feet walks

- all workshops

- accommodation based on two persons bedroom

-organic vegetarian catering

-outside activities

-Staying in the nature environment with lots of walking possibilities

- house surrounded by nature: during the Immersion you have the space to integrate and to rest

-there are at least three evening programs: with music, massage, community rituals and more.


-890,- euro all-in, single room

-820,- euro all-in, two persons bedroom

- Lucky Bird: 750,- euro 3 first participants

-Dubble Bird: 1590,- euro per couple (bring-a-friend option is valid)

Payment: tnv T. Rozenthal

or else with the bank transfer.

P.S. Would you really like to participate in this Immersion, but you don't have enough financial space? Send a motivation letter to Tanya and consult her about the possibilities to make a part of the contribution in a different way. A partially subsidized place has been made available (this place is already taken).

Where? House in the nature, Gelderland, NL.

More information about the location follows.


PHI Immersion starts on Friday, 19.11.21 at 17:00 and ends on Wednesday 24.11.21 at 17:00.

More information?

Have you become enthusiastic and do you feel that this is for you, or do you want to know more about it? Send an email to Tanya Rozenthal via

Please note: only after her confirmation you can be sure that you can count on a place.

NB. Due to the nature of a deep process, we have room for a maximum of 14 participants.

About Pelvic Heart Integration:

Pelvic Heart Integration is a unique and powerful synthesis of neo-Reichian breathwork, somatic release bodywork, psychodrama, trauma work, body reading, s'xual shamanism and Tantra for understanding and harmonizing the whole person particularly in the areas of relationship, love and sexuality.
This system was developed by Dr. Jack Painter and continued by Dr. Deborah Taj Anapol. It has been called “the most potent integration tool for s'xual harmony” by highly experienced sexuality trainers and workshop leaders.

The Pelvic Heart Integration system increases our awareness and gives us tools for healing developmental issues of childhood to the physical, emotional, interpersonal and s'xual issues confronting us as evolving humans including those beliefs and patterns from our ancestral lineage.

Facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal (Netherlands)
Tanya loves to share her gifts as space holder and facilitator of deep process work, with wisdom and humor. She brings a rich fusion of experience in Sacred Eros, shamanism, trauma-informed somatic sexology, Kundalini Awakening, Tantra, shadow work and embodiment practices, working with both individuals and groups.
Tanya has background in trans-personal and neuro-affective psychology, musicology, literature, eastern mysticism and various BodyMind psychotherapeutic modalities.
Tanya is surfing the waves of consciousness in the sea of transformation, devoted to her own individual heart expanding journey. She is grounded, creative and committed to authentic human expression. More about Tanya:


Pelvic Heart Immersion: Integrating Sex, Heart and Spirit.

Opnieuw in je lichaam komen, je zintuigen wakker maken, in het heden blijven en voelen.

Liefde, passie, spiritualiteit en seksualiteit als kernthema’s van de menszijn komen uitvoerig aan bod in de Pelvic Heart Immersion ( PHI, bekken-hart intensive).

PHI vergroot ons bewustzijn op het gebied van liefde, relaties en seksualiteit. Het geeft jou krachtige tools om jezelf als een totale wezen te harmoniseren. Door de middel van diepte lichaamswerk, tantrisch energiewerk, ademwerk, psychodrama, het transformeren van systemische trauma's en belemmerende familiepatronen word je uitgenodigd om deze thema’s te onderzoeken.

Liefde en passie
Voor een kind is het belangrijk om te zien dat zijn of haar moeder en vader liefde en passie voelen voor elkaar. Het raakt een diep niveau van eigenwaarde en zelfliefde. Als er spanningen zijn tussen de ouders kun je dat als kind overnemen. Het is belangrijk om als kind een voorbeeld te hebben van stromende liefde tussen zijn of haar ouders. Het kind ontvangt daarmee een toestemming zelf de (eigen) liefde waard te zijn.

Heeft het kind dit gemist, dan kan de balans tussen liefde toelaten en ontvangen verstoord raken. Wanneer de stroom van ontvangen geblokkeerd is, kan dat zich weerspiegelen in onze volwassen (seksuele) relaties. Er is geen rolmodel voor het ontvangen, dus we gaan relaties invullen met geven. Wanneer ouders niet ondersteunend zijn voor onze seksualiteit, kan dat problemen opleveren bij het uitvinden en integreren hiervan.

Tijdens de workshop onderzoeken wij diepe processen bij het verenigen van seksualiteit en liefde. Een stromende verbinding tussen je bekken en je hart is daarbij essentieel. Ben je in je bekken niet bereikbaar, dan ervaar je liefde vooral vanuit je hart. Het kan ertoe leiden dat je vooral gemakkelijk geeft en dat je je minder bewust bent van je grenzen. Je verlies gemakkelijk jezelf in relaties met anderen.

Wanneer je energie vooral stroomt vanuit je bekken, maar je hart zichzelf aan het beschermen is vanwege de herinneringen aan oude pijn, kun je mogelijk seksueel jezelf uitdrukken, maar is de intieme verdieping vanuit je hart minder aanwezig. Je kunt dan meer vlakheid ervaren op emotioneel gebied en je mist intimiteit in je relaties.

Helen van je Innerlijke Huwelijk
Je zal begeleid worden in het harmonieus verbinden van je innerlijke mannelijke en vrouwelijke delen en in het ontdekken van hoe je liefdesstroom voor jezelf en voor de anderen kan verdiepen en vergroten, via de verbinding van je bekken met je hart. Deze innerlijke integratie geeft een constante sensuele dimensie aan je liefde. Hierdoor kun je in de liefdevolle verbinding met de anderen zijn, zonder jezelf daarin te verliezen.

Helen van je bloedlijn
Door jezelf te openen voor spirituele energie die vanuit het verleden, vanuit je ouders en je voorouders stroomt, zal je ervaren hoe je Sex, Hart en Spirit tot een heelheid komen, door de ondersteuning van de ervaringen, verlangens en zegeningen van je familie. Het zal je mogelijkheid geven om je seksualiteit te ervaren als een Geschenk van een vitale, grotere stroom van een levenskracht die het verleden, het heden en de toekomst van je bloedlijn verenigt in een helende beweging.

Wat kun je verwachten?
- intensieve zesdaagse in veilige setting
- besloten groep van maximaal viertien deelnemers met drie zeer ervaren begeleiders
- deelnemers van alle seksuele oriëntaties en expressies zijn welkom
- diepgaande individuele en groepsprocessen met potentie tot transformatie
- ademwerk, lichaamswerk, gezinsdynamiek, patronen in generaties
- je veiligheid en je grenzen bewaken we met ons lijf en leven
- bij sommige processen werken wij met gedeeltelijke naaktheid. Je bepaalt altijd zelf hoeveel of hoe weinig kleding je draagt.
- als gewenst: intiem lichaamswerk (pelvic heart release) om spanningen en blokkades in het bekkengebied te releasen en te integreren
- De Immersion wordt gegeven in het Engels, met de vertaling in het Nederlands naar behoefte.

Wat zeggen de anderen over de Pelvic Heart Immersion?
-Wauw wat een reis! Het heeft mij zo veel gebracht. Ik tril nog na van alles wat er in mij gebeurd is. Het bevroren stuk wat ontdooid is en de energie die vrijkwam. Ik voel het nog… De kracht in mij is overweldigend. Ik mag helemaal mijzelf zijn, en ik mag hiervan genieten, zoals ik het nog nooit heb kunnen ervaren. Dhr. H.P., 52 jr.
-Ik voel een grote verschuiving in mijzelf na de workshop. Ik voel mijn centrum, mijn kern als mijn eigen waarheid. Ik ervaar meer plezier in mijn lijf, en voel meer veiligheid en vrijheid om mijzelf uit te drukken in mijn relatie. Ik trek me minder aan wat de anderen van mij vinden en kan beter zakken in een ontspanning. Mw. M.S., 41 jr.

Het team
Facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal
Assistentie & proces ondersteuning: Davinia Heuft- Wesdorp

Tanya is een embodiment alchemiste, somatisch seksuologe, intimiteitscoach, shamanic ritualist, trauma-geïnformeerd lichaamsgericht therapeut, Kundalini yogic healer, kruidenvrouw en muzikant.
Haar achtergrond is ontwikkelingspsychologie, musicologie, letterkunde en hulpverlening.
Als therapeute heeft zij 15 jaar werkervaring in reguliere vrouwenhulpverlening. Sexological Bodywork, traumawerk, yogic healing, seksuele sjamanisme, vrouwenwerk en Pelvic Heart Integration (zoals onderwezen door Deborah Taj Anapol) zijn haar werkgebieden.
In haar werk brengt Tanya kunst en wetenschap, diepte en wijsheid, humor en oeroude rituelen van het transpersoonlijke bij elkaar tot unieke expressie en rijkdom van Full Spectrum Human Being.
Tanya faciliteert embodiment retraites, tribal werk en sacred sexuality workshops in Nederland en in het buitenland en begeleidt cliënten in haar praktijk in Amsterdam.

All inclusive
De all-inclusive programma van deze volledig verzorgde, intensieve en diep transformerende vijfdaagse:

-Support vóór en na de Immersion. Persoonlijke kennismakingsgesprek-intake via skype, ter voorbereiding voor de Immersion en individuele sessie voor de integratie erna.
- vroege ochtend programma
- alle workshops
- overnachtingen op basis van twee- of vierpersoonskamer, naar keuze (zoland deze optie is beschikbaar)
-biologisch vegetarisch catering
- Het verblijf in de natuuromgeving met zwem- en wandelmogelijkheden
- veel privacy: tijdens de Immersion heb je de ruimte om te integreren of uitrusten.

Er zijn minimaal twee avondprogramma’s: met muziek, massage en Sacred Fire ritueel buiten.

P.S. Wil je heel graag deelnemen aan dit Immersion, maar heb je niet genoeg financiële ruimte? Stuur een motivatiebrief aan Tanya en raadpleeg haar over de mogelijkheden om op een andere manier een deel van het bijdrage te kunnen leveren. Er is een plek ter beschikking gesteld die is deels gesubsidieerd. (deze plek is inmiddels gevuld).
Privé locatie in de natuur
De PHI Immersion begint op 19.11.21 om 17:00 en eindigt op zondag 24.11.21 om 17:00.

Meer informatie?
Ben je enthousiast geworden en voel je dat dit voor jou is, of wil je hier meer over weten?
Stuur een mail aan Tanya Rozenthal via
Let op: pas na haar bevestiging weet je zeker of je kunt rekenen op een plaats.
NB. Vanwege de aard van een diep proceswerk hebben we plek voor maximaal 14 deelnemers.

Evenement bekijken →
Tantra Festival Heart Revolution, France
naar 22 aug

Tantra Festival Heart Revolution, France



In the middle France, hidden among nature, removed from the hustle and bustle of city life you will find our exclusive Tantra festival. This intimate festival is accepting just 65 like-minded participants. Everyone is welcome; whether you are a Tantra newbie, a well experienced Tantrika, are single or in couple, of any specification. Throughout this festival we will be diving deep! You can expect full spirit, meaningful interactions, connectivity, loving and sharing experiences. Some of the best known educators in Tantra will offer their knowledge for you to find your inner guidance, and create more meaningful relationships within yourself and with others.


Together we can dive deep!

During the festival we will gradually familiarise you with energy, with your own body and your relationship to others. This will be achieved through a variety of meditations, emotional body work, and a variety of other Tantric exercises. The festival will inspire you to live to your full potential and celebrate life, to let go of your fears, to fully relax, and to experience total freedom in the embracing of your true self. The meditations and exercises are focussed on connecting from heart to heart, going deeper inside oneself and to be fully present in the now. The festival is about being open to giving and receiving, to yourself and to others and going beyond the illusion of the physical body, to dive deeper into yourself, and your surroundings.

Together we will discover different aspects of our being in a playful way – within a safe, supportive and loving community.



The program starts daily before breakfast with a 1-hour varying morning workshop. Every day you make a choice out of three different workshops in the morning and three different workshops in the afternoon. Each workshop lasts an average of 2.5 hours. Teachings take up to 7 hours a day.

In the workshops there are individual exercises, with a partner and with the group.

The teachers work closely together in order to move you in their group sessions gradually and synchronically from earthly to ever-refined energy, through awareness and healing of your own body to opening for love and connection with the deeper layers within yourself and with the people around you.

In the festival program you find:

  • Ten mighty agreements for empowered participation

  • Your Holy YES and Sacred NO

  • The temple of the dark Eros of Feminine

  • Pelvic Heart Integration, Dropping the Shame

  • Sex Magic ritual: Initiation into Eros

  • Erotic power and Ancestral initiation

  • The Art of Energy sex

  • Tantric Death. Ecstatic Death Meditation

  • Tantric Puja: the Art of Adoration

  • Quodoushka: Orgasmic Fire Breathwork

  • Ritual Play

  • Pleasure medicine

  • Sensual sisterhood

  • Prana flow massage

  • Kasjmir massage

  • The vulnerability of men

This is our toolkit for you, in order to experience you, to (re)discover all your flavours, to grow, heal, liberate yourself, peel of the onion to become more open, free, conscious, alive and reveal the light being that you already are…


Arrival during the day on the 25th ofJuly. Diner at 7 is included. The festival starts with an opening ritual on the first evening.

08.00 to 09.00 – Pre morning program
10.00 to 12.30 – Morning program followed by lunch and a break
15.00 to 17.30 – Afternoon program
21.00 – evening program such as play party, love temple, mantra chanting, ecstatic dance…

Halfway through the week there is a free afternoon to fill in by yourself; go for a walk in the beautiful surroundings, lose yourself in a book from our library, swim in our lake, sweat it out in the sauna, or simply lounge in a hammock and daydream about life. Importantly, there is time and space to process whatever you have experienced throughout the day. Questions are never too much, and can be asked to Chandra or Wim.

The week will be closed as a group on the final evening. 1st of August after breakfast it is time to say goodbye. Or stay for another week for an in-depth Tantra training or full board stay: the Tantra Shibari experience, the Sadhaka Tantra Yoga course, the Tibetan Tantra Massage course. Prior to the festival you can attend the Combination week Yoga / Tantra / Art.

Some responses from previous participants

“Wow we are all Buddhas …”. We met the Buddha, in ourselves and in the other. Special, surprising, confronting, open, free. A beautiful learning process. (Michelle and Chris)

What a week, what a time. I have felt a lot, and even more. Beautiful Buddhas, nature, delicious food. What else can a man wish for? I am seeing my life little by little in the Sadhaka light. (Stijn)

My Tantra week: Experiencing together with my love and the group what happens when we take off our masks and are not afraid to open up. I connected with the loving, fragile and in the same time such a powerful being inside myself. Going through the outside layers of the physical body and making contact on energy level. If every person on earth could have this experience at least once in his life, there would be less war! Thank you so much for making sure everyone has an amazing week and for your love. (Jos)

Unfamiliar with Tantra yoga, I somehow ended up at the doorstep of Wim and Chandra. Seven days later and my heart is overflowing with love. Tantra yoga deepened the compassion for myself and for the other. Thank you loving people of Sadhaka for your hospitality, the fantastic ambiance, the delicious food and the safe surroundings that allowed me to grow into myself. (Trees)

Love, love, love comes through all the cracks. It flows out, in and beyond … From the source and back. Thank you for your energy, connection and this beautiful place. (Esther)

Who is this festival for?

The festival is open to everybody! Singles, couples, beginners and experienced Tantrikas wether you are single or in couple, of any specification. We can always go deeper.

Important to know

  • You are free to participate partly, less intensively or not at all

  • There is no ‘dress’ code. For some exercises it is practical to be naked, it is not a must. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable

  • Sadhaka offers a safe and accessible environment for you to develop spiritually and to grow consciously.



Host and hostess of the festival in France are Tantra yoga teacher Wim Molinello and Chandra Nanda Dasi. Together with Tantra Masseur Johan Raaimakers, Tanya Rozenthal – Sexuall Shamanic coach, Fredrik Swan – Tantra teacher and musician, Janie Petersen – Tantric Relationship Coach, Jem Ayres – Orgasmic Embodiment Coach,  Hugs Goddard – Sexological Bodyworker and Franc Duking – Mindful Tango teacher they facilitate the various workshops. Keep an eye on the website for updates about the program and new teachers.

Wim Molinello

Chandra Nanda Dasi

Johan Raaimakers

Tanya Rozenthal

Janie Petersen

Fredrik Swahn

Jem Ayres

Hugs Goddard

Franc Duking.

Monique Sajet

Personal sessions

You can book an individual session with the various trainers, masseurs and healers for an even deeper experience. Prices and booking on the spot.

  • Tantra massage

  • Prana Flow massage

  • Relationship and open counseling sessions

  • Yoni & lingam massage

  • Deep bodywork & Sexual dearmouring

  • Healing the feminine, pelvis and yoni session

  • Pelvic Heart Integration sexual healing session

Emotional support

The workshops can have a big impact on you, both during and after. Monique Sajet, coach with over 30 years of experience in guiding interpersonal processes, is especially ready for you to give meaning and depth to your experiences where necessary for easier integration, insight and growth. She holds an hour of free consultation both at the end of the day workshops and in the afternoons for anyone who finds himself in emotional need for personal support.

Join us!


Evenement bekijken →
Pelvic Heart Immersion:  Integrating Sex, Heart & Spirit (Full)
naar 26 jun

Pelvic Heart Immersion: Integrating Sex, Heart & Spirit (Full)

Pelvic Heart Immersion:
Integrating Sex, Heart and Spirit

Pelvic Heart Integration, what is it about?
(Dutch below)
In this 5 days journey we are going to explore, transform and experience the essential laws of the Life energy flow and the human nature of Love.
We will dive into the foundation of the Breath of Life and the polarity of the Masculine and the Feminine as an Alchemical process you were born from.
You will be able to see, to experience, to feel and to own the cell information you was born with and what you are carrying with you as a genetic Love Code.
In this structure you will find deep insights of what and how it effected you as a free s’xual human being.
We will discover how our characteristic breathing patterns, thoughts, emotions, and body armour block the free flow of our life force and inhibit our capacity for sensual pleasure and orgasmic energies. We use breath, movement and mindful touch to feel the unity of love and satisfaction.

Love, passion, spirituality and sexuality as core themes of being human are extensively discussed in the Pelvic Heart Immersion (PHI, pelvic-heart intensive).

PHI increases our awareness in the field of love, relationships and sexuality. It gives you powerful tools to harmonize yourself as a total being. Through depth bodywork, tantric energy work, breath work, psychodrama, transforming systemic traumas and hindering family patterns, you are invited to explore these themes.

Love and passion

For a child it is important to see that his or her mother and father feel love and passion for each other. It touches a deep level of self-esteem and self-love. If there are tensions between the parents, you can take over as a child. It is important as a child to have an example of flowing love between his or her parents. The child thus receives permission to be worthy of his or her (own) love.

Role model

If the child has missed this, the balance between allowing love and receiving can be disturbed. When the flow of receiving is blocked, this can be reflected in our adult (sexual) relationships. There is no role model for receiving, so we are going to fill in relationships with giving. When parents are not supportive of our sexuality, this can cause problems in inventing and integrating it.


During the workshop we explore deep processes in re-uniting sexuality and love. A flowing connection between your pelvis and your heart is essential. If you are not reachable in your pelvis, then you will experience love mainly from your heart. It can lead to you giving easily and that you are less aware of your limits. Intimacy When your energy flows mainly from your pelvis, but your heart is protecting itself because of the memories of old pain, you may be able to express yourself sexually, but the intimate deepening from your heart is less present. You may experience more flatness on an emotional level and miss intimacy in your relationships.

Healing your Inner Marriage

You will be guided in harmoniously connecting your inner masculine and feminine parts and in discovering how you can deepen and increase the flow of love for yourself and for others, through the connection of your pelvis with your heart. This inner integration gives a constant sensual dimension to your love. By opening yourself to spiritual energy flowing from the past, your parents and your ancestors, you will experience how your Sex, Heart and Spirit come to a wholeness, supporting your family's experiences, desires and blessings. It will give you the opportunity to experience your sexuality as a gift of a vital, greater flow of a life force that unites the past, present and future of your bloodline in a healing movement.

What can you expect?

-5 days Intensive, safe-setting-private group of up to twelve participants with three highly experienced facilitators

- participants from all sexual orientations and expressions are welcome

- in-depth individual and group processes with the potential for transformation

- breath work, body work, family dynamics, patterns in generations- we guard your safety and your limits with our bodies and lives

- in some processes we work with partial nudity. You always decide how much or how little clothing you wear

- if desired: intimate body work (pelvic heart release) to release and integrate tensions and blockages in the pelvic area

- The Immersion is given in English (translated in Dutch when needed).

What do the others say about the Pelvic Heart Immersion?

Wow what a journey! It has brought me so much. I still vibrate after everything that has happened in me. The frozen piece that has been thawed and the energy that was released. I still feel it... The power within me is overwhelming. I can be completely myself, and I can enjoy this, as I have never been able to experience it before.

Mr. H.P., 52 yr.

I feel a great shift in myself after the workshop. I feel my center, my core as my own truth. I experience more pleasure in my body, and feel more safety and freedom to express myself in my relationship. I care less about what others think of me and I can sink better into a relaxation.

Mrs. M.S., 41 years

The team

Facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal

Space Holding & Assistance: Davinia Heuft -Wesdorp

Practical and social support: PHI team

This workshop is a 'deep dive' experience which will give you the opportunity and abilities to change and to rewrite the script of your early love imprints.
It can bring a new template into your love life and your relationship with yourself and the others.

You will reach the space of freedom and choices to create your new experience which will serve you to feel fully welcome in Life and Love.

Pelvic Heart Immersion will give you a deep and rich opportunity to explore, to embody and to express yourself, fully enjoying who you are:

- the tools to rewrite the script of the Love Story- the Alchemy of your parental Triangle
- the insights in what was holding you back in love and life
- letting go of limitations in love you have got at your very early age
-getting the permissions to have pleasure, without guilt and shame
-to unlock the natural source of ultimate joy and freedom- receiving life and love without the limits

No previous experience of this kind of work is required, though familiarity with the principles of neo-Reichian bodywork, Gestalt therapy and the modern western approach to Tantra are all helpful.

All inclusive

The all-inclusive program of this fully accommodated, intensive and deeply transforming five-day Intensive:

-Support before and after the Immersion.

Personal introductory talks : Intake via Skype, in preparation for the Immersion and individual session for the integration afterwards

- early morning program: yoga, movement, bare feet walks

- all workshops

- accommodation based on two or four-bed room, of your choice (as long as this option is available)

-organic vegetarian catering

-outside activities

-Staying in the nature environment with lots of walking possibilities

-This immersion is a Wellness edition. Sauna is available. Jacuzzi is available for a small fee.

- house surrounded by nature: during the Immersion you have the space to integrate and to rest

-there are at least three evening programs: with music, massage, community rituals and more.


-820,- euro all-in, two persons master bedroom

-790,- euro all-in, two persons bedroom

-760,- euro all-in, four bed dormitory

- Lucky Bird: 720,- 3 first participants

-Dubble Bird: 1450,- euro per couple (bring-a-friend option is valid)

Payment: tnv T. Rozenthal

or else with the bank transfer.

P.S. Would you really like to participate in this Immersion, but you don't have enough financial space? Send a motivation letter to Tanya and consult her about the possibilities to make a part of the contribution in a different way. A partially subsidized place has been made available (this place is already taken).

Where? Villa in National Nature Park Veluwe


PHI Immersion starts on Tuesday, 22 of June 2021 at 18:00 and ends on Saturday 26 of June 2021 at 17:00.

More information?

Have you become enthusiastic and do you feel that this is for you, or do you want to know more about it? Send an email to Tanya Rozenthal via

Please note: only after her confirmation you can be sure that you can count on a place.

NB. Due to the nature of a deep process, we have room for a maximum of 14 participants.

About Pelvic Heart Integration:

Pelvic Heart Integration is a unique and powerful synthesis of neo-Reichian breathwork, somatic release bodywork, psychodrama, trauma work, body reading, s'xual shamanism and Tantra for understanding and harmonizing the whole person particularly in the areas of relationship, love and sexuality.
This system was developed by Dr. Jack Painter and continued by Dr. Deborah Taj Anapol. It has been called “the most potent integration tool for s'xual harmony” by highly experienced sexuality trainers and workshop leaders.

The Pelvic Heart Integration system increases our awareness and gives us tools for healing developmental issues of childhood to the physical, emotional, interpersonal and s'xual issues confronting us as evolving humans including those beliefs and patterns from our ancestral lineage.

Facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal (Netherlands)
Tanya loves to share her gifts as space holder and facilitator of deep process work, with wisdom and humor. She brings a rich fusion of experience in Sacred Eros, shamanism, trauma-informed somatic sexology, Kundalini Awakening, Tantra, shadow work and embodiment practices, working with both individuals and groups.
Tanya has background in trans-personal and neuro-affective psychology, musicology, literature, eastern mysticism and various BodyMind psychotherapeutic modalities.
Tanya is surfing the waves of consciousness in the sea of transformation, devoted to her own individual heart expanding journey. She is grounded, creative and committed to authentic human expression. More about Tanya:


Pelvic Heart Immersion: Integrating Sex, Heart and Spirit.

Opnieuw in je lichaam komen, je zintuigen wakker maken, in het heden blijven en voelen.

Liefde, passie, spiritualiteit en seksualiteit als kernthema’s van de menszijn komen uitvoerig aan bod in de Pelvic Heart Immersion ( PHI, bekken-hart intensive).

PHI vergroot ons bewustzijn op het gebied van liefde, relaties en seksualiteit. Het geeft jou krachtige tools om jezelf als een totale wezen te harmoniseren. Door de middel van diepte lichaamswerk, tantrisch energiewerk, ademwerk, psychodrama, het transformeren van systemische trauma's en belemmerende familiepatronen word je uitgenodigd om deze thema’s te onderzoeken.

Liefde en passie
Voor een kind is het belangrijk om te zien dat zijn of haar moeder en vader liefde en passie voelen voor elkaar. Het raakt een diep niveau van eigenwaarde en zelfliefde. Als er spanningen zijn tussen de ouders kun je dat als kind overnemen. Het is belangrijk om als kind een voorbeeld te hebben van stromende liefde tussen zijn of haar ouders. Het kind ontvangt daarmee een toestemming zelf de (eigen) liefde waard te zijn.

Heeft het kind dit gemist, dan kan de balans tussen liefde toelaten en ontvangen verstoord raken. Wanneer de stroom van ontvangen geblokkeerd is, kan dat zich weerspiegelen in onze volwassen (seksuele) relaties. Er is geen rolmodel voor het ontvangen, dus we gaan relaties invullen met geven. Wanneer ouders niet ondersteunend zijn voor onze seksualiteit, kan dat problemen opleveren bij het uitvinden en integreren hiervan.

Tijdens de workshop onderzoeken wij diepe processen bij het verenigen van seksualiteit en liefde. Een stromende verbinding tussen je bekken en je hart is daarbij essentieel. Ben je in je bekken niet bereikbaar, dan ervaar je liefde vooral vanuit je hart. Het kan ertoe leiden dat je vooral gemakkelijk geeft en dat je je minder bewust bent van je grenzen. Je verlies gemakkelijk jezelf in relaties met anderen.

Wanneer je energie vooral stroomt vanuit je bekken, maar je hart zichzelf aan het beschermen is vanwege de herinneringen aan oude pijn, kun je mogelijk seksueel jezelf uitdrukken, maar is de intieme verdieping vanuit je hart minder aanwezig. Je kunt dan meer vlakheid ervaren op emotioneel gebied en je mist intimiteit in je relaties.

Helen van je Innerlijke Huwelijk
Je zal begeleid worden in het harmonieus verbinden van je innerlijke mannelijke en vrouwelijke delen en in het ontdekken van hoe je liefdesstroom voor jezelf en voor de anderen kan verdiepen en vergroten, via de verbinding van je bekken met je hart. Deze innerlijke integratie geeft een constante sensuele dimensie aan je liefde. Hierdoor kun je in de liefdevolle verbinding met de anderen zijn, zonder jezelf daarin te verliezen.

Helen van je bloedlijn
Door jezelf te openen voor spirituele energie die vanuit het verleden, vanuit je ouders en je voorouders stroomt, zal je ervaren hoe je Sex, Hart en Spirit tot een heelheid komen, door de ondersteuning van de ervaringen, verlangens en zegeningen van je familie. Het zal je mogelijkheid geven om je seksualiteit te ervaren als een Geschenk van een vitale, grotere stroom van een levenskracht die het verleden, het heden en de toekomst van je bloedlijn verenigt in een helende beweging.

Wat kun je verwachten?
- intensieve vijfdaagse in veilige setting
- besloten groep van maximaal twaalf deelnemers met drie zeer ervaren begeleiders
- deelnemers van alle seksuele oriëntaties en expressies zijn welkom
- diepgaande individuele en groepsprocessen met potentie tot transformatie
- ademwerk, lichaamswerk, gezinsdynamiek, patronen in generaties
- je veiligheid en je grenzen bewaken we met ons lijf en leven
- bij sommige processen werken wij met gedeeltelijke naaktheid. Je bepaalt altijd zelf hoeveel of hoe weinig kleding je draagt.
- als gewenst: intiem lichaamswerk (pelvic heart release) om spanningen en blokkades in het bekkengebied te releasen en te integreren
- De Immersion wordt gegeven in het Engels, met de vertaling in het Nederlands naar behoefte.

Wat zeggen de anderen over de Pelvic Heart Immersion?
-Wauw wat een reis! Het heeft mij zo veel gebracht. Ik tril nog na van alles wat er in mij gebeurd is. Het bevroren stuk wat ontdooid is en de energie die vrijkwam. Ik voel het nog… De kracht in mij is overweldigend. Ik mag helemaal mijzelf zijn, en ik mag hiervan genieten, zoals ik het nog nooit heb kunnen ervaren. Dhr. H.P., 52 jr.
-Ik voel een grote verschuiving in mijzelf na de workshop. Ik voel mijn centrum, mijn kern als mijn eigen waarheid. Ik ervaar meer plezier in mijn lijf, en voel meer veiligheid en vrijheid om mijzelf uit te drukken in mijn relatie. Ik trek me minder aan wat de anderen van mij vinden en kan beter zakken in een ontspanning. Mw. M.S., 41 jr.

Het team
Facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal
Assistentie & proces ondersteuning: Davinia Heuft- Wesdorp

Tanya is een embodiment alchemiste, somatisch seksuologe, intimiteitscoach, shamanic ritualist, trauma-geïnformeerd lichaamsgericht therapeut, Kundalini yogic healer, kruidenvrouw en muzikant.
Haar achtergrond is ontwikkelingspsychologie, musicologie, letterkunde en hulpverlening.
Als therapeute heeft zij 15 jaar werkervaring in reguliere vrouwenhulpverlening. Sexological Bodywork, traumawerk, yogic healing, seksuele sjamanisme, vrouwenwerk en Pelvic Heart Integration (zoals onderwezen door Deborah Taj Anapol) zijn haar werkgebieden.
In haar werk brengt Tanya kunst en wetenschap, diepte en wijsheid, humor en oeroude rituelen van het transpersoonlijke bij elkaar tot unieke expressie en rijkdom van Full Spectrum Human Being.
Tanya faciliteert embodiment retraites, tribal werk en sacred sexuality workshops in Nederland en in het buitenland en begeleidt cliënten in haar praktijk in Amsterdam.

All inclusive
De all-inclusive programma van deze volledig verzorgde, intensieve en diep transformerende vijfdaagse:

-Support vóór en na de Immersion. Persoonlijke kennismakingsgesprek-intake via skype, ter voorbereiding voor de Immersion en individuele sessie voor de integratie erna.
- vroege ochtend programma
- alle workshops
- overnachtingen op basis van twee- of vierpersoonskamer, naar keuze (zoland deze optie is beschikbaar)
-biologisch vegetarisch catering
- Het verblijf in de natuuromgeving met zwem- en wandelmogelijkheden
- veel privacy: tijdens de Immersion heb je de ruimte om te integreren of uitrusten.

Er zijn minimaal twee avondprogramma’s: met muziek, massage en Sacred Fire ritueel buiten.

P.S. Wil je heel graag deelnemen aan dit Immersion, maar heb je niet genoeg financiële ruimte? Stuur een motivatiebrief aan Tanya en raadpleeg haar over de mogelijkheden om op een andere manier een deel van het bijdrage te kunnen leveren. Er is een plek ter beschikking gesteld die is deels gesubsidieerd. (deze plek is inmiddels gevuld).
Privé locatie in de natuur
De PHI Immersion begint op dinsdag 22.06 om 18:00 en eindigt op zaterdag 26.06 om 17:00.

Meer informatie?
Ben je enthousiast geworden en voel je dat dit voor jou is, of wil je hier meer over weten?
Stuur een mail aan Tanya Rozenthal via
Let op: pas na haar bevestiging weet je zeker of je kunt rekenen op een plaats.
NB. Vanwege de aard van een diep proceswerk hebben we plek voor maximaal 14 deelnemers.

Evenement bekijken →
Adem als Levensvuur : introductiemiddag Pelvic Heart Integration
2:00 p.m.14:00

Adem als Levensvuur : introductiemiddag Pelvic Heart Integration

Sta je open voor een ​​dieper niveau van bewustzijn en integratie in je leven? Voor meer innerlijke harmonie, vrijheidsgevoel, voor voedende liefdesrelaties?
Wil je ervaren en meer weten wat Pelvic Heart Integration (zoals doorgegeven door Deborah Taj Anapol) voor jou kan betekenen?
PHI vergroot ons bewustzijn op het gebied van liefde, relaties en seksualiteit. Het geeft jou krachtige tools om jezelf als een totale wezen te harmoniseren.

Door de middel van diepte lichaamswerk, tantrisch energiewerk, ademwerk, psychodrama, het transformeren van systemische trauma's en belemmerende familiepatronen word je uitgenodigd om deze thema’s te onderzoeken.

Deze ervaringsgerichte introductie staat open voor zowel alleenstaanden als partners en is LGBTQ vriendelijk.
Er wordt Engels en Nederlands gesproken.

We hebben enkele plaatsen beschikbaar.

15,- euro per persoon
20 eu per (gelegenheids)koppel.

Je bent welkom -neem wat lekkers mee voor bij de thee, en kom gezellig vanaf 13.30 uur.

Voor aanmelding en meer informatie over de inhoud neem contact op met Tanya Rozenthal:
of via messenger.

In liefde, Tanya

Evenement bekijken →
Pelvic Heart Immersion:  Integrating Sex, Heart & Spirit (FULL)
naar 12 sep

Pelvic Heart Immersion: Integrating Sex, Heart & Spirit (FULL)

Pelvic Heart Immersion:
Integrating Sex, Heart and Spirit (FULL)

Pelvic Heart Integration, what is it about?
(Dutch below)
In this 5 days journey we are going to explore, transform and experience the essential laws of the Life energy flow and the human nature of Love.
We will dive into the foundation of the Breath of Life and the polarity of the Masculine and the Feminine as an Alchemical process you were born from.
You will be able to see, to experience, to feel and to own the cell information you was born with and what you are carrying with you as a genetic Love Code.
In this structure you will find deep insights of what and how it effected you as a free s’xual human being.
We will discover how our characteristic breathing patterns, thoughts, emotions, and body armour block the free flow of our life force and inhibit our capacity for sensual pleasure and orgasmic energies. We use breath, movement and mindful touch to feel the unity of love and satisfaction.

Love, passion, spirituality and sexuality as core themes of being human are extensively discussed in the Pelvic Heart Immersion (PHI, pelvic-heart intensive).

PHI increases our awareness in the field of love, relationships and sexuality. It gives you powerful tools to harmonise yourself as a total being. Through depth bodywork, tantric energy work, breath work, psychodrama, transforming systemic traumas and hindering family patterns, you are invited to explore these themes.

Love and passion

For a child it is important to see that his or her mother and father feel love and passion for each other. It touches a deep level of self-esteem and self-love. If there are tensions between the parents, you can take over as a child. It is important as a child to have an example of flowing love between his or her parents. The child thus receives permission to be worthy of his or her (own) love.

Role model

If the child has missed this, the balance between allowing love and receiving can be disturbed. When the flow of receiving is blocked, this can be reflected in our adult (sexual) relationships. There is no role model for receiving, so we are going to fill in relationships with giving. When parents are not supportive of our sexuality, this can cause problems in inventing and integrating it.


During the workshop we explore deep processes in re-uniting sexuality and love. A flowing connection between your pelvis and your heart is essential. If you are not reachable in your pelvis, then you will experience love mainly from your heart. It can lead to you giving easily and that you are less aware of your limits. Intimacy When your energy flows mainly from your pelvis, but your heart is protecting itself because of the memories of old pain, you may be able to express yourself sexually, but the intimate deepening from your heart is less present. You may experience more flatness on an emotional level and miss intimacy in your relationships.

Healing your Inner Marriage

You will be guided in harmoniously connecting your inner masculine and feminine parts and in discovering how you can deepen and increase the flow of love for yourself and for others, through the connection of your pelvis with your heart. This inner integration gives a constant sensual dimension to your love. By opening yourself to spiritual energy flowing from the past, your parents and your ancestors, you will experience how your Sex, Heart and Spirit come to a wholeness, supporting your family's experiences, desires and blessings. It will give you the opportunity to experience your sexuality as a gift of a vital, greater flow of a life force that unites the past, present and future of your bloodline in a healing movement.

What can you expect?

-5 days Intensive, safe-setting-private group of up to twelve participants with three highly experienced facilitators

- participants from all sexual orientations and expressions are welcome

- in-depth individual and group processes with the potential for transformation

- breath work, body work, family dynamics, patterns in generations- we guard your safety and your limits with our bodies and lives

- in some processes we work with partial nudity. You always decide how much or how little clothing you wear

- if desired: intimate body work (pelvic heart release) to release and integrate tensions and blockages in the pelvic area

- The Immersion is given in English (translated in Dutch when needed).

What do the others say about the Pelvic Heart Immersion?

Wow what a journey! It has brought me so much. I still vibrate after everything that has happened in me. The frozen piece that has been thawed and the energy that was released. I still feel it... The power within me is overwhelming. I can be completely myself, and I can enjoy this, as I have never been able to experience it before.

Mr. H.P., 52 yr.

I feel a great shift in myself after the workshop. I feel my center, my core as my own truth. I experience more pleasure in my body, and feel more safety and freedom to express myself in my relationship. I care less about what others think of me and I can sink better into a relaxation.

Mrs. M.S., 41 years

The team

Facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal & Team PHI practitioners

This workshop is a 'deep dive' experience which will give you the opportunity and abilities to change and to rewrite the script of your early love imprints.
It can bring a new template into your love life and your relationship with yourself and the others.

You will reach the space of freedom and choices to create your new experience which will serve you to feel fully welcome in Life and Love.

Pelvic Heart Immersion will give you a deep and rich opportunity to explore, to embody and to express yourself, fully enjoying who you are:

- the tools to rewrite the script of the Love Story- the Alchemy of your parental Triangle
- the insights in what was holding you back in love and life
- letting go of limitations in love you have got at your very early age
-getting the permissions to have pleasure, without guilt and shame
-to unlock the natural source of ultimate joy and freedom- receiving life and love without the limits

No previous experience of this kind of work is required, though familiarity with the principles of neo-Reichian bodywork, Gestalt therapy and the modern western approach to Tantra are all helpful.

All inclusive

The all-inclusive programm of this fully accommodated, intensive and deeply transforming five-day Intensive:

-Support before and after the Immersion.

Personal introductory talks : Intake via Skype, in preparation for the Immersion and individual session for the integration afterwards

- early morning program

- all workshops

- accommodation based on two or four-bed room, of your choice (as long as this option is available)

-organic vegetarian catering

-outside activities

-Staying in the nature environment with lots of walking possibilities


- lots of privacy in the nature: during the Immersion you have the space to integrate and to rest

-there are at least two evening program: with music, massage, sweat lodge and Sacred Fire ritual outside


-740,- euro all-in, based on two bed accommodation

-675,- euro all-in, based on four person dormitory

- 595,- euro all-in, Very Early Bird discount for the first 3 participants (full)

-Dubble Bird: 1190,- euro per couple (bring-a-friend option is valid)

Payment: tnv T. Rozenthal or else with the bank transfer.

P.S. Would you really like to participate in this Immersion, but you don't have enough financial space? Send a motivation letter to Tanya and consult her about the possibilities to make a part of the contribution in a different way. A partially subsidized place has been made available (this place is already taken).

Where? location in the nature, Noord Brabant, NL


PHI Immersion starts on Tuesday, 8 of September 2020 at 18:00 and ends on Saturday 12 of September 2020 at 17:00.

More information?

Have you become enthusiastic and do you feel that this is for you, or do you want to know more about it? Send an email to Tanya Rozenthal via

Please note: only after her confirmation you can be sure that you can count on a place.

NB. Due to the nature of a deep process, we have room for a maximum of 14 participants.

About Pelvic Heart Integration:

Pelvic Heart Integration is a unique and powerful synthesis of neo-Reichian breathwork, somatic release bodywork, psychodrama, trauma work, body reading, s'xual shamanism and Tantra for understanding and harmonizing the whole person particularly in the areas of relationship, love and sexuality.
This system was developed by Dr. Jack Painter and continued by Dr. Deborah Taj Anapol. It has been called “the most potent integration tool for s'xual harmony” by highly experienced sexuality trainers and workshop leaders.

The Pelvic Heart Integration system increases our awareness and gives us tools for healing developmental issues of childhood to the physical, emotional, interpersonal and s'xual issues confronting us as evolving humans including those beliefs and patterns from our ancestral lineage.

Facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal (Netherlands)
Tanya loves to share her gifts as space holder and facilitator of deep process work, with wisdom and humor. She brings a rich fusion of experience in Sacred Eros, shamanism, trauma-informed somatic sexology, Kundalini Awakening, Tantra, shadow work and embodiment practices, working with both individuals and groups.
Tanya has background in trans-personal and neuro-affective psychology, musicology, literature, eastern mysticism and various BodyMind psychotherapeutic modalities.
Tanya is surfing the waves of consciousness in the sea of transformation, devoted to her own individual heart expanding journey. She is grounded, creative and committed to authentic human expression. More about Tanya:


Pelvic Heart Immersion: Integrating Sex, Heart and Spirit.

Opnieuw in je lichaam komen, je zintuigen wakker maken, in het heden blijven en voelen.

Liefde, passie, spiritualiteit en seksualiteit als kernthema’s van de menszijn komen uitvoerig aan bod in de Pelvic Heart Immersion ( PHI, bekken-hart intensive).

PHI vergroot ons bewustzijn op het gebied van liefde, relaties en seksualiteit. Het geeft jou krachtige tools om jezelf als een totale wezen te harmoniseren. Door de middel van diepte lichaamswerk, tantrisch energiewerk, ademwerk, psychodrama, het transformeren van systemische trauma's en belemmerende familiepatronen word je uitgenodigd om deze thema’s te onderzoeken.

Liefde en passie
Voor een kind is het belangrijk om te zien dat zijn of haar moeder en vader liefde en passie voelen voor elkaar. Het raakt een diep niveau van eigenwaarde en zelfliefde. Als er spanningen zijn tussen de ouders kun je dat als kind overnemen. Het is belangrijk om als kind een voorbeeld te hebben van stromende liefde tussen zijn of haar ouders. Het kind ontvangt daarmee een toestemming zelf de (eigen) liefde waard te zijn.

Heeft het kind dit gemist, dan kan de balans tussen liefde toelaten en ontvangen verstoord raken. Wanneer de stroom van ontvangen geblokkeerd is, kan dat zich weerspiegelen in onze volwassen (seksuele) relaties. Er is geen rolmodel voor het ontvangen, dus we gaan relaties invullen met geven. Wanneer ouders niet ondersteunend zijn voor onze seksualiteit, kan dat problemen opleveren bij het uitvinden en integreren hiervan.

Tijdens de workshop onderzoeken wij diepe processen bij het verenigen van seksualiteit en liefde. Een stromende verbinding tussen je bekken en je hart is daarbij essentieel. Ben je in je bekken niet bereikbaar, dan ervaar je liefde vooral vanuit je hart. Het kan ertoe leiden dat je vooral gemakkelijk geeft en dat je je minder bewust bent van je grenzen. Je verlies gemakkelijk jezelf in relaties met anderen.

Wanneer je energie vooral stroomt vanuit je bekken, maar je hart zichzelf aan het beschermen is vanwege de herinneringen aan oude pijn, kun je mogelijk seksueel jezelf uitdrukken, maar is de intieme verdieping vanuit je hart minder aanwezig. Je kunt dan meer vlakheid ervaren op emotioneel gebied en je mist intimiteit in je relaties.

Helen van je Innerlijke Huwelijk
Je zal begeleid worden in het harmonieus verbinden van je innerlijke mannelijke en vrouwelijke delen en in het ontdekken van hoe je liefdesstroom voor jezelf en voor de anderen kan verdiepen en vergroten, via de verbinding van je bekken met je hart. Deze innerlijke integratie geeft een constante sensuele dimensie aan je liefde. Hierdoor kun je in de liefdevolle verbinding met de anderen zijn, zonder jezelf daarin te verliezen.

Helen van je bloedlijn
Door jezelf te openen voor spirituele energie die vanuit het verleden, vanuit je ouders en je voorouders stroomt, zal je ervaren hoe je Sex, Hart en Spirit tot een heelheid komen, door de ondersteuning van de ervaringen, verlangens en zegeningen van je familie. Het zal je mogelijkheid geven om je seksualiteit te ervaren als een Geschenk van een vitale, grotere stroom van een levenskracht die het verleden, het heden en de toekomst van je bloedlijn verenigt in een helende beweging.

Wat kun je verwachten?
- intensieve vijfdaagse in veilige setting
- besloten groep van maximaal twaalf deelnemers met drie zeer ervaren begeleiders
- deelnemers van alle seksuele oriëntaties en expressies zijn welkom
- diepgaande individuele en groepsprocessen met potentie tot transformatie
- ademwerk, lichaamswerk, gezinsdynamiek, patronen in generaties
- je veiligheid en je grenzen bewaken we met ons lijf en leven
- bij sommige processen werken wij met gedeeltelijke naaktheid. Je bepaalt altijd zelf hoeveel of hoe weinig kleding je draagt.
- als gewenst: intiem lichaamswerk (pelvic heart release) om spanningen en blokkades in het bekkengebied te releasen en te integreren
- De Immersion wordt gegeven in het Engels, met de vertaling in het Nederlands naar behoefte.

Wat zeggen de anderen over de Pelvic Heart Immersion?
-Wauw wat een reis! Het heeft mij zo veel gebracht. Ik tril nog na van alles wat er in mij gebeurd is. Het bevroren stuk wat ontdooid is en de energie die vrijkwam. Ik voel het nog… De kracht in mij is overweldigend. Ik mag helemaal mijzelf zijn, en ik mag hiervan genieten, zoals ik het nog nooit heb kunnen ervaren. Dhr. H.P., 52 jr.
-Ik voel een grote verschuiving in mijzelf na de workshop. Ik voel mijn centrum, mijn kern als mijn eigen waarheid. Ik ervaar meer plezier in mijn lijf, en voel meer veiligheid en vrijheid om mijzelf uit te drukken in mijn relatie. Ik trek me minder aan wat de anderen van mij vinden en kan beter zakken in een ontspanning. Mw. M.S., 41 jr.

Het team
Facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal
Assistentie: Internationale team van Pelvic Heart Integration facilitators.

Tanya is een embodiment alchemiste, somatisch seksuologe, intimiteitscoach, shamanic ritualist, trauma-geïnformeerd lichaamsgericht therapeut, Kundalini yogic healer, kruidenvrouw en muzikant.
Haar achtergrond is ontwikkelingspsychologie, musicologie, letterkunde en hulpverlening.
Als therapeute heeft zij 15 jaar werkervaring in reguliere vrouwenhulpverlening. Sexological Bodywork, traumawerk, yogic healing, seksuele sjamanisme, vrouwenwerk en Pelvic Heart Integration (zoals onderwezen door Deborah Taj Anapol) zijn haar werkgebieden.
In haar werk brengt Tanya kunst en wetenschap, diepte en wijsheid, humor en oeroude rituelen van het transpersoonlijke bij elkaar tot unieke expressie en rijkdom van Full Spectrum Human Being.
Tanya faciliteert embodiment retraites, tribal werk en sacred sexuality workshops in Nederland en in het buitenland en begeleidt cliënten in haar praktijk in Amsterdam.

All inclusive
De all-inclusive programma van deze volledig verzorgde, intensieve en diep transformerende vijfdaagse:

-Support vóór en na de Immersion. Persoonlijke kennismakingsgesprek-intake via skype, ter voorbereiding voor de Immersion en individuele sessie voor de integratie erna.
- vroege ochtend programma
- alle workshops
- overnachtingen op basis van twee- of vierpersoonskamer, naar keuze (zoland deze optie is beschikbaar)
-biologisch vegetarisch catering
- Het verblijf in de natuuromgeving met zwem- en wandelmogelijkheden
- veel privacy: tijdens de Immersion heb je de ruimte om te integreren of uitrusten.

Er zijn minimaal twee avondprogramma’s: met muziek, massage en Sacred Fire ritueel buiten.

-Very Early Bird Korting: 595,- euro voor de eerste 3 deelnemers (vol)

-Verblijf op basis van vierpersoons dormitory: 675,- euro

-Verblijf op basis van tweepersoonskamer: 740,- euro

--Koppelvoordeel: 1190,- euro per koppel

tnv T. Rozenthal of anders via de banktransfer.

P.S. Wil je heel graag deelnemen aan dit Immersion, maar heb je niet genoeg financiële ruimte? Stuur een motivatiebrief aan Tanya en raadpleeg haar over de mogelijkheden om op een andere manier een deel van het bijdrage te kunnen leveren. Er is een plek ter beschikking gesteld die is deels gesubsidieerd. (deze plek is inmiddels gevuld).
Privé locatie in de natuur, Gelderland
De PHI Immersion begint op dinsdag 8 september om 18:00 en eindigt op zaterdag 12 september om 17:00.

Meer informatie?
Ben je enthousiast geworden en voel je dat dit voor jou is, of wil je hier meer over weten?
Stuur een mail aan Tanya Rozenthal via
Let op: pas na haar bevestiging weet je zeker of je kunt rekenen op een plaats.
NB. Vanwege de aard van een diep proceswerk hebben we plek voor maximaal 14 deelnemers.

Evenement bekijken →
The Symbiosis of Ecosexual Love - An Alchemic Journey, Italy
naar 31 aug

The Symbiosis of Ecosexual Love - An Alchemic Journey, Italy


The Symbiosis of Ecosexual Love - An Alchemic Journey in the caves near Rome, August 28-31, 2020

Welcome to the Symbiosis of Eco-Sexual Love, an Alchemic Journey
The symbiosis of eco-sexual love is an advanced alchemical laboratory in which we deepen the foundations laid during the introductory weekend of the Alchemy of Ecosexual love.

The elements of Tao, Tantra, amorous inclusiveness and sexual fluidity will be the basis for going deeply into the path that leads to the practice of love as an ecology of life traced by the voice of Gaia, the Earth or partner we all already always share.

When we interpret symbiosis as an evolutionary principle we realize how essential it is to practice sharing resources of love, and how much this symbiotic alchemy can enrich our existence with joy, vitality, and abundance.

This advanced alchemical laboratory will be organized around the six conversations with Gaia channeled by SerenaGaia through a connection trance with this mythological figure and Earth goddess. Gaia is also the name given to one of the most significant scientific theories of the paradigmatic shift we now face as we enter the age of Aquarius.


If we are ecosystems activated by symbiotic parts that collaborate, interconnected with the other ecosystems with whom we coexist, it follows that we are already always included in a relational system whose morphogenetic fields vibrate with the energies that we activate them with.

In the laboratory we will study these fields, activating them through our choral reading of the Conversations with Gaia and the practices related to each of the themes treated therein.

Every day we will face a conversation and the transmissions from Gaia that it will bring to us. We will comment, practice and allow these transmissions to sediment in our vibrational field. The magical context in which we will move will be the Suncave Gardens ecosystem, which will host us exclusively for the duration of the journey, including its verdant meadows, the suggestive caves (where we hope a tantric space with jacuzzi will be active), the tantric temple tent, the naturist pool, the loggia and dining space, the various accommodations and services, and so on.

Bank transfer to Serena Anderlini – IBAN: DE97 7001 1110 6052 5144 00 – BIC/SWIFT DEKTDE7GXXX – Address: Handelsbank, Elsenheimer Str. 41, Munchen 80687 Germany.

The alchemical journey of each day will be integrated by the areas and activities dedicated to the Garden of Pleasures. There, in the afternoons, participants and our healers will offer a wide range of group and private sessions at special prices for the exclusive use of participants. Given the extreme opening of the moment when they go to practice, these sessions can open significant new paths in the lives of those who take advantage of them.

The naturist swimming pool will be available for those who want to enjoy it in their free hours. The evenings will be open to both guided and free practices that Gaia’s transmissions will inspire in us, in spaces designated as tantric temples. Click here for the cost of your stay.

This advanced course is available only to those who have already participated at least once in the intensive introductory weekend called Alchemy of Ecosexual Love.

A copy of the book The Alchemy of Ecosexual Love will be offered as a tribute to participants. It contains the conversations channeled from Gaia, and ideas for activities with which to continue practicing and expanding your alchemical connections and your communities.



Reading, The Alchemy of Ecosexual Love, “Introduction and Transmission 1.”
What is this Alchemy? How can we go deeper into it? What themes does it introduce us? How are these themes related? In this way do the elements of the Alchemy of Ecosexual Love integrate into Gaia’s evolutionary symbiosis?

The Wheel of Consent: How to live a life of agreement and negotiation (the model of Betty Martin model)

Consent According to Gaia
What happens when the Earth becomes the companion that we all already share anyway? How does Gaia tell us, or does Gaia say no? How can we question it, listen to it? What awareness does this bring us with respect to our relational morphogenetic fields?

“Initiations, Transmission 2”

Why are initiations important? What kind of awareness can we derive from it? How do they help us connect with our inner landscape, with that of and of other people, forms of life, biospheres, entities?

Introduction to Posture, with Bruno Fogliano, Introduction to Holistic Self Care with Adi Ananda

Evening: Temple night

“The Pleasure of the Other, Transmission 3”
How can we experience the pleasure of the person we are loving? How can we allow this person to live our pleasure? What happens when everyone experiences the other person’s pleasure? How do we turn jealousy and possessiveness into compassion, or joy into the joy of the people we love even when the source is themselves or others? How can we generate shared ecstasy in this exchange?

Introduction to Pelvic-Heart Integration, with Tanya Rozenthal

Temple night, private sessions

Morning: “Beyond Monogamy and Monosexuality, Transmission 4”

How can we open up beyond the limitations imposed by the ideologies of monogamy and monosexuality? What is the meaning of exclusivity and inclusiveness as chosen practices? How can we love the person and not the gender in which he incarnated?

Afternoon: Private sessions, leisure time at pool

Evening: Temple night, private sessions

Morning: “Romance, Sexuality, and Exclusivity, Transmission 5”
How are these elements of love connected in the inner landscape of each of us? How did these connections occur? Do we need these connection modes? Do they help us? We like them? How else could these elements connect? How can we deprogram the ways that we don’t need and create those that instead support us in generating health, abundance, and vitality in our ecosystems and those of people, life forms, and host spaces that we love?

Afternoon: Private sessions, leisure time at pool
“Compersion, the Spirit of Polyamory, Transmission 6”
What is compersion and how can we introduce this emotion into our inner landscape? What relationship can we establish between our compassion and that of the Earth, Gaia, the companion we already all share? How can compersion bring about our health and that of the beings we love?

Private sessions

Temple night


WHERE? The amazing location for this intensive weekend is Suncave Gardens, a beautiful retreat center in the verdant hills of the Roman countryside. Click here for room and board prices.



Who is on the facilitation team, what qualifications and experiences can they offer you?

Dr.SerenaGaya (IT)

Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, PhD

Erstwhile Professor of Humanities and Cinema at UPRM Convenor of Practices of Ecosexuality: A Symposium

Author of Multiple Books 

Teacher of Humanities Online Series – Modern History for the Humanities and Love 

Fellow at the Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut

Project: “Amorous Visions: Ecosexual Perspectives on Italian Cinema”.

More about SerenaGaya: Website 

Tanya Roze (NL)

Tanya loves to share her gifts as space holder facilitator of deep process work. She brings a rich fusion of experience in Sacred Eros, shamanic work, trauma-informed sexological bodywork, shadow work, Kundalini Awakening, tantra and embodiment practices, working with both individuals and groups.

She has background in transpersonal psychology, musicology, literature, eastern mysticism and various BodyMind psychotherapeutic, trauma-awared modalities.
Tanya is a love pirate riding the deep sea of transformation, devoted to her own individual heart expanding journey. She is grounded, creative and committed to authentic human expression.
More about Tanya:

Adi Ananda (DUB) is a yogic tantric healer, lightworker and teacher. She shares her gifts with groups and in private sessions. Adi loves to see people discovering their strenght, truth and authenticity, shedding the layers of what is in the way to true nature and intimacy. Adi Ananda lives in Dubai and works around the world. She integrates in her teachings wisdom and focus of real transformation in every day life.

Bruno Fogliano (IT) is a body healer, disabilities bodyworker and a community activist. In his work and life he is dedicated to conscious communication, transformational relating and new paradigm of community living. Bruno has a huge heart and is a humble warrior of messy magic in being a human.

JARDIN DES PLAISIRSDiscover here what this Garden of Pleasures is and what it can offer to you. The last day of the week will be a day with one-to-one offerings in bodywork, proces work, sexual healing and ..(more information will come).

Can we answer any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us.: We look forward to serving you in your journey of #EcosexualLove. Enjoy!

With love,


Evenement bekijken →
"Awaken into Love" Tantra Festival 18-25 July France
naar 25 jul

"Awaken into Love" Tantra Festival 18-25 July France

Tantra Festival - Awaken into Love

Join us in this beautiful journey of one week tantric practices in France.
In the middle France, hidden among nature, removed from the hustle and bustle of city life you will find our exclusive Tantra festival. This intimate festival is accepting just 65 like-minded participants. Everyone is welcome; whether you are a Tantra newbie, a well experienced Tantrika, are single or in couple, of any specification. Throughout this festival we will be diving deep! You can expect full spirit, meaningful interactions, connectivity, loving and sharing experiences. Some of the best known educators in Tantra will offer their knowledge for you to find your inner guidance, and create more meaningful relationships within yourself and with others.

Together we can dive deep!
During the festival we will gradually familiarise you with energy, with your own body and your relationship to others. This will be achieved through a variety of meditations, emotional body work, and a variety of other Tantric exercises. The festival will inspire you to live to your full potential and celebrate life, to let go of your fears, to fully relax, and to experience total freedom in the embracing of your true self. The meditations and exercises are focussed on connecting from heart to heart, going deeper inside oneself and to be fully present in the now.

The festival is about being open to giving and receiving, to yourself and to others and going beyond the illusion of the physical body, to dive deeper into yourself, and your surroundings.

Together we will discover different aspects of our being in a playful way - within a safe, supportive and loving community.

The direct translation of Tantra is: expanding, deepening. It is all about breaking free from societal and religious conditioning. Every day we are faced with human conditioning which withholds us from living in full freedom. Each of us knows what is within and beyond our comfort zone, we are inviting you to broaden and / or lift this limitation you put upon yourself. Could it be that you are not yet aware of your own potential? Our program of playful workshops with constant support and feedback, will allow you to lift these limitations and move into your authentic self.

The program starts daily befor breakfast with a 1-hour varying morning workshop. Every day you make a choice out of three different workshops in the morning and three different workshops in the afternoon. Each workshop lasts an average of 2.5 hours. Teachings take up to 7 hours a day.

In the workshops there are individual exercises, with a partner and with the group.

The teachers work closely together in order to move you in their group sessions gradually and synchronically from earthly to ever-refined energy, through awareness and healing of your own body to opening for love and connection with the deeper layers within yourself and with the people around you.

In the festival program you find:

– Desires and boundaries, The wheel of consent
– Erotic power and Ancestral initiation
– Transforming the shame
– Tantric Puja
– Prana flow massage, Snake energy massage, and more
– Pelvic Heart Integration: Orgasmic Breath work.
– The Animal Magic Ritual
– Four genders- the Polarities
– Ecstatic Death Meditation
– The temple of the dark Feminine, the temple of energies, among other temple rituals
– Quodoshka: Sacred wheel of sexuality.
– Re-Writing the Love Script
– Sex Magic rituals
– Sjamanic rituals, as like The 4 voices, Dying and rebirthing of the heart,
– The 7 tools for energy and emotional release.
– The 3 levels of consciousness, personal, transpersonal and void
– The vulnerability of men
– Worshipping the yoni and lingam
– Rebirthing by using your sexual energy

This is our toolkit for you, in order to experience you, to (re)discover all your flavours, to grow, heal, liberate yourself, peel of the onion to become more open, free, conscious, alive and reveal the light being that you already are…

Daily schedule
Arrival during the day at 18th of July. Diner at 7 is included. The festival starts with an opening ritual on this very first evening.

08.00 to 09.00 - Pre morning programm
10.00 to 12.30 - Morning program followed by lunch and a break
15.00 to 17.30 - Afternoon program
21.00 - evening program such as play party, love temple, mantra chanting, ecstatic dance...

Halfway through the week there is a free afternoon to fill in by yourself; go for a walk in the beautiful surroundings, lose yourself in a book from our library, swim in our lake, sweat it out in the sauna, or simply lounge in a hammock and daydream about life.

Importantly, there is time and space to process whatever you have experienced throughout the day. Questions are never too much, and can be asked to Chandra or Wim.

The week will be closed as a group on the final evening. 1st of August after breakfast it is time to say goodbye. Or stay for another week for an in-depth Tantra training or full board stay: the Tantra Shibari experience, the Sadhaka Tantra Yoga course, the Tibetan Tantra Massage course. Prior to the festival you can attend the Combination week Yoga / Tantra / Art.

Who is this festival for?
The festival is open to everybody! Singles, couples, beginners and experienced Tantrikas wether you are single or in couple, of any specification. We can always go deeper.

Important to know:
- You are free to participate partly, less intensively or not at all
- There is no ‘dress’ code. For some exercises it is practical to be naked, it is not a must. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable
- Sadhaka offers a safe and accessible environment for you to develop spiritually and to grow consciously.

Host and hostess of the festival in France are Tantra yoga teacher Wim Molinello and his life partner Patricia Chandra Benjamins. Together with Tantra Masseur Johan Raaimakers, Willemijn de Drue - Medicine dance facilitator, Tantra teachers Frank Schulpen and Monique Blom from Seedz for Life, Tanya Rozenthal - sexological shamanic practitioner and alchemist, and Zenon D. Dorje and Dorota from House of Tantra Warsaw . Keep an eye on the website for updates about the program and new teachers.

Personal sessions
You can book an individual session with the various trainers, masseurs and healers for an even deeper experience. Prices and booking on the spot.
- Tantra massage
- Prana Flow massage
- SE sessions, based on Peter Levine’s trauma work
- Relationshop and open counselling sessions
- Yoni & lingam massage
- Deep bodywork& Sexual dearmouring
- Healing the feminine, pelvis and yoni session
- Pelvic Heart Integration sexual healing session

Emotional support
The workshops can have a big impact on you, both during and after. Monique Sajet, coach with over 30 years of experience in guiding interpersonal processes, is especially ready for you to give meaning and depth to your experiences where necessary for easier integration, insight and growth. She holds an hour of free consultation both at the end of the day workshops and in the afternoons for anyone who finds himself in emotional need for personal support.

Festival is held on 18.07.2020 when the weather is most pleasant with dry air and roughly +28 degrees.
Day of arrival Saturday 18.07.2020 late afternoon, departure Saturday 25.07.2020 after breakfast.
Extend your stay with a week for an in-depth Tantra training or full board stay: Tantra Shibari experience, the Sadhaka Tantra Yoga course and the Tibetan Tantra Massage course., or enjoy a Combination week with Yoga and Tantra classes or a full board week stay prior to the festival.

Prices are p.p. all inclusive (the course, 7 nights, all meals including drinks, fruit, coffee/tea, and evening activities). Alcoholic drinks are not included, but are available for a small price.

6 person room (mixed): € 665,-
4 person room (family room): € 715,-
3 person room (family room): € 760,-
Double room (couples): € 820,-
Single room: € 920,-
Own tent: € 715,-
Own caravan/camper: € 740,-
1 or 2 person furnished tent: € 760,-
1 or 2 person furnished caravan: € 810,-

The Venue:
We welcome you to Sadhaka, Yoga, Tantra and Creative course center. A leader of Tantra, yoga and creative holidays in France since 2004. During summer, we offer 6 consecutive weeks of varied training programs at our beautiful place Le Moulin. The location is situated in the green heart of France in Europe, easily reached by train in 3 hours from Paris airport. At our 5 hectare domain Le Moulin with an idyllic swimming lake we created a wonderful healing place for you in the midds of nature where you feel easily welcome, safe and at home. Rest is absolutely assured here.

More information and signing in:

email Patricia Chandra:

Evenement bekijken →
Erotic Power & Ancestral Initiation Immersion
naar 17 mei

Erotic Power & Ancestral Initiation Immersion

With Tanya & Sadhu

Friday/Saturday/Sunday May 15/16/17th 2020 @ De Ruimte, Weesperzijde 79a, 1091 EJ, Amsterdam.
10:00-18:00 Daily (Friday-Sunday)

What if the treasures of the erotic body had been passed through our communities and families from generation to generation with great care, honoring and celebration?

What if you had been nurtured, encouraged and initiated as a sexual being?
How would it feel to have been fully supported in embodying your erotic power throughout your life journey?

In this 3 day weekend workshop you’ll take a shamanic journey into the crone cave of the ancestors where you’ll be invited into your enjoyment of your body and sexuality, and to reawaken to your body’s pathways to pleasure.

In this Beltane month of May, where spring is in her fullness, we’ll seek the buried gifts of erotic wisdom within us and invite them to blossom. We’ll meet the shadows that have been cast over these gifts. The gifts we have been unable to receive and that have instead burdened and weighed us down. You’ll connect with your choice to now receive these gifts.

Through deep process work you’ll unhook and release yourself from the distorted patterns that have limited your freedom in your relationship with your body and sexuality.

You’ll have the opportunity to track your conditioning around sex and relationships back through your family’s lineages. You’ll be invited to liberate yourself from replaying the traces of harmful stories that have been carried through your family’s generations.

Tanya and Sadhu will lovingly guide and support you through tribal breathwork, ancestral emotional release, transpersonal processes and empowering erotic touch & bodywork, to reclaim your erotic essence.

Come and discover the empowered voices of our ancestors who lived the ways of healthy sexual initiation!


Tanya and Sadhu love to share their gifts as space holders and facilitators of deep process work. They bring a rich fusion of experience in sexual shamanic work, sexological bodywork, tantra and embodiment practices, working with both individuals and groups.

They are playful love pirates riding the sea of transformation, each devoted to their own individual heart expanding journeys. They are grounded, creative and committed to authentic human expression.

You can read more about


This is a very LGBTQ+ Friendly event! All adults of all gender identities and all adult to adult sexual preferences are welcome.

In this workshop we ask you to take full responsibility for the choices you make in how you participate.

You are never required to touch or be touched by someone you don’t wish to share touch with, or be touched in any way that is not of your choosing. You are always encouraged to play within your boundaries. We also invite you to open to exploring the possibilities of experience you can create when you let go of preconceived ideas.

You will work with erotic energy whilst not focusing on sexual interactions or fulfillment of attractions.

At this event you can wear as much or as little clothing as you want.



Things To Bring
Please bring a sheet, large towel, sarong, water bottle, and any favourite nesting items such as cushions, pillows, and blankets.
Please bring something for the altar that is connected to your ancestry or your idea of ancestors.
Please wear stretchable, comfortable clothing as you would to exercise.

Super Early-bird - €220 paid via bank transfer for first 5 participants
Early-bird - €260 paid via bank transfer before Friday April 17th 2020
Full Price - €295 paid via bank transfer after Friday April 17th 2020 or in cash at the event

RSVP now! Spaces are limited.

Please contact Sadhu ( to arrange payment via bank transfer. Registration is complete once your payment is received.

No one is turned away for lack of funds. If the super early-bird price is beyond your current financial means then please contact Sadhu to discuss further price reductions.

Cancellations and refunds
Cancellations made before Wednesday April 15th will receive a full refund minus a €25 administration fee. Cancellations made after Wednesday April15th will be charged in full. In unavoidable circumstances Tanya & Sadhu may, at their own discretion, give a full refund (minus a €25 administration fee) or transfer your payment to a future event.

The venue address is:
De Ruimte, Weesperzijde 79a, 1091 EJ, Amsterdam.

Friday-Sunday - 10:00-18:00
09:30 Doors Open
10:00 Start
13:15-14:30 Lunch Break
18:00 Finish

Meal break times are subject to change. There will be some short refreshment breaks throughout the day also.

The workshop finishes at 18:00 on Sunday. It is important that you stay to the end. If you have plans afterward, please make sure you allow yourself time to transition out of the workshop experience.

Evenement bekijken →
 Full Moon Ceremony: Cutting the Cords of Attachment
7:30 p.m.19:30

Full Moon Ceremony: Cutting the Cords of Attachment

Grandmother’s teachings. Full Moon Ceremony: Cutting Attachment Cords.

Mooie vrouwen-sisters, healers, helpers, groovy babes, sexy witches, empathic bitches en light beings van alle frequenties,

Deze avond is voor elke vrouw die met vrouwen werkt of wil werken of behoefte heeft aan dieper loslaten. Het verleden helen, energetische en emotionele reiniging, het opschonen van je Womb tempel met de hulp van de Aarde, de Maan en het collectieve, vrouwenkracht.

Kom als je klaar bent om iets of iemand dat ooit heel belangrijk voor jou was (of is) los te laten als je weet dat dit in de weg staat naar meer juicy aliveness voor jou.

Dit ritueel heb ik 25 jaar geleden ontvangen, van twee eigenwijze en krachtige medicijnvrouwen, grootmoeders uit de Cherokee traditie.
Bij de Volle Maan komen we samen we in een kleine vrouwen cirkel om samen een krachtveld te vormen en met de hulp van de Maan de heelheid van onze vrouwelijke natuur terughalen.
Deze bijeenkomst is Sacred temple en sister time.


Wat breng je mee?
- pen en papier
- een krachtvoorwerp en/of een kristal die voor jou krachtig en helder aanvoelt
-een etherische olie die bij jou "past"
-je eigen witte stompkaars van ongeveer 6-10 cm hoog. Deze neem je ook weer met je mee naar huis.
Bij de aanmelding krijg je meer informatie over de energetische voorbereiding.
Temple of Sacred Arts
Amsterdam Noord

Deze Rite of Wholeness wordt gegeven op drie avonden, naar keuze:
9 februari
8 april
8 mei

Begintijd: 19.30
Eindtijd: 22.30

Bijdrage: 25 euro per avond.
Aanmelden via de mail:
(plek voor 10 vrouwen)

Betaling: reserveer je plek met betaling via,
of met een tikkie app.

Begeleiding: Tanya Rozenthal

Wil je meer weten over hoe kun je jezelf nog beter voorbereiden voor dit ritueel?
Lees dan verder in het Engels hieronder.

The Rite of Wholeness: Full Moon ceremony

There are several significant rituals that I desire to share to bring you into better harmony and honor with your Inner Mother.

I emphasize beginning with the ritual as it primarily clears your etheric body and profoundly opens you to reclaiming your personal power. The ritual is a means to “resourcing” your entire organism - mind, body and soul. Once centered in your personal power, you are much more grounded and able to effectively manifest your Will through all other rituals.

I consider this ritual the jewel for it is the beginning to opening the doors for genuine change and growth to occur in your life.
The ritual insures that you have dropped another person's emotional baggage and that whatever weight you are carrying is entirely yours.

When we are still bound to people that we are no longer wanting to be sexually intimate with, this tie creates an energy leak, wounding our medicine body. This ritual is a profound exercise in sealing this leakage.

Before you can move on to perfecting the other rituals, it is important to be grounded in your personal power. You are available for the positive effect rituals will have in your life. The practice here allows you to cut through the non-sense, releasing the hold that someone non-consciously has over you. The involvement in this ceremony also helps you to recognize how not to claim other people's stuff as your own. It truly functions as an empowering act of self-definition and self-realization.

This ritual is also an incredible healing ritual for someone who has been sexually abused. Even if you do not have a vivid memory of the person, the abuser has died or was a stranger, the power of your mind to create a feeling of that person will help the ritual to continue being effective.

This ritual dismantles the memory of pains' imprint, meshed deep in the tissues, cells and membrane. If you are working with sexual abuse issues and the thought of remembering the wound creates too much distress, please have the guidance of a therapist and ritual elder before you launch into the ceremony. Do not do this ritual until you feel strong enough to handle the image. This ritual is not meant for you to re-experience the devastation of sexual abuse. It is being provided as a healing tool to realign you back to your essential nature.

The purpose of the ceremony is manifold, the outcome being to sever negative ties. By negative ties I am referring to any attachment that confines you, or prevents you from moving forward in your life's goals. That keeps you embroiled in emotional issues, not allowing you to release this energy and create balance and success in your life. You are replenished in reclaiming your personal power and by sealing up any tears in your auric field that have been created through energy leakages.

In many esoteric traditions, psychic “law” states that once you enter upon a sexual plane with someone you remain energetically attached to them for life. This tie/attachment results in a spillage of your vital energy. Even within relationships that you consider healthy, the hold on your life energy remains with that person until you decide to reclaim it. Once sexual energy is exchanged, you are creating another entity.

Quantum mechanics states that two subatomic particles can interact locally and then move far apart. However, even if they end up in the opposite sides of the world, they must still be treated as a whole, as one unit - their behavior will continue to affect each other in spite of the immeasurable distances that separate them. This is exactly what happens in the sharing of sexual energy.

Even when you stop being intimate you still remain affected to some degree by what is impacting on that person's life. When your sexual energy remains caught up with previous sexual partners you may see yourself in a prolonged struggle, and it doesn't shift no matter what you do.

This happening may not have to do directly with your life situation. It may very well have something to do with the karmic fallout that you are receiving from the other person's life. In the same manner, if that person is experiencing a great deal of success, that too may influence your life. Given all of this, wouldn't it just be less complicated to know that what ever is happening in your world is due to your own cause and effect.

Keep your energy fields clear and open. The less uncertainty in your life, the more fully you embody the immensity of what ecstasy brings. When it is time to move into a sexual experience with a new partner, it will be more meaningful if you don't have the psychic/sexual/emotional energy of previous partners still stuck to you.

Sometimes we physically and mentally let go of things but not emotionally. Until it's resolved, you will still be held there. The magnitude of our thinking has to change to move us into being 100 percent behind whatever it is we say we want in order to move forward, away from the dispirited energy.

To relate to someone sexually is, as you well know, a very powerful experience-emotionally and physically. Most importantly, and this is the element that is oftentimes overlooked or not understood, the sexual act is a highly spiritual/psychic connecting where metaphysical forces become involved each time you engage in this union.

There are many schools of thought, e.g. the Kabbalah, Taoism, or Tantric Yoga, that practice sex as a science and law which recognizes the knowledge of its mystical source.

Sex is very pleasurable. That's a part of the Master plan - make it so delightful that we want to experience it again and again. The renewing of this experience brings us to close proximity with the exstasis- the multiple orgasmic tempest of the Creator that gave life animation. The design for the sexual act was that of a creative template. We were meant to utilize this energy for pleasure, creativity and healing.

Even if it is or has been favorable, once you are no longer participating in that relationship it will be to your advantage to pull back that particle of your energy that you once shared. This is for your own continued balance and spiritual clarity.
The body experiences its greatest pleasure when it is in the service of its highest manifestation.

I was taught this ritual twenty five years ago through the Taslagi (Cherokee) teachings. Since that time, I have come across different variations on the same theme.
This ritual comes to its greatest significance during the full moon. The full-moon feminine, mystery, receptive, aspects of yourself will support, intensify and facilitate the process.

How to prepare?
1.The day of the ceremony reflect on what you want to let go, or to give back to the Moon.
2. Put the most intense person first to work with. When you get rid of the ones that most held your heart hostage, the aftermath does not create a residual affect as you are working with the energies that hold a lesser density.
3. Before the ceremony you can purify yourself:

As a reminder you may begin by smudging, taking spiritual baths, spending more time in nature and being in a state of prayerfulness, being mindful of your attitude.
Your physical temple must also be ready to welcome the personal power that is returning. Physical cleansing, externally and internally- may incorporate fasting, salt scrubbings or dry skin brushing to remove debris from the skin, being mindful of the foods you are eating, and not involving yourself with anyone that will complicate your efforts to stay focused, or deplete your energy.

The full moon is the time when you move from potentiality into actuality.
The meaning of your work is revealed. The involvement in this ritual will reinforce the impregnation of your intention upon your spirit.

The umbilical ceremony clears the channel at the tantien. In Chinese medicine the tantien is known as the repository for the vitality forces and is located two inches below the navel. It is our gut, the home of our intuition. It is from our "guts"/"gutsiness" that we derive courage, moral and physical strength. It is a primal place where thunder can be activated/ galvanized. It is said that the creative energies of the cosmos issue from this site. Another name for this area of the body is "energy sea." It is the seat of intuition, and the Chinese credit it with greatly influencing creativity.

In Tantra yoga the navel area is referred to as the "elixir field," the "house" where the most profound medicine is produced and stored. The inner fire serpent (kundalini- shakti) that is stoked in Tantra yoga is developed in the transformation center of the navel. This area is emphasized for the umbilical ceremony because it is the very center from which the transformed energies flow.

I will see you in the Moon shine!

You are always loved,

Evenement bekijken →
 Full Moon Ceremony: Cutting the Cord of Attachment
7:30 p.m.19:30

Full Moon Ceremony: Cutting the Cord of Attachment

Grandmother’s teachings. Full Moon Ceremony: Cutting the Cords of Attachment

Mooie vrouwen-sisters, healers, helpers, groovy babes, sexy witches, empathic bitches en light beings van alle frequenties,

Deze avond is voor elke vrouw die met vrouwen werkt of wil werken of behoefte heeft aan dieper loslaten. Het verleden helen, energetische en emotionele reiniging, het opschonen van je Womb tempel met de hulp van de Aarde, de Maan en het collectieve, vrouwenkracht.

Kom als je klaar bent om iets of iemand dat ooit heel belangrijk voor jou was (of is) los te laten als je weet dat dit in de weg staat naar meer juicy aliveness voor jou.

Dit ritueel heb ik 25 jaar geleden ontvangen, van twee eigenwijze en krachtige medicijnvrouwen, grootmoeders uit de Cherokee traditie.
Bij de Volle Maan komen we samen we in een kleine vrouwen cirkel om samen een krachtveld te vormen en met de hulp van de Maan de heelheid van onze vrouwelijke natuur terughalen.
Deze bijeenkomst is Sacred temple en sister time.


Wat breng je mee?
- pen en papier
- een krachtvoorwerp en/of een kristal die voor jou krachtig en helder aanvoelt
-een etherische olie die bij jou "past"
-je eigen witte stompkaars van ongeveer 6-10 cm hoog. Deze neem je ook weer met je mee naar huis.
Bij de aanmelding krijg je meer informatie over de energetische voorbereiding.
Temple of Sacred Arts
Amsterdam Noord

Deze Rite of Wholeness wordt gegeven op drie avonden, naar keuze:
9 februari
8 april
8 mei

Begintijd: 19.30
Eindtijd: 22.30

Bijdrage: 25 euro per avond.
Aanmelden via de mail:
(plek voor 10 vrouwen)

Betaling: reserveer je plek met betaling via,
of met een tikkie app.

Begeleiding: Tanya Rozenthal

Wil je meer weten over hoe kun je jezelf nog beter voorbereiden voor dit ritueel?
Lees dan verder in het Engels hieronder.

The Rite of Wholeness: Full Moon ceremony

There are several significant rituals that I desire to share to bring you into better harmony and honor with your Inner Mother.

I emphasize beginning with the ritual as it primarily clears your etheric body and profoundly opens you to reclaiming your personal power. The ritual is a means to “resourcing” your entire organism - mind, body and soul. Once centered in your personal power, you are much more grounded and able to effectively manifest your Will through all other rituals.

I consider this ritual the jewel for it is the beginning to opening the doors for genuine change and growth to occur in your life.
The ritual insures that you have dropped another person's emotional baggage and that whatever weight you are carrying is entirely yours.

When we are still bound to people that we are no longer wanting to be sexually intimate with, this tie creates an energy leak, wounding our medicine body. This ritual is a profound exercise in sealing this leakage.

Before you can move on to perfecting the other rituals, it is important to be grounded in your personal power. You are available for the positive effect rituals will have in your life. The practice here allows you to cut through the non-sense, releasing the hold that someone non-consciously has over you. The involvement in this ceremony also helps you to recognize how not to claim other people's stuff as your own. It truly functions as an empowering act of self-definition and self-realization.

This ritual is also an incredible healing ritual for someone who has been sexually abused. Even if you do not have a vivid memory of the person, the abuser has died or was a stranger, the power of your mind to create a feeling of that person will help the ritual to continue being effective.

This ritual dismantles the memory of pains' imprint, meshed deep in the tissues, cells and membrane. If you are working with sexual abuse issues and the thought of remembering the wound creates too much distress, please have the guidance of a therapist and ritual elder before you launch into the ceremony. Do not do this ritual until you feel strong enough to handle the image. This ritual is not meant for you to re-experience the devastation of sexual abuse. It is being provided as a healing tool to realign you back to your essential nature.

The purpose of the ceremony is manifold, the outcome being to sever negative ties. By negative ties I am referring to any attachment that confines you, or prevents you from moving forward in your life's goals. That keeps you embroiled in emotional issues, not allowing you to release this energy and create balance and success in your life. You are replenished in reclaiming your personal power and by sealing up any tears in your auric field that have been created through energy leakages.

In many esoteric traditions, psychic “law” states that once you enter upon a sexual plane with someone you remain energetically attached to them for life. This tie/attachment results in a spillage of your vital energy. Even within relationships that you consider healthy, the hold on your life energy remains with that person until you decide to reclaim it. Once sexual energy is exchanged, you are creating another entity.

Quantum mechanics states that two subatomic particles can interact locally and then move far apart. However, even if they end up in the opposite sides of the world, they must still be treated as a whole, as one unit - their behavior will continue to affect each other in spite of the immeasurable distances that separate them. This is exactly what happens in the sharing of sexual energy.

Even when you stop being intimate you still remain affected to some degree by what is impacting on that person's life. When your sexual energy remains caught up with previous sexual partners you may see yourself in a prolonged struggle, and it doesn't shift no matter what you do.

This happening may not have to do directly with your life situation. It may very well have something to do with the karmic fallout that you are receiving from the other person's life. In the same manner, if that person is experiencing a great deal of success, that too may influence your life. Given all of this, wouldn't it just be less complicated to know that what ever is happening in your world is due to your own cause and effect.

Keep your energy fields clear and open. The less uncertainty in your life, the more fully you embody the immensity of what ecstasy brings. When it is time to move into a sexual experience with a new partner, it will be more meaningful if you don't have the psychic/sexual/emotional energy of previous partners still stuck to you.

Sometimes we physically and mentally let go of things but not emotionally. Until it's resolved, you will still be held there. The magnitude of our thinking has to change to move us into being 100 percent behind whatever it is we say we want in order to move forward, away from the dispirited energy.

To relate to someone sexually is, as you well know, a very powerful experience-emotionally and physically. Most importantly, and this is the element that is oftentimes overlooked or not understood, the sexual act is a highly spiritual/psychic connecting where metaphysical forces become involved each time you engage in this union.

There are many schools of thought, e.g. the Kabbalah, Taoism, or Tantric Yoga, that practice sex as a science and law which recognizes the knowledge of its mystical source.

Sex is very pleasurable. That's a part of the Master plan - make it so delightful that we want to experience it again and again. The renewing of this experience brings us to close proximity with the exstasis- the multiple orgasmic tempest of the Creator that gave life animation. The design for the sexual act was that of a creative template. We were meant to utilize this energy for pleasure, creativity and healing.

Even if it is or has been favorable, once you are no longer participating in that relationship it will be to your advantage to pull back that particle of your energy that you once shared. This is for your own continued balance and spiritual clarity.
The body experiences its greatest pleasure when it is in the service of its highest manifestation.

I was taught this ritual twenty five years ago through the Taslagi (Cherokee) teachings. Since that time, I have come across different variations on the same theme.
This ritual comes to its greatest significance during the full moon. The full-moon feminine, mystery, receptive, aspects of yourself will support, intensify and facilitate the process.

How to prepare?
1.The day of the ceremony reflect on what you want to let go, or to give back to the Moon.
2. Put the most intense person first to work with. When you get rid of the ones that most held your heart hostage, the aftermath does not create a residual affect as you are working with the energies that hold a lesser density.
3. Before the ceremony you can purify yourself:

As a reminder you may begin by smudging, taking spiritual baths, spending more time in nature and being in a state of prayerfulness, being mindful of your attitude.
Your physical temple must also be ready to welcome the personal power that is returning. Physical cleansing, externally and internally- may incorporate fasting, salt scrubbings or dry skin brushing to remove debris from the skin, being mindful of the foods you are eating, and not involving yourself with anyone that will complicate your efforts to stay focused, or deplete your energy.

The full moon is the time when you move from potentiality into actuality.
The meaning of your work is revealed. The involvement in this ritual will reinforce the impregnation of your intention upon your spirit.

The umbilical ceremony clears the channel at the tantien. In Chinese medicine the tantien is known as the repository for the vitality forces and is located two inches below the navel. It is our gut, the home of our intuition. It is from our "guts"/"gutsiness" that we derive courage, moral and physical strength. It is a primal place where thunder can be activated/ galvanized. It is said that the creative energies of the cosmos issue from this site. Another name for this area of the body is "energy sea." It is the seat of intuition, and the Chinese credit it with greatly influencing creativity.

In Tantra yoga the navel area is referred to as the "elixir field," the "house" where the most profound medicine is produced and stored. The inner fire serpent (kundalini- shakti) that is stoked in Tantra yoga is developed in the transformation center of the navel. This area is emphasized for the umbilical ceremony because it is the very center from which the transformed energies flow.

I will see you in the Moon shine!

You are always loved,

Evenement bekijken →
Sacred Plant Healing Weekend
naar 14 mrt

Sacred Plant Healing Weekend

The Medicine of the Soul
Sacred Plant Healing weekend

Two days days with medicine plant ceremony, breath work, heart work, ancestral healing, cleansing ritual and more.

The safe exploration of one’s own potential, healing trauma and (re)discovering one’s essence.

An Sacred Plant ceremony can be seen as a shamanistic initiation into altered states of consciousness.

During the healing weekend, you will experience the healing work of the Madre- sacred plant medicine, in the physical and emotional layers of your own body. In contrast to the recreational substances and so-called “tripping out” (out of your body).
Important: We want to ensure maximum safety and support during the process. Therefore we will advise you to follow the guidelines of the preparation and will take time and space to get to know you and connect with you personally first, before the ceremony.

We prepare ourselves as a group by sharing our intentions, using the movements, ancestral work, bodywork or connective breathwork for opening our system, depending on the main tendencies of the energy body of the group.
These preparations are a wonderful way of opening up for connecting with yourself and the group, and for the ceremony in the evening/night. During the ceremony we will play traditional icaro's, healing sounds and live music as well.
The second day will start with a sharing followed by an integration body-breath-energy process work session.
We will close the healing weekend with a shared breakfast. Departure is around noon.

The retreat will be led by Tanya Rozenthal and supported by experienced and loving assistants.
Costs: for two days retreat are from € 180,- till € 210,- all included. To reserve your place go here:

Place: close to the Central Station Amsterdam. More information about the healing weekend will be shared later one-to-one.

Set and setting:
The right mindset (expectation, intention, motivation, state of mind) and setting (circumstances in which Sacred Plant is drunk, guidance, ritual, music and so on) largely determine the outcome of your experience.
We are providing a safe setting for your journey inwards.

What can you expect?
The Wine of the Soul- Sacred plant is one of the oldest known healing methods. The first reference to the use of the transformational tea takes us back in time more than five thousand years. The effects of the drink can be incredibly intense - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Users often experience an energetic cleansing and working through and resolving of traumatic experiences. People also often discover their own place in the world. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no incidents anywhere in the world working with Ayahuasca during its long history. Therefore, working with Ayahuasca is very safe, if done under the right circumstances.

Our care for you doesn’t end after a weekend or retreat.
Tanya remains available for you if you have questions concerning aspects that have opened up after a weekend or retreat: "if you want to explore matters more deeply or are confronted with areas that you feel unable to deal with, I also offer individual coaching sessions based on the matter of your journey."

More about Tanya:
Tanya loves to share her gifts as space holder and facilitator of deep process work, with wisdom and humor. As a modern medicine woman she brings a rich fusion of experience in Sacred Eros, inner leadership, shamanism and ancestors rituals, medicine plant ceremonies, trauma-informed somatic sexology, Kundalini Awakening, tantra and shadow work, temple arts and embodiment alchemy. She is working with both individuals and groups, in Netherlands and abroad.
Tanya has a background in transpersonal psychology, neuro-affectieve psychotherapy, musicology, literature, eastern mysticism, healing arts and various BodyMind psychotherapeutic modalities.
Tanya is surfing the waves of consciousness in the sea of transformation, devoted to her own individual heart expanding journey. She is grounded, creative and committed to authentic human expression.
More about Tanya:

As a preparation for attending a ceremony with us, we have some recommendations.
Especially when it is your first ceremony, it is wise to follow our advice.
When you are more “experienced”, you can feel for yourself what is needed in your preparation.
Over the years the experience has shown us that slowing down your lifestyle, reducing stress, eating healthy and nutritious foods and taking good care of your needs, is the best preparation of all. Integrating and starting new habits beforehand, will make it much easier to continue with them after your ceremony.
Fasting for a few days before the ceremony can be helpful to become more aware of your food habits and your relationship with food.
So please find a good balance that works for you. Skipping meat, sugar and coffee for a few days can be a great start.
Eating lots of vegetables and fruits is a welcome preparation and a nice way to find out how your system responds to this. The cleansing of your system is also a way of honoring the medicine plant and will provide her easier access into your body.

Integrating the ceremony is also important. The weeks before and after are as much a part of the process as the ceremony itself. A lot of people even describe the moment they decided to have a ceremony (without yet signing up), they could feel the process starting in themselves.
The medicine can help you expand your consciousness and make you so much more aware of yourself, your patterns, your (unresolved) emotions, your relationships with others, with yourself and what it is to be human.
In the weeks before, try to become more aware of your patterns, your urges, your emotions, your way of reacting to others. Try to notice it without judgment, just observe in a mild way and be more aware of yourself and your surroundings.
Take enough rest for yourself, find time and space for relaxation (music, dance, meditation, being in nature, walking) so your stress levels are reduced as much as possible. Slow down your pace, if possible, and try to find your right balance between action and relaxation. Take as much rest as you need beforehand and especially afterward. Try to empty your calendar as much as possible the week before and after your retreat.
You can always contact Tanya after your retreat, even after months, when you need it. Please don’t hesitate to do this!

Contraindications for the use of a Sacred Plant Medicine:
The use of the Sacred Plant cannot be combined with various forms of medication.
Therefore we will inform potential participants about their own responsibilities for their health and life.
Medicines such as antidepressants, beta blockers and blood-pressure reducers are contraindications, because the Medicine contains a MAO inhibitor that does not combine with these medicines. When in doubt, we always ask you to consult your attending physician.
Psychiatric indications such as borderline, clinical depression and (a disposition towards) psychosis are also contraindications. People being treated (not of their own initiative) by a psychologist or psychiatrist must first discuss their desire to participate in an Sacred Plant ceremony with their attending psychologist or psychiatrist and provide a written statement of advice prior to participating in a ceremony.
NB: The medicine plant ceremony is not a replacement for medical treatment or therapy. It is a spiritual journey; an investigation into your deepest nature. Your sacred journey can support you in your personal development, transformation and integration of your living experiences.

Tickets link:

Evenement bekijken →
Cosmic Sexuality - Grounded Spirit !
naar 8 mrt

Cosmic Sexuality - Grounded Spirit !

  • Google Agenda ICS

Cosmic Sexuality - Grounded Spirit!

Sexual shamanic work, sexological bodywork, tantra and deep process work - Weekend exploration Erotic empowerment.

Facilitators: Sadhu Valakhylias and Tanya Rozenthal , Amsterdam NL

How well do you know yourself, as a souvereign Erotic Being?
What does it mean, to be fully present in your body and your awareness?

A weekend of landing and expanding your presence and sexuality in your body!
Come home to your body as the vehicle for your relationship with life as a sexual, creative and alchemical experience!

In this 2 day workshop you’ll be supported in cultivating your body as a vessel to contain and hold a more limitless experience of your sexuality and a more grounded experience of your spirit.

You’ll explore the art of anchoring expanded states in your body, and of meeting the force of your sexuality as a gateway to greater freedom, to owning your bigness as an energy being, and to evolving out of self limiting belief systems & life paradigms!

You’ll examine the ways in which our longstanding cultural disconnection between sexuality and spirituality lives within you. You’ll move through processes to bridge these places of disconnection and reclaim your sexuality and spirituality as intimately interrelated.

Sadhu and Tanya will guide you through shamanic ritual, breathwork, energy & bodywork, and deep process work, to support you in landing the cosmic wisdom of your sexuality in your body.

Return your sense of belonging to yourself and in the world, as sexual, spiritual and welcomed by life!

About Sadhu and Tanya:
Tanya and Sadhu love to share their gifts as space holders and facilitators of deep process work. They bring a rich fusion of experience in sexual shamanic work, sexological bodywork, tantra and embodiment practices, working with both individuals and groups.
They are playful love pirates riding the sea of transformation, each devoted to their own individual heart expanding journeys. They are grounded, creative and committed to authentic human expression.

This is a very LGBTQIA Friendly event! All adults of all gender identities and sexual preferences are welcome.

This event involves optional nudity and erotic touch.
You are never required to touch or be touched by someone you don’t wish to share touch with, or be touched in any way that is not of your choosing.

In this workshop we ask you to take full responsibility for the choices you make in how you participate. We will work with erotic energy outside of sexual interaction and attraction. This deep process work does not require participants to be attracted to one another.

We ask that you always stay within your own boundaries and create an experience that honours the boundaries of each person you work with.
We also invite you to allow yourself to be surprised, and open to exploring the possibilities of experience you can create when you let go of preconceived ideas.

Super Early bird: 180 € for the first 5 participants
Early bird: 220 € until 21 of February
Full price: 260 € after 21 of Februari

Book your place now:
mail or text Tanya Rozenthal, telnr. +31618531446

No one is turned away for lack of funds.
If the super early-bird price is beyond your current financial means then please contact us to discuss further price reductions.

Cancellations and refunds:
Cancellations made more than 28 days in advance of the event will receive a full refund minus a €25 administration fee. Cancellations made 28 days or less before the event will be charged in full. Late cancellation fees apply except in unavoidable circumstances, in which case Tanya and Sadhu may, at their own discretion, give a full refund (minus a €25 administration fee) or transfer your payment to a future event.

Evenement bekijken →
Full Moon Ceremony: Cutting the Cord of Attachment
7:30 p.m.19:30

Full Moon Ceremony: Cutting the Cord of Attachment

Grandmother’s teachings. Full Moon Ceremony: Cutting the cords of Attachment.

Mooie vrouwen-sisters, healers, helpers, groovy babes, sexy witches, empathic bitches en light beings van alle frequenties,

Deze avond is voor elke vrouw die met vrouwen werkt of wil werken of behoefte heeft aan dieper loslaten. Het verleden helen, energetische en emotionele reiniging, het opschonen van je Womb tempel met de hulp van de Aarde, de Maan en het collectieve, vrouwenkracht.

Kom als je klaar bent om iets of iemand dat ooit heel belangrijk voor jou was (of is) los te laten als je weet dat dit in de weg staat naar meer juicy aliveness voor jou.

Dit ritueel heb ik 25 jaar geleden ontvangen, van twee eigenwijze en krachtige medicijnvrouwen, grootmoeders uit de Cherokee traditie.
Bij de Volle Maan komen we samen we in een kleine vrouwen cirkel om samen een krachtveld te vormen en met de hulp van de Maan de heelheid van onze vrouwelijke natuur terughalen.
Deze bijeenkomst is Sacred temple en sister time.


Wat breng je mee?
- pen en papier
- een krachtvoorwerp en/of een kristal die voor jou krachtig en helder aanvoelt
-een etherische olie die bij jou "past"
-je eigen witte stompkaars van ongeveer 6-10 cm hoog. Deze neem je ook weer met je mee naar huis.
Bij de aanmelding krijg je meer informatie over de energetische voorbereiding.
Temple of Sacred Arts
Amsterdam Noord

Deze Rite of Wholeness wordt gegeven op drie avonden, naar keuze:
9 februari
8 april
8 mei

Begintijd: 19.30
Eindtijd: 22.30

Bijdrage: 25 euro per avond.
Aanmelden via de mail:
(plek voor 10 vrouwen)

Betaling: reserveer je plek met betaling via,
of met een tikkie app.

Begeleiding: Tanya Rozenthal

Wil je meer weten over hoe kun je jezelf nog beter voorbereiden voor dit ritueel?
Lees dan verder in het Engels hieronder.

The Rite of Wholeness: Full Moon ceremony

There are several significant rituals that I desire to share to bring you into better harmony and honor with your Inner Mother.

I emphasize beginning with the ritual as it primarily clears your etheric body and profoundly opens you to reclaiming your personal power. The ritual is a means to “resourcing” your entire organism - mind, body and soul. Once centered in your personal power, you are much more grounded and able to effectively manifest your Will through all other rituals.

I consider this ritual the jewel for it is the beginning to opening the doors for genuine change and growth to occur in your life.
The ritual insures that you have dropped another person's emotional baggage and that whatever weight you are carrying is entirely yours.

When we are still bound to people that we are no longer wanting to be sexually intimate with, this tie creates an energy leak, wounding our medicine body. This ritual is a profound exercise in sealing this leakage.

Before you can move on to perfecting the other rituals, it is important to be grounded in your personal power. You are available for the positive effect rituals will have in your life. The practice here allows you to cut through the non-sense, releasing the hold that someone non-consciously has over you. The involvement in this ceremony also helps you to recognize how not to claim other people's stuff as your own. It truly functions as an empowering act of self-definition and self-realization.

This ritual is also an incredible healing ritual for someone who has been sexually abused. Even if you do not have a vivid memory of the person, the abuser has died or was a stranger, the power of your mind to create a feeling of that person will help the ritual to continue being effective.

This ritual dismantles the memory of pains' imprint, meshed deep in the tissues, cells and membrane. If you are working with sexual abuse issues and the thought of remembering the wound creates too much distress, please have the guidance of a therapist and ritual elder before you launch into the ceremony. Do not do this ritual until you feel strong enough to handle the image. This ritual is not meant for you to re-experience the devastation of sexual abuse. It is being provided as a healing tool to realign you back to your essential nature.

The purpose of the ceremony is manifold, the outcome being to sever negative ties. By negative ties I am referring to any attachment that confines you, or prevents you from moving forward in your life's goals. That keeps you embroiled in emotional issues, not allowing you to release this energy and create balance and success in your life. You are replenished in reclaiming your personal power and by sealing up any tears in your auric field that have been created through energy leakages.

In many esoteric traditions, psychic “law” states that once you enter upon a sexual plane with someone you remain energetically attached to them for life. This tie/attachment results in a spillage of your vital energy. Even within relationships that you consider healthy, the hold on your life energy remains with that person until you decide to reclaim it. Once sexual energy is exchanged, you are creating another entity.

Quantum mechanics states that two subatomic particles can interact locally and then move far apart. However, even if they end up in the opposite sides of the world, they must still be treated as a whole, as one unit - their behavior will continue to affect each other in spite of the immeasurable distances that separate them. This is exactly what happens in the sharing of sexual energy.

Even when you stop being intimate you still remain affected to some degree by what is impacting on that person's life. When your sexual energy remains caught up with previous sexual partners you may see yourself in a prolonged struggle, and it doesn't shift no matter what you do.

This happening may not have to do directly with your life situation. It may very well have something to do with the karmic fallout that you are receiving from the other person's life. In the same manner, if that person is experiencing a great deal of success, that too may influence your life. Given all of this, wouldn't it just be less complicated to know that what ever is happening in your world is due to your own cause and effect.

Keep your energy fields clear and open. The less uncertainty in your life, the more fully you embody the immensity of what ecstasy brings. When it is time to move into a sexual experience with a new partner, it will be more meaningful if you don't have the psychic/sexual/emotional energy of previous partners still stuck to you.

Sometimes we physically and mentally let go of things but not emotionally. Until it's resolved, you will still be held there. The magnitude of our thinking has to change to move us into being 100 percent behind whatever it is we say we want in order to move forward, away from the dispirited energy.

To relate to someone sexually is, as you well know, a very powerful experience-emotionally and physically. Most importantly, and this is the element that is oftentimes overlooked or not understood, the sexual act is a highly spiritual/psychic connecting where metaphysical forces become involved each time you engage in this union.

There are many schools of thought, e.g. the Kabbalah, Taoism, or Tantric Yoga, that practice sex as a science and law which recognizes the knowledge of its mystical source.

Sex is very pleasurable. That's a part of the Master plan - make it so delightful that we want to experience it again and again. The renewing of this experience brings us to close proximity with the exstasis- the multiple orgasmic tempest of the Creator that gave life animation. The design for the sexual act was that of a creative template. We were meant to utilize this energy for pleasure, creativity and healing.

Even if it is or has been favorable, once you are no longer participating in that relationship it will be to your advantage to pull back that particle of your energy that you once shared. This is for your own continued balance and spiritual clarity.
The body experiences its greatest pleasure when it is in the service of its highest manifestation.

I was taught this ritual twenty five years ago through the Taslagi (Cherokee) teachings. Since that time, I have come across different variations on the same theme.
This ritual comes to its greatest significance during the full moon. The full-moon feminine, mystery, receptive, aspects of yourself will support, intensify and facilitate the process.

How to prepare?
1.The day of the ceremony reflect on what you want to let go, or to give back to the Moon.
2. Put the most intense person first to work with. When you get rid of the ones that most held your heart hostage, the aftermath does not create a residual affect as you are working with the energies that hold a lesser density.
3. Before the ceremony you can purify yourself:

As a reminder you may begin by smudging, taking spiritual baths, spending more time in nature and being in a state of prayerfulness, being mindful of your attitude.
Your physical temple must also be ready to welcome the personal power that is returning. Physical cleansing, externally and internally- may incorporate fasting, salt scrubbings or dry skin brushing to remove debris from the skin, being mindful of the foods you are eating, and not involving yourself with anyone that will complicate your efforts to stay focused, or deplete your energy.

The full moon is the time when you move from potentiality into actuality.
The meaning of your work is revealed. The involvement in this ritual will reinforce the impregnation of your intention upon your spirit.

The umbilical ceremony clears the channel at the tantien. In Chinese medicine the tantien is known as the repository for the vitality forces and is located two inches below the navel. It is our gut, the home of our intuition. It is from our "guts"/"gutsiness" that we derive courage, moral and physical strength. It is a primal place where thunder can be activated/ galvanized. It is said that the creative energies of the cosmos issue from this site. Another name for this area of the body is "energy sea." It is the seat of intuition, and the Chinese credit it with greatly influencing creativity.

In Tantra yoga the navel area is referred to as the "elixir field," the "house" where the most profound medicine is produced and stored. The inner fire serpent (kundalini- shakti) that is stoked in Tantra yoga is developed in the transformation center of the navel. This area is emphasized for the umbilical ceremony because it is the very center from which the transformed energies flow.

I will see you in the Moon shine!

You are always loved,

Evenement bekijken →
Pelvic Heart Immersion:  Integrating Sex, Heart & Spirit
naar 23 nov

Pelvic Heart Immersion: Integrating Sex, Heart & Spirit

Pelvic Heart Immersion:
Integrating Sex, Heart and Spirit

(text in Dutch below)

Pelvic Heart Integration, what is it about?

In this 5 days journey we are going to explore, transform and experience the essential laws of the Life energy flow and the human nature of Love.
We will dive into the foundation of the Breath of Life and the polarity of the Masculine and the Feminine as an Alchemical process you were born from.
You will be able to see, to experience, to feel and to own the cell information you was born with and what you are carrying with you as a genetic Love Code.
In this structure you will find deep insights of what and how it effected you as a free s’xual human being.
We will discover how our characteristic breathing patterns, thoughts, emotions, and body armour block the free flow of our life force and inhibit our capacity for sensual pleasure and orgasmic energies. We use breath, movement and mindful touch to feel the unity of love and satisfaction.

Love, passion, spirituality and sexuality as core themes of being human are extensively discussed in the Pelvic Heart Immersion (PHI, pelvic-heart intensive).

PHI increases our awareness in the field of love, relationships and sexuality. It gives you powerful tools to harmonise yourself as a total being. Through depth bodywork, tantric energy work, breath work, psychodrama, transforming systemic traumas and hindering family patterns, you are invited to explore these themes.

Love and passion

For a child it is important to see that his or her mother and father feel love and passion for each other. It touches a deep level of self-esteem and self-love. If there are tensions between the parents, you can take over as a child. It is important as a child to have an example of flowing love between his or her parents. The child thus receives permission to be worthy of his or her (own) love.

Role model

If the child has missed this, the balance between allowing love and receiving can be disturbed. When the flow of receiving is blocked, this can be reflected in our adult (sexual) relationships. There is no role model for receiving, so we are going to fill in relationships with giving. When parents are not supportive of our sexuality, this can cause problems in inventing and integrating it.


During the workshop we explore deep processes in re-uniting sexuality and love. A flowing connection between your pelvis and your heart is essential. If you are not reachable in your pelvis, then you will experience love mainly from your heart. It can lead to you giving easily and that you are less aware of your limits. Intimacy When your energy flows mainly from your pelvis, but your heart is protecting itself because of the memories of old pain, you may be able to express yourself sexually, but the intimate deepening from your heart is less present. You may experience more flatness on an emotional level and miss intimacy in your relationships.

Healing your Inner Marriage

You will be guided in harmoniously connecting your inner masculine and feminine parts and in discovering how you can deepen and increase the flow of love for yourself and for others, through the connection of your pelvis with your heart. This inner integration gives a constant sensual dimension to your love. By opening yourself to spiritual energy flowing from the past, your parents and your ancestors, you will experience how your Sex, Heart and Spirit come to a wholeness, supporting your family's experiences, desires and blessings. It will give you the opportunity to experience your sexuality as a gift of a vital, greater flow of a life force that unites the past, present and future of your bloodline in a healing movement.

What can you expect?

-5 days Intensive, safe-setting-private group of up to twelve participants with three highly experienced facilitators

- participants from all sexual orientations and expressions are welcome

- in-depth individual and group processes with the potential for transformation

- breath work, body work, family dynamics, patterns in generations- we guard your safety and your limits with our bodies and lives

- in some processes we work with partial nudity. You always decide how much or how little clothing you wear

- if desired: intimate body work (pelvic heart release) to release and integrate tensions and blockages in the pelvic area

- The Immersion is given in English (translated in Dutch when needed).

What do the others say about the Pelvic Heart Immersion?

Wow what a journey! It has brought me so much. I still vibrate after everything that has happened in me. The frozen piece that has been thawed and the energy that was released. I still feel it... The power within me is overwhelming. I can be completely myself, and I can enjoy this, as I have never been able to experience it before.

Mr. H.P., 52 yr.

I feel a great shift in myself after the workshop. I feel my center, my core as my own truth. I experience more pleasure in my body, and feel more safety and freedom to express myself in my relationship. I care less about what others think of me and I can sink better into a relaxation.

Mrs. M.S., 41 years

The team

Facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal

Assistance: Magdalena Lisovsky (Tantric Bodywork, proceswork) and Roberto Santi (sexology, energywork)

This workshop is a 'deep dive' experience which will give you the opportunity and abilities to change and to rewrite the script of your early love imprints.
It can bring a new template into your love life and your relationship with yourself and the others.

You will reach the space of freedom and choices to create your new experience which will serve you to feel fully welcome in Life and Love.

Pelvic Heart Immersion will give you a deep and rich opportunity to explore, to embody and to express yourself, fully enjoying who you are:

- the tools to rewrite the script of the Love Story- the Alchemy of your parental Triangle
- the insights in what was holding you back in love and life
- letting go of limitations in love you have got at your very early age
-getting the permissions to have pleasure, without guilt and shame
-to unlock the natural source of ultimate joy and freedom- receiving life and love without the limits

No previous experience of this kind of work is required, though familiarity with the principles of neo-Reichian bodywork, Gestalt therapy and the modern western approach to Tantra are all helpful.

All inclusive

The all-inclusive programme of this fully accomodated, intensive and deeply transforming five-day Intensive:

-Support before and after the Immersion.

Personal introductory talks : Intake via Skype, in preparation for the Immersion and individual session for the integration afterwards

- early morning program

- all workshops

- accomodation based on two or four-bed room, of your choice (as long as this option is available)

-organic vegetarian catering

-outside activities

-Staying in the nature environment with lots of walking possibilities

- lots of privacy: during the Immersion you have the space to integrate or rest

-there are at least two evening programmes: with music, massage and Sacred Fire ritual outside


-740,- euro all-in, based on dubble bed accommodation

-690,- euro all-in, based on four person dormitory (4 places)

- 595,- euro all-in, Very Early Bird discount for the first 3 participants

-Dubble Bird: 1190,- euro per couple (bring-a-friend option is valid)

Payment: tnv T. Rozenthal or else with the bank transfer.

P.S. Would you really like to participate in this Immersion, but you don't have enough financial space? Send a motivation letter to Tanya and consult her about the possibilities to make a part of the contribution in a different way. A partially subsidized place has been made available:

Where? Private location in nature, Gelderland province


PHI Immersion starts on Tuesday 19 November 2019 at 18:00 and ends on Saturday 23 November 2019 at 17:00.

More information?

Have you become enthusiastic and do you feel that this is for you, or do you want to know more about it? Send an email to Tanya Rozenthal via

Please note: only after her confirmation you can be sure that you can count on a place.

NB. Due to the nature of a deep process, we have room for a maximum of 12 participants.

About Pelvic Heart Integration:

Pelvic Heart Integration is a unique and powerful synthesis of neo-Reichian breathwork, somatic release bodywork, psychodrama, trauma work, body reading, s'xual shamanism and Tantra for understanding and harmonizing the whole person particularly in the areas of relationship, love and sexuality.
This system was developed by Dr. Jack Painter and continued by Dr. Deborah Taj Anapol. It has been called “the most potent integration tool for s'xual harmony” by highly experienced sexuality trainers and workshop leaders.

The Pelvic Heart Integration system increases our awareness and gives us tools for healing developmental issues of childhood to the physical, emotional, interpersonal and s'xual issues confronting us as evolving humans including those beliefs and patterns from our ancestral lineage.

Facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal (Netherlands)
Tanya loves to share her gifts as space holder and facilitator of deep process work, with wisdom and humour. She brings a rich fusion of experience in Sacred Eros, shamanism, trauma-informed somatic sexology, Kundalini Awakening, tantra, shadow work and embodiment practices, working with both individuals and groups.
Tanya has background in transpersonal psychology, musicology, literature, eastern mysticism and various BodyMind psychotherapeutic modalities.
Tanya is surfing the waves of consciousness in the sea of transformation for about 20 years, devoted to her own individual heart expanding journey. She is grounded, creative and committed to authentic human expression. More about Tanya:


Pelvic Heart Immersion: Integrating Sex, Heart and Spirit.

Opnieuw in je lichaam komen, je zintuigen wakker maken, in het heden blijven en voelen.

Liefde, passie, spiritualiteit en seksualiteit als kernthema’s van de menszijn komen uitvoerig aan bod in de Pelvic Heart Immersion ( PHI, bekken-hart intensive).

PHI vergroot ons bewustzijn op het gebied van liefde, relaties en seksualiteit. Het geeft jou krachtige tools om jezelf als een totale wezen te harmoniseren. Door de middel van diepte lichaamswerk, tantrisch energiewerk, ademwerk, psychodrama, het transformeren van systemische trauma's en belemmerende familiepatronen word je uitgenodigd om deze thema’s te onderzoeken.

Liefde en passie

Voor een kind is het belangrijk om te zien dat zijn of haar moeder en vader liefde en passie voelen voor elkaar. Het raakt een diep niveau van eigenwaarde en zelfliefde. Als er spanningen zijn tussen de ouders kun je dat als kind overnemen. Het is belangrijk om als kind een voorbeeld te hebben van stromende liefde tussen zijn of haar ouders. Het kind ontvangt daarmee een toestemming zelf de (eigen) liefde waard te zijn.


Heeft het kind dit gemist, dan kan de balans tussen liefde toelaten en ontvangen verstoord raken. Wanneer de stroom van ontvangen geblokkeerd is, kan dat zich weerspiegelen in onze volwassen (seksuele) relaties. Er is geen rolmodel voor het ontvangen, dus we gaan relaties invullen met geven. Wanneer ouders niet ondersteunend zijn voor onze seksualiteit, kan dat problemen opleveren bij het uitvinden en integreren hiervan.


Tijdens de workshop onderzoeken wij diepe processen bij het verenigen van seksualiteit en liefde. Een stromende verbinding tussen je bekken en je hart is daarbij essentieel. Ben je in je bekken niet bereikbaar, dan ervaar je liefde vooral vanuit je hart. Het kan ertoe leiden dat je vooral gemakkelijk geeft en dat je je minder bewust bent van je grenzen. Je verlies gemakkelijk jezelf in relaties met anderen.


Wanneer je energie vooral stroomt vanuit je bekken, maar je hart zichzelf aan het beschermen is vanwege de herinneringen aan oude pijn, kun je mogelijk seksueel jezelf uitdrukken, maar is de intieme verdieping vanuit je hart minder aanwezig. Je kunt dan meer vlakheid ervaren op emotioneel gebied en je mist intimiteit in je relaties.

Helen van je Innerlijke Huwelijk

Je zal begeleid worden in het harmonieus verbinden van je innerlijke mannelijke en vrouwelijke delen en in het ontdekken van hoe je liefdesstroom voor jezelf en voor de anderen kan verdiepen en vergroten, via de verbinding van je bekken met je hart. Deze innerlijke integratie geeft een constante sensuele dimensie aan je liefde. Hierdoor kun je in de liefdevolle verbinding met de anderen zijn, zonder jezelf daarin te verliezen.

Helen van je bloedlijn

Door jezelf te openen voor spirituele energie die vanuit het verleden, vanuit je ouders en je voorouders stroomt, zal je ervaren hoe je Sex, Hart en Spirit tot een heelheid komen, door de ondersteuning van de ervaringen, verlangens en zegeningen van je familie. Het zal je mogelijkheid geven om je seksualiteit te ervaren als een Geschenk van een vitale, grotere stroom van een levenskracht die het verleden, het heden en de toekomst van je bloedlijn verenigt in een helende beweging.

Wat kun je verwachten?
- intensieve vijfdaagse in veilige setting
- besloten groep van maximaal twaalf deelnemers met drie zeer ervaren begeleiders
- deelnemers van alle seksuele oriëntaties en expressies zijn welkom
- diepgaande individuele en groepsprocessen met potentie tot transformatie
- ademwerk, lichaamswerk, gezinsdynamiek, patronen in generaties
- je veiligheid en je grenzen bewaken we met ons lijf en leven
- bij sommige processen werken wij met gedeeltelijke naaktheid. Je bepaalt altijd zelf hoeveel of hoe weinig kleding je draagt.
- als gewenst: intiem lichaamswerk (pelvic heart release) om spanningen en blokkades in het bekkengebied te releasen en te integreren
- De Immersion wordt gegeven in het Engels, met de vertaling in het Nederlands naar behoefte.

Wat zeggen de anderen over de Pelvic Heart Immersion?
-Wauw wat een reis! Het heeft mij zo veel gebracht. Ik tril nog na van alles wat er in mij gebeurd is. Het bevroren stuk wat ontdooid is en de energie die vrijkwam. Ik voel het nog… De kracht in mij is overweldigend. Ik mag helemaal mijzelf zijn, en ik mag hiervan genieten, zoals ik het nog nooit heb kunnen ervaren. Dhr. H.P., 52 jr.
-Ik voel een grote verschuiving in mijzelf na de workshop. Ik voel mijn centrum, mijn kern als mijn eigen waarheid. Ik ervaar meer plezier in mijn lijf, en voel meer veiligheid en vrijheid om mijzelf uit te drukken in mijn relatie. Ik trek me minder aan wat de anderen van mij vinden en kan beter zakken in een ontspanning. Mw. M.S., 41 jr.

Het team

Facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal
Assistentie: Magdalena Lisovsky en Roberto Santi

Tanya is een embodiment alchemiste, somatisch seksuologe, intimiteitscoach, shamanic ritualist, trauma-geïnformeerd lichaamsgericht therapeut, Kundalini yogic healer, kruidenvrouw en muzikant.
Haar achtergrond is ontwikkelingspsychologie, musicologie, letterkunde en hulpverlening.
Als therapeute heeft zij 15 jaar werkervaring in reguliere vrouwenhulpverlening. Sexological Bodywork, traumawerk, yogic healing, seksuele sjamanisme, vrouwenwerk en Pelvic Heart Integration (zoals onderwezen door Deborah Taj Anapol) zijn haar werkgebieden.
In haar werk brengt Tanya kunst en wetenschap, diepte en wijsheid, humor en oeroude rituelen van het transpersoonlijke bij elkaar tot unieke expressie en rijkdom van Full Spectrum Human Being.
Tanya faciliteert embodiment retraites, tribal werk en sacred sexuality workshops in Nederland en in het buitenland en begeleidt cliënten in haar praktijk in Amsterdam.

All inclusive
De all-inclusive programma van deze volledig verzorgde, intensieve en diep transformerende vijfdaagse:

-Support vóór en na de Immersion. Persoonlijke kennismakingsgesprek-intake via skype, ter voorbereiding voor de Immersion en individuele sessie voor de integratie erna.
- vroege ochtend programma
- alle workshops
- overnachtingen op basis van twee- of vierpersoonskamer, naar keuze (zoland deze optie is beschikbaar)
-biologisch vegetarisch catering
- Het verblijf in de natuuromgeving met veel wandelmogelijkheden
- veel privacy: tijdens de Immersion heb je de ruimte om te integreren of uitrusten.

Er zijn minimaal twee avondprogramma’s: met muziek, massage en Sacred Fire ritueel buiten.


-Verblijf op basis van tweepersoonskamer: 740,- euro
-Very Early Bird Korting: 595,- euro voor de eerste 3 deelnemers
-Dubble Bird: 1190,- euro per koppel -Verblijf op basis van vierpersoons dormitory: 690,- euro (4 plekken)

tnv T. Rozenthal of anders met de banktransfer.

P.S. Wil je heel graag deelnemen aan dit Immersion, maar heb je niet genoeg financiële ruimte? Stuur een motivatiebrief aan Tanya en raadpleeg haar over de mogelijkheden om op een andere manier een deel van het bijdrage te kunnen leveren. Er is een plek ter beschikking gesteld die is deels gesubsidieerd.
Privé locatie in de natuur, Gelderland
De PHI Immersion begint op dinsdag 19 november 2019 om 18:00 en eindigt op zaterdag 23 november 2019 om 17:00.

Meer informatie?
Ben je enthousiast geworden en voel je dat dit voor jou is, of wil je hier meer over weten?
Stuur een mail aan Tanya Rozenthal via
Let op: pas na haar bevestiging weet je zeker of je kunt rekenen op een plaats.
NB. Vanwege de aard van een diep proceswerk hebben we plek voor maximaal 12 deelnemers.

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Cosmic Sexuality - Grounded Spirit !

Sexual shamanic work, sexological bodywork, tantra and deep process work - Workshop mit Sadhu Valakhylias und Tanya Rozenthal aus Amsterdam

(Workshop held in English, Deutsche Übersetzung bei Bedarf möglich)
A weekend of landing and expanding your presence and sexuality in your body!
Come home to your body as the vehicle for your relationship with life as a sexual, creative and alchemical experience!
In this 2 day workshop you’ll be supported in cultivating your body as a vessel to contain and hold a more limitless experience of your sexuality and a more grounded experience of your spirit.

You’ll explore the art of anchoring expanded states in your body, and of meeting the force of your sexuality as a gateway to greater freedom, to owning your bigness as an energy being, and to evolving out of self limiting belief systems & life paradigms!

You’ll examine the ways in which our longstanding cultural disconnection between sexuality and spirituality lives within you. You’ll move through processes to bridge these places of disconnection and reclaim your sexuality and spirituality as intimately interrelated.

Sadhu and Tanya will guide you through shamanic ritual, breathwork, energy & bodywork, and deep process work, to support you in landing the cosmic wisdom of your sexuality in your body.

Return your sense of belonging to yourself and in the world, as sexual, spiritual and welcomed by life!

About Sadhu and Tanya:
Tanya and Sadhu love to share their gifts as space holders and facilitators of deep process work. They bring a rich fusion of experience in sexual shamanic work, sexological bodywork, tantra and embodiment practices, working with both individuals and groups.
They are playful love pirates riding the sea of transformation, each devoted to their own individual heart expanding journeys. They are grounded, creative and committed to authentic human expression.

This is a very LGBTQIA Friendly event! All adults of all gender identities and sexual preferences are welcome.

This event involves optional nudity and erotic touch.
You are never required to touch or be touched by someone you don’t wish to share touch with, or be touched in any way that is not of your choosing.

In this workshop we ask you to take full responsibility for the choices you make in how you participate. We will work with erotic energy outside of sexual interaction and attraction. This deep process work does not require participants to be attracted to one another.

We ask that you always stay within your own boundaries and create an experience that honours the boundaries of each person you work with.
We also invite you to allow yourself to be surprised, and open to exploring the possibilities of experience you can create when you let go of preconceived ideas.

Evenement bekijken →
Erotic Power & Ancestral Initiation
naar 15 sep

Erotic Power & Ancestral Initiation

  • Google Agenda ICS

Erotic Power & Ancestral Initiation

With Tanya & Sadhu

Saturday-Sunday September 14-15th 2019 @ The School of T’ai Chi Chuan Amsterdam, Kerkstraat 441, Amsterdam.
Saturday 13:00-21:00
Sunday 13:00-18:00

What if the treasures of the erotic body had been passed through our communities and families from generation to generation with great care, honouring and celebration?

What if you had been nurtured, encouraged and initiated as a sexual being?
How would it feel to have been fully supported in embodying your erotic power throughout your life journey?

In this weekend workshop you’ll take a shamanic journey into the crone cave of the ancestors where you’ll be invited into your enjoyment of your body and sexuality, and to reawaken to your body’s pathways to pleasure.

At this time of autumn equinox where we turn into the darkening time of year, we’ll seek the buried gifts of erotic wisdom within us. We’ll meet the shadows that have been cast over these gifts. The gifts we have been unable to receive and that have instead burdened and weighed us down. You’ll connect with your choice to now receive these gifts.

Through deep process work, you’ll unhook and release yourself from the distorted patterns that have limited your freedom in your relationship with your body and sexuality.

You’ll have the opportunity to track your conditioning around sex and relationships back through your family’s lineages. You’ll be invited to liberate yourself from replaying the traces of harmful stories that have been carried through your family’s generations.

Tanya and Sadhu will lovingly guide and support you through tribal breathwork, ancestral emotional release, transpersonal processes and empowering erotic touch to reclaim your erotic essence.

Come and discover the empowered voices of our ancestors who lived the ways of healthy sexual initiation!

About Sadhu and Tanya
Tanya and Sadhu love to share their gifts as space holders and facilitators of deep process work. They bring a rich fusion of experience in sexual shamanic work, sexological bodywork, tantra and embodiment practices, working with both individuals and groups.

They are playful love pirates riding the sea of transformation, each devoted to their own individual heart expanding journeys. They are grounded, creative, and committed to authentic human expression.

This is a very LGBTQIA Friendly event! All adults of all gender identities and all adult to adult sexual preferences are welcome.

In this workshop, we ask you to take full responsibility for the choices you make in how you participate.

You are never required to touch or be touched by someone you don’t wish to share touch with or be touched in any way that is not of your choosing. You are always encouraged to play within your boundaries. We also invite you to open to exploring the possibilities of experience you can create when you let go of preconceived ideas.

You will work with erotic energy whilst not focusing on sexual interactions or fulfillment of attractions.

At this event you can wear as much or as little clothing as you want.

Things To Bring
Please bring nesting to make yourself comfortable. Recommended nesting items include sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, and yoga/exercise/camping mats.
Please bring a sheet, large towel, sarong and water bottle.
Please bring something for the altar that is connected to your ancestry or your idea of ancestors.
Stretchable, comfortable clothing as you would to exercise.

Super Early-bird - €120 paid via bank transfer for first 5 participants
Early-bird - €140 paid via bank transfer before Tuesday 13th August 2019
Full Price - €160 paid via bank transfer or in cash at the event

RSVP now! Spaces are limited.

Please contact Sadhu ( to arrange payment via bank transfer. Registration is complete once your payment is received.

No one is turned away for lack of funds. If the super early-bird price is beyond your current financial means then please contact Sadhu to discuss further price reductions.

Cancellations and refunds
Cancellations made before August 13th will receive a full refund minus a €25 administration fee. Cancellations made after August 13th will be charged in full. In unavoidable circumstances Tanya & Sadhu may, at their own discretion, give a full refund (minus a €25 administration fee) or transfer your payment to a future event.

The venue address is:
The School of T’ai Chi Chuan Amsterdam, Kerkstraat 441, 1017 HZ, Amsterdam

Saturday - 13:00-21:00
12:30 Doors Open
13:00 Start
17:00-18:00 Dinner Break Saturday
21:00 Finish

Sunday - 13:00-18:00
12:30 Doors Open
13:00 Start
15:30 20 minute break
18:00 Finish

Refreshment & meal break times are subject to change.

The workshop finishes at 18:00 on Sunday. It is important that you
stay to the end. If you have plans afterward, please make sure you
allow yourself time to transition out of the workshop experience.

Evenement bekijken →
"Sex, love, intimacy and everything in between: Conscious relating"
4:00 p.m.16:00

"Sex, love, intimacy and everything in between: Conscious relating"

"Sex, love, intimacy and everything in between: Conscious relating"

Losse bijeenkomsten.

  • Vrijdag 21 juni 16.00 - 18.30

  • Vrijdag 5 juli 16.00 - 18.30

We besteden vaak veel tijd en moeite om ons bewustzijn te verhogen. We mediteren, beoefenen tai chi, en doen yoga om ons lichaam en geest te voeden. 

 Maar alle aandacht en oefeningen in de wereld helpen ons liefdesgeluk niet als we er niet voor kiezen om deze groei van bewustzijn in onze relaties te integreren.

Buiten de yogamat kunnen we gemakkelijk verdwalen in oude patronen, argumenten, emoties, die het ons en onze partners moeilijk maken. Wij doen dit opnieuw en opnieuw - zelfs met iemand van wie we heel veel houden. Of wij proberen het wiel uitvinden, of doen maar wat als het aankomt op intieme relaties, maar bereiken ondanks alle moeite geen vervulling. 

Waarom gebeurt dit?
Wat als we dezelfde aandacht die we dagelijks richten op onze bewustzijnsontwikkeling, zouden schenken aan onze relatie? 


Ben je klaar voor meer voldoening in je liefde, seks en intimiteit?

Betekenisvolle relaties kunnen ons vaak uitdagen. Ze worden een springplank voor groei en zelfkennis. Van goed tot slechter en alles daartussenin, relaties zijn spiegels die ons laten zien wie we zijn, wat we waarderen en hoe we functioneren met de liefde en intimiteit.

Als je er klaar voor bent om nieuwe niveaus van openheid en authenticiteit in je intieme relaties te ontdekken, dit is je kans om dit te ervaren.

Leer jezelf op een geheel nieuwe manier kennen met deze cursus van vier avonden die je niet alleen de inzichten, maar ook meer vreugde, authenticiteit en vertrouwen kan brengen in je intieme relaties.

Tanya Rozenthal, somatisch seksuoloog, intimiteitscoach en embodiment therapeut: “Deze reeks van vier bijeenkomsten is gecreëerd om je te helpen ervaren dat commitment met jezelf, vertrouwen en de bereidheid om aanwezig te zijn, de weg is naar meer ruimte, authenticitet en voldoening in je intieme relaties.”

Wat heb je hieraan?

•       omgaan met innerlijke obstakels voor intimiteit en kwetsbaarheid

•       schaamte en innerlijke oordeel over intimiteit en seksualiteit kunnen loslaten

•       beter in staat zijn om jouw behoeftes te voelen

•       jouw grenzen beter leren aan te geven en beter vragen om wat jij wilt

•       meer plezier en ontspanning ervaren in interacties met de anderen

•       meer veiligheid en vrijheid ontdekken in je vrouwzijn of manzijn 

•       balans van geven en nemen in intieme liefdespatronen herstellen

•       je eigenwaarde erkennen en vergroten

•       leren over de kunst van het verbinden, energetisch seks en de natuurwetten van seksualiteit en intimiteit

Dat is precies waar Conscious Relating je mee naartoe kan nemen.

Of je nu alleen of met een partner komt, dit volledig geklede, dynamische, speelse, ervaringsgerichte experiment zal je opnieuw verbinden met de diepe aanwezigheid, levensplezier en het wonder van echte intimiteit.

Diversiteit en inclusiviteit: Alle leeftijden (vanaf 21 jaar) en alle seksuele voorkeuren en oriëntaties zijn welkom op deze evenement. 

Over Tanya:

Tanya Rozenthal is intimiteitscoach, somatisch seksuoloog, embodiment therapeut,  en sexual healer. Zij heeft brede achtergrond in het academisch muziekonderwijs, culturele studies en ontwikkelingspsychologie. Tanya heeft 15 jaar ervaring in een reguliere vrouwenhulpverlening.

Als bruggenbouwer, met de diepte en humor brengt ze de neurowetenschappen, filosofie, transpersoonlijke psychologie, trauma healing en meerdere oosterse holistische tradities bij elkaar.

Intimiteitscoaching en seks educatie, innerlijke leiderschap, traumawerk, tantra (heilige seksualiteit), sjamanisme en Pelvic Heart-Integration Sexuality Intensives zijn de modaliteiten waarmee Tanya graag mensen ondersteunt, in haar praktijk in Amsterdam of tijdens workshops en retraites in Nederland en in het buitenland.

Meer over Tanya

Evenement bekijken →
"Sex, love, intimacy and everything in between: Conscious relating"
4:00 p.m.16:00

"Sex, love, intimacy and everything in between: Conscious relating"

"Sex, love, intimacy and everything in between: Conscious relating"

Losse bijeenkomsten.

  • Vrijdag 21 juni 16.00 - 18.30

  • Vrijdag 5 juli 16.00 - 18.30

We besteden vaak veel tijd en moeite om ons bewustzijn te verhogen. We mediteren, beoefenen tai chi, en doen yoga om ons lichaam en geest te voeden. 

 Maar alle aandacht en oefeningen in de wereld helpen ons liefdesgeluk niet als we er niet voor kiezen om deze groei van bewustzijn in onze relaties te integreren.

Buiten de yogamat kunnen we gemakkelijk verdwalen in oude patronen, argumenten, emoties, die het ons en onze partners moeilijk maken. Wij doen dit opnieuw en opnieuw - zelfs met iemand van wie we heel veel houden. Of wij proberen het wiel uitvinden, of doen maar wat als het aankomt op intieme relaties, maar bereiken ondanks alle moeite geen vervulling. 

Waarom gebeurt dit?
Wat als we dezelfde aandacht die we dagelijks richten op onze bewustzijnsontwikkeling, zouden schenken aan onze relatie? 


Ben je klaar voor meer voldoening in je liefde, seks en intimiteit?

Betekenisvolle relaties kunnen ons vaak uitdagen. Ze worden een springplank voor groei en zelfkennis. Van goed tot slechter en alles daartussenin, relaties zijn spiegels die ons laten zien wie we zijn, wat we waarderen en hoe we functioneren met de liefde en intimiteit.

Als je er klaar voor bent om nieuwe niveaus van openheid en authenticiteit in je intieme relaties te ontdekken, dit is je kans om dit te ervaren.

Leer jezelf op een geheel nieuwe manier kennen met deze cursus van vier avonden die je niet alleen de inzichten, maar ook meer vreugde, authenticiteit en vertrouwen kan brengen in je intieme relaties.

Tanya Rozenthal, somatisch seksuoloog, intimiteitscoach en embodiment therapeut: “Deze reeks van vier bijeenkomsten is gecreëerd om je te helpen ervaren dat commitment met jezelf, vertrouwen en de bereidheid om aanwezig te zijn, de weg is naar meer ruimte, authenticitet en voldoening in je intieme relaties.”

Wat heb je hieraan?

•       omgaan met innerlijke obstakels voor intimiteit en kwetsbaarheid

•       schaamte en innerlijke oordeel over intimiteit en seksualiteit kunnen loslaten

•       beter in staat zijn om jouw behoeftes te voelen

•       jouw grenzen beter leren aan te geven en beter vragen om wat jij wilt

•       meer plezier en ontspanning ervaren in interacties met de anderen

•       meer veiligheid en vrijheid ontdekken in je vrouwzijn of manzijn 

•       balans van geven en nemen in intieme liefdespatronen herstellen

•       je eigenwaarde erkennen en vergroten

•       leren over de kunst van het verbinden, energetisch seks en de natuurwetten van seksualiteit en intimiteit

Dat is precies waar Conscious Relating je mee naartoe kan nemen.

Of je nu alleen of met een partner komt, dit volledig geklede, dynamische, speelse, ervaringsgerichte experiment zal je opnieuw verbinden met de diepe aanwezigheid, levensplezier en het wonder van echte intimiteit.

Diversiteit en inclusiviteit: Alle leeftijden (vanaf 21 jaar) en alle seksuele voorkeuren en oriëntaties zijn welkom op deze evenement. 

Over Tanya:

Tanya Rozenthal is intimiteitscoach, somatisch seksuoloog, embodiment therapeut,  en sexual healer. Zij heeft brede achtergrond in het academisch muziekonderwijs, culturele studies en ontwikkelingspsychologie. Tanya heeft 15 jaar ervaring in een reguliere vrouwenhulpverlening.

Als bruggenbouwer, met de diepte en humor brengt ze de neurowetenschappen, filosofie, transpersoonlijke psychologie, trauma healing en meerdere oosterse holistische tradities bij elkaar.

Intimiteitscoaching en seks educatie, innerlijke leiderschap, traumawerk, tantra (heilige seksualiteit), sjamanisme en Pelvic Heart-Integration Sexuality Intensives zijn de modaliteiten waarmee Tanya graag mensen ondersteunt, in haar praktijk in Amsterdam of tijdens workshops en retraites in Nederland en in het buitenland.

Meer over Tanya

Evenement bekijken →
"Sex, love, intimacy and everything in between: Conscious relating"
4:00 p.m.16:00

"Sex, love, intimacy and everything in between: Conscious relating"

"Sex, love, intimacy and everything in between: Conscious relating"

Cursus van 4 bijeenkomsten.

  • Vrijdag 24 mei 16.00 - 18.30

  • Zaterdag 8 juni 16.00 - 18.30

  • Vrijdag 21 juni 16.00 - 18.30

  • Vrijdag 5 juli 16.00 - 18.30

We besteden vaak veel tijd en moeite om ons bewustzijn te verhogen. We mediteren, beoefenen tai chi, en doen yoga om ons lichaam en geest te voeden. 

 Maar alle aandacht en oefeningen in de wereld helpen ons liefdesgeluk niet als we er niet voor kiezen om deze groei van bewustzijn in onze relaties te integreren.

Buiten de yogamat kunnen we gemakkelijk verdwalen in oude patronen, argumenten, emoties, die het ons en onze partners moeilijk maken. Wij doen dit opnieuw en opnieuw - zelfs met iemand van wie we heel veel houden. Of wij proberen het wiel uitvinden, of doen maar wat als het aankomt op intieme relaties, maar bereiken ondanks alle moeite geen vervulling. 

Waarom gebeurt dit?
Wat als we dezelfde aandacht die we dagelijks richten op onze bewustzijnsontwikkeling, zouden schenken aan onze relatie? 


Ben je klaar voor meer voldoening in je liefde, seks en intimiteit?

Betekenisvolle relaties kunnen ons vaak uitdagen. Ze worden een springplank voor groei en zelfkennis. Van goed tot slechter en alles daartussenin, relaties zijn spiegels die ons laten zien wie we zijn, wat we waarderen en hoe we functioneren met de liefde en intimiteit.

Als je er klaar voor bent om nieuwe niveaus van openheid en authenticiteit in je intieme relaties te ontdekken, dit is je kans om dit te ervaren.

Leer jezelf op een geheel nieuwe manier kennen met deze cursus van vier avonden die je niet alleen de inzichten, maar ook meer vreugde, authenticiteit en vertrouwen kan brengen in je intieme relaties.

Tanya Rozenthal, somatisch seksuoloog, intimiteitscoach en embodiment therapeut: “Deze reeks van vier bijeenkomsten is gecreëerd om je te helpen ervaren dat commitment met jezelf, vertrouwen en de bereidheid om aanwezig te zijn, de weg is naar meer ruimte, authenticitet en voldoening in je intieme relaties.”

Wat heb je hieraan?

•       omgaan met innerlijke obstakels voor intimiteit en kwetsbaarheid

•       schaamte en innerlijke oordeel over intimiteit en seksualiteit kunnen loslaten

•       beter in staat zijn om jouw behoeftes te voelen

•       jouw grenzen beter leren aan te geven en beter vragen om wat jij wilt

•       meer plezier en ontspanning ervaren in interacties met de anderen

•       meer veiligheid en vrijheid ontdekken in je vrouwzijn of manzijn 

•       balans van geven en nemen in intieme liefdespatronen herstellen

•       je eigenwaarde erkennen en vergroten

•       leren over de kunst van het verbinden, energetisch seks en de natuurwetten van seksualiteit en intimiteit

Dat is precies waar Conscious Relating je mee naartoe kan nemen.

Of je nu alleen of met een partner komt, dit volledig geklede, dynamische, speelse, ervaringsgerichte experiment zal je opnieuw verbinden met de diepe aanwezigheid, levensplezier en het wonder van echte intimiteit.

Diversiteit en inclusiviteit: Alle leeftijden (vanaf 21 jaar) en alle seksuele voorkeuren en oriëntaties zijn welkom op deze evenement. 

Over Tanya:

Tanya Rozenthal is intimiteitscoach, somatisch seksuoloog, embodiment therapeut,  en sexual healer. Zij heeft brede achtergrond in het academisch muziekonderwijs, culturele studies en ontwikkelingspsychologie. Tanya heeft 15 jaar ervaring in een reguliere vrouwenhulpverlening.

Als bruggenbouwer, met de diepte en humor brengt ze de neurowetenschappen, filosofie, transpersoonlijke psychologie, trauma healing en meerdere oosterse holistische tradities bij elkaar.

Intimiteitscoaching en seks educatie, innerlijke leiderschap, traumawerk, tantra (heilige seksualiteit), sjamanisme en Pelvic Heart-Integration Sexuality Intensives zijn de modaliteiten waarmee Tanya graag mensen ondersteunt, in haar praktijk in Amsterdam of tijdens workshops en retraites in Nederland en in het buitenland.

Meer over Tanya

Evenement bekijken →
10:30 a.m.10:30

Pelvic Heart Integration: Rewriting the script of Love

Pelvic Heart Integration is a unique and powerful synthesis of neo-Reichian breathwork, somatic release bodywork, psychodrama, trauma work, body reading, s'xual shamanism and Tantra for understanding and harmonizing the whole person particularly in the areas of relationship, love and s'xuality.
This system was developed by Dr. Jack Painter and continued by Dr. Deborah Taj Anapol. It has been called “the most potent integration tool for s'xual harmony” by highly experienced sexuality trainers and workshop leaders.

The Pelvic Heart Integration system increases our awareness and gives us tools for healing developmental issues of childhood to the physical, emotional, interpersonal and s'xual issues confronting us as evolving humans including those beliefs and patterns from our ancestral lineage.

"Pelvic Heart Integration, Rewriting the Script of Love" workshop, what is it about?

In this 4,5 hours journey we are going to explore, transform and experience the essential laws of the Life energy flow and the human nature of Love.
We will dive into the foundation of the Breath of Life and the polarity of the Masculine and the Feminine as an Alchemical process you were born from.
You will be able to see, to experience, to feel and to own the cell information you was born with and what you are carrying with you as a genetic Love Code.
In this structure you will find deep insights of what and how it effected you as a free sexual human being.
We will discover how our characteristic breathing patterns, thoughts, emotions, and body armour block the free flow of our life force and inhibit our capacity for sensual pleasure and orgasmic release. We use breath, movement and mindful touch to feel the unity of love and satisfaction.
Pelvic-Heart Integration explores the unconscious emotional body armour and breathing patterns, as well as habitual protection and defence mechanisms that were learned in our inner triangle.

This of course influences your emotional patterns and behaviours in your present relationships. Role playing, imagination, body talk, hands-on techniques, self-expression and movement, as well as group exercises and exchanges guide you in this process.

This workshop is a 'deep dive' experience which will give you the opportunity and abilities to change and to rewrite the script of your early love imprints.
It can bring a new template into your love life and your relationship with yourself and the others.

You will reach the space of freedom and choices to create your new experience which will serve you to feel fully welcome in Life and Love.

Pelvic Heart Integration workshop will give you a deep and playful opportunity to explore, to embody and to express yourself, fully enjoying who you are:

- the tools to rewrite the script of the Love Story- the Alchemy of your parental Triangle
- the insights in what was holding you back in love and life
- letting go of limitations in love you have got at your very early age
-getting the permissions to have pleasure, without guilt and shame
-to unlock the natural source of ultimate joy and freedom- receiving life and love without the limits

No previous experience of this kind of work is required, though familiarity with the principles of neo-Reichian bodywork, Gestalt therapy and the modern western approach to Tantra are all helpful.

Facilitator: Tanya Rozenthal (Netherlands)
Tanya loves to share her gifts as space holder and facilitator of deep process work. She brings a rich fusion of experience in Sacred Eros, shamanic work, trauma-informed sexological bodywork, shadow work, Kundalini Awakening, tantra and embodiment practices, working with both individuals and groups.
Tanya has background in transpersonal psychology, musicology, literature, eastern mysticism and various BodyMind psychotherapeutic modalities.
Tanya is a bloody serious playful love pirate riding the deep sea of transformation for about 20 years, devoted to her own individual heart expanding journey. She is grounded, creative and committed to authentic human expression.

More about Tanya and PHI:

Tickets: various rates, £25 - £40

Evenement bekijken →
 "Sex, love, intimacy and everything in between: Conscious relating"
4:00 p.m.16:00

"Sex, love, intimacy and everything in between: Conscious relating"

"Sex, love, intimacy and everything in between: Conscious relating"

Cursus van 4 bijeenkomsten.

  • Vrijdag 24 mei 16.00 - 18.30

  • Zaterdag 8 juni 16.00 - 18.30

  • Vrijdag 21 juni 16.00 - 18.30

  • Vrijdag 5 juli 16.00 - 18.30

We besteden vaak veel tijd en moeite om ons bewustzijn te verhogen. We mediteren, beoefenen tai chi, en doen yoga om ons lichaam en geest te voeden. 

 Maar alle aandacht en oefeningen in de wereld helpen ons liefdesgeluk niet als we er niet voor kiezen om deze groei van bewustzijn in onze relaties te integreren.

Buiten de yogamat kunnen we gemakkelijk verdwalen in oude patronen, argumenten, emoties, die het ons en onze partners moeilijk maken. Wij doen dit opnieuw en opnieuw - zelfs met iemand van wie we heel veel houden. Of wij proberen het wiel uitvinden, of doen maar wat als het aankomt op intieme relaties, maar bereiken ondanks alle moeite geen vervulling. 

Waarom gebeurt dit?
Wat als we dezelfde aandacht die we dagelijks richten op onze bewustzijnsontwikkeling, zouden schenken aan onze relatie? 


Ben je klaar voor meer voldoening in je liefde, seks en intimiteit?

Betekenisvolle relaties kunnen ons vaak uitdagen. Ze worden een springplank voor groei en zelfkennis. Van goed tot slechter en alles daartussenin, relaties zijn spiegels die ons laten zien wie we zijn, wat we waarderen en hoe we functioneren met de liefde en intimiteit.

Als je er klaar voor bent om nieuwe niveaus van openheid en authenticiteit in je intieme relaties te ontdekken, dit is je kans om dit te ervaren.

Leer jezelf op een geheel nieuwe manier kennen met deze cursus van vier avonden die je niet alleen de inzichten, maar ook meer vreugde, authenticiteit en vertrouwen kan brengen in je intieme relaties.

Tanya Rozenthal, somatisch seksuoloog, intimiteitscoach en embodiment therapeut: “Deze reeks van vier bijeenkomsten is gecreëerd om je te helpen ervaren dat commitment met jezelf, vertrouwen en de bereidheid om aanwezig te zijn, de weg is naar meer ruimte, authenticitet en voldoening in je intieme relaties.”

Wat heb je hieraan?

•       omgaan met innerlijke obstakels voor intimiteit en kwetsbaarheid

•       schaamte en innerlijke oordeel over intimiteit en seksualiteit kunnen loslaten

•       beter in staat zijn om jouw behoeftes te voelen

•       jouw grenzen beter leren aan te geven en beter vragen om wat jij wilt

•       meer plezier en ontspanning ervaren in interacties met de anderen

•       meer veiligheid en vrijheid ontdekken in je vrouwzijn of manzijn 

•       balans van geven en nemen in intieme liefdespatronen herstellen

•       je eigenwaarde erkennen en vergroten

•       leren over de kunst van het verbinden, energetisch seks en de natuurwetten van seksualiteit en intimiteit

Dat is precies waar Conscious Relating je mee naartoe kan nemen.

Of je nu alleen of met een partner komt, dit volledig geklede, dynamische, speelse, ervaringsgerichte experiment zal je opnieuw verbinden met de diepe aanwezigheid, levensplezier en het wonder van echte intimiteit.

Diversiteit en inclusiviteit: Alle leeftijden (vanaf 21 jaar) en alle seksuele voorkeuren en oriëntaties zijn welkom op deze evenement. 

Over Tanya:

Tanya Rozenthal is intimiteitscoach, somatisch seksuoloog, embodiment therapeut,  en sexual healer. Zij heeft brede achtergrond in het academisch muziekonderwijs, culturele studies en ontwikkelingspsychologie. Tanya heeft 15 jaar ervaring in een reguliere vrouwenhulpverlening.

Als bruggenbouwer, met de diepte en humor brengt ze de neurowetenschappen, filosofie, transpersoonlijke psychologie, trauma healing en meerdere oosterse holistische tradities bij elkaar.

Intimiteitscoaching en seks educatie, innerlijke leiderschap, traumawerk, tantra (heilige seksualiteit), sjamanisme en Pelvic Heart-Integration Sexuality Intensives zijn de modaliteiten waarmee Tanya graag mensen ondersteunt, in haar praktijk in Amsterdam of tijdens workshops en retraites in Nederland en in het buitenland.

Meer over Tanya

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